Chapter 11 : Fate

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There's no such thing as time in Sinners paradise. Everyone there just goes by human instinct on when it's time to sleep, eat and wake up. The sky never change, the sky stay the same shade of crimson red with a hint of many shades of orange swirling in it with a darker shade of reds mix with grays and black in a misty haze form still stain the sky as the humans that live under it began to make movement as chattering broke out in some areas of the dark dense forest that covered a majority of the land. The bonfire from the day before was dead as the people began doing there normal routine. Some of the men wake up and firstly look up towards the hill were Dante spends a majority of the days at. They usually will look at the hill for a good amount of time before going about their day.

Only shortly, Movement even began to become noticeable on the top of the hill were Dante laid, his tattoo and ring decorated fingers twitch on his chest as it slowly move up and down with a rhythm as he breath lightly, his lips were parted open as his black hair was plaster to his face due to the blistering heat down there. His hand fell off his chest as he began moving discomfortable in his sleep, his eyes and face contort into many different ways until his body slowly calm down.

Dante eyelids jolt open as his eyes glisten, he blink a few times shaking his head as he lean up while rubbing his eyes with his hand decorate with the rings as he use his other hand to slick back his wet black hair from his forehead. His forehead furrowed as his eyes trail over to the side, his jaw clench as he pull his legs off the rock and sat up with his arms drop between his legs as he stare down the individual in front of him. "What do you want." Staring at the girl before him. She spoke calmly with a stern expression plaster on her pale face.
"The truth."

Dante sigh loudly as it only took him seconds to roll back on top of the rocks and stretch out getting back into the same position as he was in only moments ago. As he place his arms under his head , Lina walk up closer and furrow her eyes at him as he closed his eyes shut. "Your such a pesky little brat."
"Tell me the truth and I'll leave you alone." Lina spoke with a deadpan expression on her face as she stare down at the man with her arms cross under her small chest. A couple seconds past and he stay silent, but as Lina was about to let her guard down and do something. He spoke. "Tell me something kid...why sacrifice your young life to find out the truth. Can't you be like other people and just ignore it..I mean it's normal for people to die." Dante spoke bluntly as he crack one eye open and look at the girl to see what her reaction would be.
"Is it wrong to be different?." She spoke displease. Dante sigh once again as he close his eye. "Your a strange one..that's one thing I'm sure of."

Lina drew in her lower lip as she drop her arms to her sides, the male before her stay silent as he breath lightly with his eyes still close as if he's ready to go back to sleep. "Your ignoring me.."
"And here I thought you left."Dante mutter as he kept his eyes close.
"Just tell me the killed m-."

Dante shot up from his laying position and slam both hands to either side of his body and glare at the girl while exhaling sharply. Lina's eyes widen as she took a few steps back. "Don't you ever get tired of repeating that same shit over and over again. Just give up kid. Your efforts are useless. I don't know you. I'd not know your parents. So there." Lina's fist bawled up as she bit her lower lip as she drop her head low. "Then why..." The young girls voice grew quieter as she stare down at the ground as tears fill her eyes. Dante sigh again and open both of his eyes, glancing out of the corner of them to see that the girl was still standing there. "why are you so determined that it's me."
"That pocket watch of yours. I remember seeing it when my mother was being murdered, it's hanging out of your pocket the exact same way it did that day." Lina spoke as she grit her teeth as she snap her head up, glaring at Dante.

Dante hesitated for a moment, his eyes narrow down at the silver pocket watch, the chain dangle out of his pocket, as he lean up he pull the watch out of his pocket and held it out , holding it out in front of Lina, her eyes stare at it intensely until Dante shove it back into his pocket. Time pasted and the two individuals stayed silent. His lips curve into a sinister smile as he broke out into a string of hysterical laughs. Lina only stood to the side as her hands clutch her chest as Dante's right hand slip onto his face as he tried to controlled his laughter, the man wheezed as he placed his other hand on his face for a couple seconds before dropping both hands between his legs. He stayed silent for a moment before mumbling something so only the two of them could hear. "Well well well..this is amusing."
"Why is that?." Lina quietly ask as she was practically scared shitless at this point.
"This watch isn't even was my shitty old man's..I stole it from his room when I was a kid..I though it was pretty cool as a child."

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