chapter 22

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Lucy's POV÷ (at the entrance of camp)

Séan, John and I rode into camp, I stopped Leo next to Sophie's horse and Count, I carefully and safely climbed down from Leo. John helped me down, I said thank you to him and I petted Leo's neck and then I started to walk to the money box for camp. When I got to the box in the manor and upstairs, I opened it up and then I put £140 into it and the money from the pelt and the antlers into it as well, I closed it and then I wrote it down in the book next to the box, then I walked carefully downstairs and then outside and the started to walk to one of the fires.

When I got to the fires, I saw that Sophie was at it too so I said to her when I sat down next to her and the fire while being careful of my leg "hey soph', I forgot to ask you what you called your horse?" And then she said to me "oh, it's bullseye but what happened to your leg though?" I said to her while not realising that Hosea, Dutch and Arthur were overhearing what we were saying "oh! I just got shot by someone that I robbed from. Don't Worry, I will be running and riding after a week or two. I am okay, it hurts like a motherfucker, I went through it once before I can do it again and I just have to be careful with it and clean it everyday but hey what can i do about it aha… and I can't wait for my 21st birthday too, it's in 2 days." Sophie and I kept talking and laughing.

2 days later÷ (it is my birthday)

I was walking around the camp helping out, Dutch didn't want me working too hard on my injured leg so I said just one word to him "understandable", today none said 'happy birthday' to me yet… but hey, it is ok… well Sophie said happy birthday to me and given me a book that she really love and that she thinks that I would love it too, I quickly put it in my bag and then said 'thank you for the book and I will read it when I can' to her. 10 minutes later, mr.Pearson walked up to me and then said to me when he got me "hello miss. Hodgson, can you come to town to get some things for camp with me? And happy birthday too" I said to him "of course mr.Pearson, I will help you and thank you for that too." Then we walked to the wagon that he and maybe someone else set it up.

When mr.Pearson and I got to the wagon, I climbed onto the wagon just using my good leg (i can do that, it's pretty easy), I sat down on the seat of the wagon and then mr.Pearson sat down next to me, then asked if i'm ready to go and I said to him happily 'let's go' and then mr.Pearson picked up the reins of the wagon and told the horses to go on, we started to go to town (aka saint Denis).

3rd personal POV÷ (10 minutes later)

Dutch, Arthur, Hosea, John, Abigail and the rest of the camp (but not mr.Pearson though) was waiting for mr.Pearson and Lucy to be out of their sight and they wouldn't hear the wagon wheels. When they don't hear or see them any more, Dutch said to them all "ok everyone! Let's get this party ready before they come back?" Everyone started to set up the party.

Lucy’s POV÷ (halfway to saint Denis)

Mr.Pearson and I keep talking about things while going to Saint Denis. When we got near Saint Denis, mr.Pearson said to me "Lucy, can you take the reins for a bit, I need to find something for you" and I said to him while taking the reins from him "of course, I will." Few minutes later, he put a beanie on my head because I didn't had my hat on and then fixed it, I took it off of my head and I looked at it, then said to him while going over the bridge of Saint Denis "thank you for this mr.Pearson i love it but where to first?" I put the beanie back on my head and then he said to me while looking at the map "no problem and there's another one for you at the camp and first stop is at the doctors to get some medicine for the camp because we are running low and we want the doctor check out you leg while we're here." I nodded at that so we started to head to the doctors. 


hen we got to the doctors, I stopped the wagon in front of the doctors, mr.Pearson climbed down from the wagon and I carefully climbed down from the wagon while mr.Pearson helping me down, when I got down I said thank you to him and then we walked into the doctors. When mr.Pearson and I entered the doctors, the doctor saw us enter and he asked us kindly "hello there, what can i help you two today, sir and ma'am?" And then mr.Pearson said to him kindly "ah, yes i need the things was is on this list and my friend's wife got shoted on the calf 4 days ago, and her husband wants a doctor to look at it for him." The doctor nodded, then quickly looked at the list, the doctor said to mr.Pearson and I "ma'am, can you go to the back room and wait there for me, i will be with you in a moment and where do you want us to put the things what you need?" And I nodded at that, then started to walk to the back, I heard Mr.Pearson said to him before I walked into the back "on the wagon that is in front of the shop, please."

When I walked into the back, the doctor's wife showed me where I needed to be. When I entered the room, I carefully sat down on the seat that was in the middle of the room. 1 minute later, I heard the doctor enter into the room that I am in and then he said to me kindly with a smile "now, your friend out there said that you needed your leg looked at but how do you get shot, mrssss…." And I said to him kindly while pulling my pant leg down to show him the wound "mrs.hodgson, my husband let me keep my last name and I got robbed by someone when I didn't had my guns on me, the person took my rings… even my wedding rings, I started to run away after I given the person my rings, i think started to run away too but he shot me before running away as well." I did some fake tears (I don't have tears lately because I used them up) the doctor nodded at that, he patted my shoulder before he handed a tissue to wipe the tears away and then he started to look at my wound while asking questions to me and I answer them as best I could.

10 minutes later÷

I walked out of the doctor after the doctor looked at my wound, I already knew that mr.Pearson already paid for it, I climbed back on to the wagon, mr. Pearson was waiting for me to come out of the doctors. When I climbed back onto the wagon and sat down on the seat of the wagon, I said to him "ok, he was very happy with what we are doing with it, I told him what happened but little different and I faked tears as well… but where to next?" And he said to me while he was driving the wagon "aha! I knew you would do that and now, we need some food and drinks for the camp." I nodded at that, then we started to go to the market. 

When we got to market place, he stopped the wagon in front of the market and I asked him if he needs me to come with him to get the food and drinks and he said that I can stay on the wagon, he got down from the wagon and then started to get what we need, while I'm waiting for mr.Pearson to come back, I took out the book that Sophie given to me and I started to read it. 5 pages in, I got very very into it and I love it already so I keep reading it. 2 hours later, I finished the book and when I put the book back into my bag, mr.Pearson climbed back onto the wagon and then sat down next to me. When he sat down, I said to him shocked "damn! That was fast!" And then he laughed at that, then said to me while laughing "i been gone for 2 hours." I said to him while getting and checking my pocket watch "damn, you were! I guess that so into my new book that I didn't know how much time had passed hehe, but where to next?" I put my pocket watch into my pocket and then he said to me while moving the wagon "that was it so back to camp." And then we started to go back to the camp and I took a nap while going back to camp while mr.Pearson drove the wagon.


The word count is: 1609

I think its only 2 or 3 more chapters left to go but I dont know yet though.

And I hope you are doing good lately and I hope you are having a good day, week, month or year.

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