chapter 14

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I throught this is good for this book bc it's 3 years before and its our history too and soon senna and khali will go back home and I will not see senna in the book or in real life 😭😭😭😭 ( its a long story about why not)

When we got back to camp, I quickly hopped off of Leo's back and then quickly walked to the money box for the camp and I put the 3 gold in it and then wrote it down into the book. When I did that, I saw that Sophie was walking up to me and when she got to me, she said to me with a smile "hey lucy, you ok? And where's moon?" And I said to her sadly "yea, I'm ok and someone killed him while I'm on him and I was balling my eye off but I met Leo though, I am happy about that but I am still sad." Her smile went and then she walked up to me and hug me kindly and I hugged her back kinda (I can hug people but I don't like tho), then she whispered to me "I'm so sorry about Moon" and then I whispered back to her "it is ok and thank you for that but now look in my saddlebags bc there's a can of hot cocoa powder and a can of Strawberry milkshake powder for you." She let go of me and she said to me happily before she went for them "thank you lucy! I owe you for it." She walked off to get them and then put them in her tent, Hosea walked up to me and said "ok, this is the last thing i need for you today, i need to look at your arm so please sit at the table." I nodded and we walked to the table.

When we got to the table, I sat on one of the chair and Hosea sat on the other one next to mine then he said to me kindly "ok lucy, let's check that arm of yours" and I nodded at that, I put my arm the one is broken on the table and he unwrapped it, while he was doing what he needed to do, senna ran up to me and then she sat on my lap so I said to her while she's licking my face (I wished that I had a photo of that but I don't) "hey baby girl, i missed you too, i love you too." I kissed her head, then Hosea finished looking at my arm and he said to him while he's rewarped my arm "ok, it's healing pretty well but be more careful with it though and you have to stay in the camp until it fully healed." And I said to him back kindly "thank you for that hosea and i will stay in the camp but i'm going to work in camp so i wont get bored in camp." And then he said to me with a smile "its ok, i am happy to do it and senna didn't leave dutch or jack alone while you were gone from the camp but she mainly stayed with dutch, it annoyed him with no end ahah." I laughed at that with him but in the middle of the laugh, I yawned pretty loud so I said to him kindly while yawning and smiling "thank you again Hosea, but now I'm going to sleep but not before getting something to eat." I got senna off of my lap and then I stood up, senna and I walked to the food pot to get something to eat with senna right next to me.

When we got to the food pot, mr. Pearson was here because he was checking it and making a bowl for me and senna. When he saw senna and I coming up to him, he said to me while giving me a bowl of food "ah! Lucy and senna, here's a bowl of food for you two." And I smiled at him and said "thank you mr.Pearson." so senna and I walked to one of the fires which had Arthur, Bill, John, Uncle and Javier sitting around the fire. When senna and I got to the fire and sat down next to it, John smiled kindly and then said to me "hey lucy, that's a nice horse you have there and where's Moon? There's one good horse, he liked everyone... well not mirch though." And I took a bite of my food while Senna watched me and then said to him "yes she is, i called her Leo and she bucked a few times but she was ok with me on her after it and someone killed moon while I was still on him." I eat as much food that I want and then I give it to senna. I put the bowl of food down and senna started to eat it while I'm petting her but I heard someone say "what do you mean, arthur? What are the learning problems and what is it with lucy? (i tried to make that make sense)"

when I heard that, I tensed up with that, I looked for Sophie and she was hiding behind my tent with a scared look on her so I gave her a look 'god damn! You told them about it but it is ok and thank you for doing that for me.' And I saw that she relaxed a bit, then the person who said that to Arthur asked me about it and I told them, then I stood up and said bye and goodbye to them, then senna and I walked to my tent. When we got to my tent, senna got into it first and laid down on her side. I took my gun belt, shoes and bag off and then I laid down to her, I said goodnight to her and when my head hit the pillow, I was out.

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