chapter 23

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I know the photo is weird and maybe wrong but it has rdr2 in it though
3 hours later÷ (at the entrance of the camp)

I woken up 10 minutes ago by Mr.Pearson and when we got near to the manor, I saw something it but I don't know though and the first horse that I saw was Leo and she was washed and someone braided her mane and tail with baby blue ribbons in it, I don't know who did it to her but they made her so cute so I said to her when we got near to her "hey Leo, you look so beautiful with those ribbons in your mane and tail, i hope you said thank you to the person for doing that to you, baby girl." She dug the ground with her left hoof and then she smiled by lifting her top lip for it.

I looked around and all of the horses was washed and they manes and tails was braided with ribbons like Leo's but count has blood red ribbons on his mane and tail, brown Jack has purple on his, Old Boy (John's horse) has navy blue ribbons on his, Arthur’s horses has white ribbons on his/her, Sliver Dollar has light gray on his, Taima has black on her (or his), Boaz has a certain color that I didn't know the name of and the rest of the houses has different types of colors, all of them look handsome and beautiful with them on they manes and tails. When we got to the manor, I carefully climbed down from the wagon and then I looked at the manor, it looks like they going to have a party for someone but I don't know for who though, I noticed that none was outside while I'm walking to the doors of the manor, I heard some whispers in the manor like 'you all know what to do what she enters' 'I know what will go to happen and I'm excited about it.' 'I can't wait'.

When I entered the manor, everyone jumped out of their hiding spots and shouted the same thing at me together "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY! SURPRISE!" And then I nearly jumped out of my skin from that and then shouted at that "AAH!? YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" Everyone started laughing at that, then I realised why none said 'happy birthday' to me today… except jJake, Sophie and mr.Pearson, then I said to them shocked "oh! This is why you guys didn’t say 'happy birthday' to me today… Well, let's have a party!" Everyone cheered and then they walked out of the manor happily and started to have laughs, drinks and fun. Hosea walked up to me and then said to me while giving me my gift from him "here you go lass, this is from me but maybe one or two things is from Silver Dollar… well, he helped to find the thing or things." And the I opened the gift and it was a book that about plants what is ok to eat or to use and what is not ok to eat or to use and two little flowers that was put inside of the book, they fell out of the book and then into my hand, I said to him "oh wow! They are beautiful. Let me guess silver Dollar found the flowers and thank you sooo much for this, I love them." I smiled at him, then carefully put the book and flowers in my bag, he said to me while walking outside "no problem lass but now have fun and again happy birthday." And then he walked away to have fun as well. I walked one of the fires that had Jack, John, Abigail, uncle, Charles and Javier at it.

When I sat down next to the fire, Jack walked up to me and gave a drawing that he did to me and then said to me happily "happy birthday lucy! I hope you like it." I gently took the drawing from him, then looked at it and it was the cutest thing that I saw, on the drawing was a horse that looks like Leo, next to the horse was dog that looks like Senna, and then there's was two people playing with each other happily, they look like Jack and me, I smiled kindly at it and then at him, I said to him kindly "oh my gosh, it is the cutest thing that I ever saw and thank you for this, jack i love it." I carefully folded it and then put it in the book that Sophie gave me for my birthday, then I put it into my bag.

When I put the book back into my bag, Abigail said to me with a smile "he want to give you something when he heard it's your birthday today and the guys did what you saw on the horses but when they got to leo," before she finished that sentence, John said to me "She didn’t want to come with us, the only thing that make her move was arthur, he given Leo a sugar cube to make her and when her got to water, she started to playing in the water, he taking me and the guys wet while she was doing that, we laughing at it because…" He started to tell me what happened with Leo and at the end of it, I was laughing with others, I said to them while laughing "I wasn't expecting that with her… well I did but oh my god I wish I was there to watch though ahah" I felt something fell into my eyes and then I was wiping something off of my eyes.

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