chapter 20

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When we got to the place, where we are going to rob the wagon, luckily there were a lot of trees around us that means it will be given us some cover while robbing the wagon, Uncle and I stopped our horses at the side of the road and then Uncle said to me "ok Lucy, the wagon will be here soon, you will stop the wagon and while you are doing that, I will go to the back of the coach and get what any ever is on the wagon… and there it is, are you ready?" I just nodded, hopped off Leo's back and then I walked near one of the trees, I know that Uncle is waiting somewhere else until I stop the wagon. When I saw that the coach are near enough to me, I started to walk in front of them while acting drunk "Da, da *hiccup* bu, bu aha hah ffffuuuuucccckkkk!" And then I fell as best as I could and then I faked being asleep, I heard the coach stop and then I heard one of the people who was on the wagon shout at me "Hey ma'am, are you ok? Do you need help" I said or did nothing, just breathing softly and keeping my eyes closed. A few minutes later, I heard one of them hop off of the wagon and then walk up to me, When the person got to me and turned my head to look at the coach, so I opened one of my eyes so that the person won't see that and I watched uncle quickly walked to back of the wagon and unlocking the box on the wagon while the two guys talked. 

A few minutes later, Uncle finished what he needed to do and then quickly walked back to his horse. Before he got to his horse, he gave me the thumbs up and he mouthed me 'I got what I want so now get going' while the man was trying to wake me up. When I know that uncle was away enough from here and I heard Leo come over to me, I quickly closed my eye again and then turned my head, then opened my eyes so fest and then I jumped onto my feet and then I said to them quickly and in my fancier British accent before I quickly walked to Leo and then I hopped onto Leo's back and rode away "deeply sorry, sir. I need to go now so bbbbyyyyeeee!" And then I pulled Leo into a gallop. A few minutes later, I found uncle near one of the farms that are far away from the robbery. When I slowly stopped Leo in front of Uncle's horse, he said to me happily "Ah! You did a good job back there and what we got from there was 80 dollars, a few shotgun ammo, and some canned food, so here's 40 dollars for your help just remember ...." and I said to him while smiling and while he's handing me the money "I know to give half of the money to the camp. You can keep the canned food and the ammo because I don't need them, and I am going to hunt a white moose so I will be back after 4 or 5 days but I don't know so bye Uncle." I made Leo walk, then into a trot, then into a canter to Brandywine drop.

3rd personal: (before lucy left with uncle) 

Dutch had woken up when Lucy started to move around to finger out what happened last night. a few minutes later, Dutch turned around to let one of his arms off of her, then he felt the bed move and then he heard lucy start to change into clothes so he turned his head to her and then he opened his eyes slightly to make it look like he is asleep, he watched he changing into her clothes. After she changed into her clothes and did her hair, she checked Dutch if he was awake or not, and then she quickly and quietly left the room. When he heard the door of his room closed, he opened his eyes a bit more. He got up from the bed and changed into his clothes while listening to Lucy and Sophie talking and then walked outside. 

After a few minutes later, Dutch finished getting changed into his clothes and then he walked outside to his sitting place (I can't say or spell the word for it) and then he lighted his cigar and started smoking it while watching the camp, Dutch saw that Lucy was talking with Uncle, Arthur was talking to Sophie happily, jack telling John a story and everyone else is working around the camp. He looked back at the place where Uncle and Lucy were talking and they were gone, he thought that they went on a job together for the camp. After 8 hours, Uncle came back to camp without Lucy but he heard that she would be back after 4 or 5 days so he started doing what he needed to do.

Lucy's pov (2 days later)÷

I'm still riding to Brandywine Drop with a wounded leg from being shot in the leg because I robbed someone for their money… Hey, I got the money but when I was running away from them after it and got to Leo, someone shot me in the calf, I screamed in pain, then fell in pain, and then I shot that person in the arm. Then I quickly but carefully got up and then I quickly hopped onto Leo's back, and we went away from the town as fast as we could go. I robbed someone the day before and it was easy to do but that wasn't.

I rode until night, I found somewhere safe to rest and sleep, brandywine drop is a day away, I stopped Leo and then slowly and carefully climbed off of Leo's back. I kept her saddle and saddle pad on but took off her bridle and then I put on her headcollar and then clipped a lunging line onto the headcollar, then tied the other Side around a thin tree. I made and lit a fire, I sat down on my sleeping bag while cleaning my wound painfully and while Leo was eating happily.

When I finished cleaning my wound up, I changed the bandages on my calf, when I finished doing that, I started read a book while eating some food, I lifted my head and then I looked at Leo, and then I got 4 carrots out of my bag and I said to her before I throwing the carrots at her hooves "Leo! Here you go, girl! It's for being so brave and so good, now goodnight baby girl, see you in the morning." I put the book back into my saddlebag after saving my place in the book, and then putting the fire onto it, then I laid down on my sleeping bag and then I fell asleep after closing my eyes.

I have weird photos of rdr2 and different things for this (not too weird) and I wanted TikTok videos on this as well but I can't finger out how to put them on here so when I can, it's just only photos

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