Chapter 12

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When we got to near to the bridge to Saint Denis, we slowed moon down into a trot and we trotted over the bridge and then trotted to the stables. When we got to the stables, I stopped moon in front of the stables and then I jumped off of moon, then I grabbed of moon's reins near the bit and then we walked into the stables.

When we walked into the stables, one of the stable hands saw me enter, then said to me kindly "good evening ma'am, what can i help you with today? Maybe boande that handsome horse you have there." I smiled at that then said to him kindly "yes he is but i don't know how old he is and his last owner didn't know either so i want someone to see how old he is for me and may i buy one leather headcollar, one breatgirth, and hmm... lead rope too please sir." He nodded and then said to me "of course miss, that will be... £124.20 dollars(i didnt know how many they were back then and i did research for them now.) And I will check his age for you now." I nodded and I quickly got £229.19 dollars out of my saddlebag, then I said to him while bloudle of money "I accidentally forgot to ask for a lunging line please? And I already have the money for everything that I asked for." I turned around to look at him, he just finished looking at moon (there's different ways to find out how old a horse is) and he said to me while im handing him the money "ok, he is 9 year old and he is really good shape." I said to him while putting the lead rope, lunging line, and headcollar into the saddlebags "oh! Good, I love older horses but I don't want to hurt them by doing something wrong to them but I still love them and thank you for that." And then I quickly put the breatgirth on moon's saddle and girth. I said 'bye see you soon' and I walked moon out of the stables and then I hopped onto moon, then we started to walk to the doctors before it close up for the night. When we made it to the doctors, I saw some lights on in the doctors so I stopped moon in front of the doctors and I hopped off of moon, then I tied moon up on a pole that is in front of the doctor and then I walked into the doctors.

When I walked through the door, I heard the doctor say to me "hello ma'am, how can i help you today?" And I walked up to him, then said to him "well, i broken my arm i think 2 days ago but a woman who doesn't like me and she kneed it after she saw me with her ex and i heard something from it so i want someone look at it to see if the same bone broken more or different bone has bone." And he nodded, then said to me "ok, please follow me to the back, so i can take a look at it." I followed him to the back. When we got back of the shop and then into one of the rooms for it, I sat down on the chair and he said to me "ok, now tell me how you did it the first time? I already know what happened to your arm the second time." So I said to him "ok, i was riding this person's horse that i love and i love the owner too but i was riding his horse for him for about near 2 or 3 hours but when we was getting back home, we got caught in a bad storm and we was ok because i live at somewhere where it rains near all the time and the horse cant get spooked easily but a thunder bit nearby us and it caught off guard from it and it reared up, then i fell out because i was not expecting it and i rolled down a hill, it had some trees on that hill so while rolling down, my arm hitted one of them pretty hard and it broken my arm of course and when i got to the bottom, i hit my head on big rock or stone and last thing i remember before waking up and it stopped raining and the horse was gone and few minutes later, the owner of the horse found me and helped me to get back home but i fell asleep while getting back home and then 5 hours later, i was laying on a bed and this was on my arm... sorry its alot." He nodded and then said to me "it's ok, and now let me look at that arm and your head and I will get you something for the pain." And I let him look at my arm and head.

After 6 or 7 minutes later, the doctor said to that I just broken the same bone, and it's healing just right, straight and the person (aka hosea) who put the splint on my arm did a great job with it, then I nodded at that after he given me something for the pain (not painkillers because it will be made in 1900 so one more year) I stood up from the chair with the splint back on tightly, and then I got £50.00 out of my pocket, then I handed it to him. I said 'thank you' and 'good-bye' while I walked outside. When I got outside, I hopped back onto moon and I said to him "come on, boy let's go to the shops before heading west of rio del lobo rock there is a horse that I want... oh! Don't worry, you are my favorite before the count." And then we went to the shops and I bought one full can of hot chocolate and one full can of strawberry milkshake for Sophie and I and then I put the cans in the saddlebags, then I hopped onto moon and we started to go to Rio Del Lobo Rock. When we were trotting to Rio Del Lobo Rock, I zoned out while getting there.

Sophie's pov ÷

I finished all of my chores that I needed to do, I was sitting on the ground next to the fire while drawing into my book it's like Lucy's but hers is in leather, I had khali (i through it was kelly but it was khali oops) lieing down on my legs, I was really zoned out while drawing, but I never heard Arthur, Hosea and Dutch walking over to where I am while talking about Lucy and they sat down near me. when they sat down, I heard Hosea said to them "yeah, she is really strong willed and stubborn, she doesn't care about anything but only herself, senna, Sophie, this gang and her animals, but I noticed that she stutters a lot when she's trying to say certain words." And I looked up from my book, then I said to them "I know why she stutters a lot or says certain words differently but I'm not telling you guys because she will kill me if I do." They looked at each other and then at me with raised eyebrows, the Dutch asked me "oh? Why not? It can't be that bad." And I said to them "well, if i told you guys why she stutters a lot and say certain words differently and if you found out why she does that you will baby her and i know you will because everyone does it to her and sometimes she wishes that she doesn't have learning problems...." I quickly put my hand over my mouth with widened eyes.
The word count is 1324
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