Chapter 18 : Poison

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August eyes were looking straight up as he stood at the bottom of the hill, he could hear the talking of all of the other citizens of sinners paradise around him. He sigh to himself loudly before treading up the step hill to greet the dark hair man that is always gazing up at the sky. And he can relate. He dose it too. He thinks back and remorse over his past life. Thinks back on the things he should have done. August stops in his tracks as he could faintly hear Dante talking. Although it was faint, which told him that he must been talking to himself. If it was another person he would having been yelling. August listen in to what Dante was saying. His voice quiver a bit. But he heard one line very clear. Which lead to his own heart to hurt.
"Mom, Mia..I really hope..your doing good up there in heaven. Better than me. I miss you both a lot."

August clear his throat which lead him to hear some rustling on the rocks as he stood on top of the hill only a few meters from the rock Dante had his leg hanging off of as his other leg was pull up close to his chest with his arms around it as he rest his chin on his knee. "August. You need something?." Dante ask quietly with a hint of concern in his voice which startle the old man a little as he rarely heard the boy sound so. Calm.
"Lina might not bother you for awhile." As August words still hung in the air, Dante rub the back of his neck as he was slowly getting back to his usually self as he sigh to himself and spoke.
"What did you do to her August." August chuckle a bit glad to hear that he could drag Dante out from being down in the dumps. "I became the person she needed for a moment. Someone to talk too. She's finally realizing some things."
"I didn't kill her parents." Dante bluntly spoke as he stretch his leg out and drop it over the rock next to his other leg as he bent over a bit with his arms drop in between his legs.
"she's realize that is only a possibility." August spoke as he eye up Dante to see him sigh again and scratch his head before slicking back his dark soft hair with his tattoo and ring cover hand.
" father kill her parents after all Huh..damn the world is fuck up."
"No..I don't believe so..the way the world works doesn't make anything to make any sense."
"go on. I'm listening."
"If you father kill Lina parents. And he was wearing that watch. How did you get your hands on the watch. He should have went to sinners paradise after a murder like that."

Dante  stare at August for a moment before he drop his head, a few chuckles escape the boy but they slowly emerge into a string of laughs, his hand slam on his face as he raise his head up as well as try to control his laughs but couldn't as something he was thinking or what August said must have been amusing. "Someone frame the asshole. That now. That now would be pretty damn funny." Dante spoke with a wide grin growing on his face. August only watch him as he close his eyes before speaking. Seeing where Dante was going at.
"Your thinking. That someone your father knew. That also knew Lina's parents. Frame him for murder while wearing your fathers watch to frame him for the murder..or..something in that line of thinking.."
"Shit like that isn't un heard of now. But people these days go straight to the point. Fuck that frame who we hate on a murder bull...shit."

It finally hit him. All the pieces to the puzzle was finally coming together as the to men stare at each other as Dante realize what he was saying. "Dante."
"Someone that hate my father so much. Frame him for murder. Which was stupid to begin with..I mean..murder is murder..that means..that not down here".
"Whoever killed Lina's Parents is down here."
"But not that jackass of a father of mine..well damn..this really is fuck up shit now."
"Where you expecting to see him down here in Sinners Paradise or something."
"That was only if I was on a bad luck train..which..a part of me thinks it's a good idea that he isn't..but the other part of me which he was..just so I could tour true him every damn day for the way he treated my mother.

The two men grew silent as they both look down at the ground. August was the first to lift his head up as he clear his throat again. "Should we tell Lina this?." August stare at Dante to see he began to move around but only back into his laying position as if he wasn't giving a care in the world. "If you want to tell the thick headed kid go right ahead. You want to get a headache by dealing with her. Be my guest." Dante spoke as he close his eyes with his hands under his head as he cross his legs over one another.
"Your relief aren't you. She will finally leave you alone once she learns the truth." August spoke as he turn his body with his back facing Dante as he gaze out over the top of the wooded area admiring the view of the crimson red skies with all of the different Shad's of reds mixing with one another.
"Part of it. No one knows who exactly is her parents killer..but oh well. We have and eternity to figure that out." Dante spoke bluntly as a smile fell on his lips.
"We" August spoke which cause and amuse smile to dance on his lips as he turn his head over his shoulder to watch Dantes eyes to shot wide open as he glare at the older man out of the corner of his eye as he growl a bit as he quickly fix his mistake. "I meant her. Lina." August only chuckle as he took a few steps down the hill. "You and that girl are definitely going to keep things lively down here in Sinners Paradise."

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