Prologue. Paradise Or Hell

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The Intense heat in the air grew hotter and hotter by each second as it rush pass the bare flesh on the human Girl as they free fall. Time keep going by, however the feeling hasn't stop. The feeling of that they would never stop falling. Vision is so blurry the only things that could be made out was the color red. Dark red, crimson red, even a tad bit of orange here and there.
This is the road to sinners paradise. A land that can only be entered by a person who's done a un-forgivable crime. A place that you neither live, nor die in. A city of nothing except forest and monstrous creatures. Although, it really isn't a road. Once a crime is committed. The guilty party's vision gets hazy, than blackness. And when the sudden feeling of heat against your skin is noticeable. That's when you know your heading down. Down to Sinners Paradise.

The sweltering humidity is still there. A unique pair of sapphire blue eyes open. Bare legs against short grass, arms spread out. The pair of eyes gazed up towards the sky. Or what seems to be the sky. No clouds, no sun or moon. Just red covered it with a Smokey touch.

There whole face lit up. There lips curved up into a sinister smile. Holding up there hands above there face, fingers spread apart, there lips parted as a laugh slip out. Though it lead into more of a hysterical one in seconds.
"I'm here..the stories where true..Sinners Paradise is real" a light silky voice spoked as they lifted there body off the dark green grass and stood. Basic white shoes were covered in dirt, the black button denim shorts were stain with grass and blood, yet the black tank top wasn't un-bother as the oversize baby blue hoodie protect it. Long bleach blonde hair reaching past her shoulders.

Those sapphire blue eyes sparkle as they scan the terrain she stood on. Her smile faded away shortly as her eyes furrow in one direction . The grass was trample down, a skinny pathway through a valley of nothing but that same dark green grass she stood on.
"I'm coming for you..Dante"

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