Chapter 3 : Forest of Errors

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With the only sound echoing through the valley being the sounds of shoes clashing against the grassy path. A awkward silence drifts with them as not a single word as been spoken since there departure from Carol. With Mellisa walking in the front, the silence was getting on her nerves as she is worried about the girl as she hadn't heard a peek of sound from her in the last thirty some minutes.
"It's not all bad once you get used to it..I mean..we can't die's not all bad.."

Melissa shift her head back to see that the girl was looking the other way, her eyes dull scanning over the action less area as it match the same expression on her face.
"So..Dante huh..I've heard rumors about the guy..well..I'm mean his..I guess you can call it your past life.." Mellissa turn her head back to look forward as her lips tilt into a frown. As it was only a couple seconds, Mellisa couldn't deal with the silent treatment much longer.
"What's your name anyway kid."
"Ahh~ that's a cute suites you." A small smile form on Mellisa face as she has reassure herself that the girl isn't traumatize or reality is finally hitting her. Although, she was already prepare for the silent treatment to begin again. Lina spoke up.
"Your nice for a killer." Lina said bluntly as it caught Melissa off guard just a bit as she lift her hand up from her side and rub the back of her neck.
"Well...thanks.." Mellisa muttered has her eyes gradually trailed up at the sky.

The night sky was covered in Smokey thin clouds and dim stars as a figure laid below them staring blankly at then with no thoughts in mind. The Apartment building complex that the figure was currently laying on the rooftop of sat in between a liquor store and a club. Fights echoed through the night like usually, flowing along side the light cold breeze as it reached the figures bare face as there lips were cracked with dry blood covering the lower lip. They lift there hand up as if reaching for one of the stars, there eyes blink a few times before they lift the retired figure up. A small choked up laugh escape there chapped lips as a thin pale hand reached up from there lap and pushed back a few strains of dark purple hair.
"I could only dream.." her tone less voice was quiet as she strode up and brushed the concrete dust off her dark blue denim jeans as she casually walked over to the door that lead down to the fifth floor of rows of apartment rooms. Each room had a unique sound coming from behind the closed doors. Screaming of pleasure, screaming of horrendous sights, yelling and cursing was very frequent as well. The woman stop in front of a room door with the numbers 54 writing on it with Acrylic paint. She pulled out the key to it from her front pants pocket as she quickly slip inside and locked it behind her. The room was pretty much empty, just the basics were scattered through out of the tiny place she had no choice but to call home. Her eyes trailed off to the single window that was placed in the middle of the wall. She dragged herself over to the window as she had a simple cheap plastic chair sitting at it. She flopped her self in it and placed her hand under her chin as her eyes narrowed down at the streets below.

Drunks flinging themselves around the entrance of the night Club that dose great business. Girls wearing short skirts and men that had there dress shirts half unbutton was the norm around the area. Though one group of people was particularly much more interesting to watch as two of the individuals where standing face to face with each other, they each had empty champagne bottles in there hands as the tried to see who can smash who's head in first with them. The girls wearing skimpy dresses stood around cheering out each of the males names. The female shortly stood up from her plastic chair and wonder over to her sofa that had a few hand written letters tossed on it. Her hand slowly pick up the one that was drop off at her front door a night ago.
"Another jackass to go kill..and yet..I haven't went to hell..or am I already there.." her toneless voice echoed in the empty room as she tossed the letter back on the sofa and crashed on it herself. Her eyes trailed off to the side where a small side table sat with a calendar laying on top of it, her dulled eyes slowly drifted off and stop at the chipped paint ceiling. "Man..has it been two years already"

It was only the first week of spring and hurricane weather was already becoming such a pain, all it did was made all the already stressful people even more stressful. Shops and work places closes which means no daily income and business. The water was at least a seven inches deep according to the weather man on the news before the electricity went out. The cold room was only occupied by two people. A young girl that looks to belong in high school an a boy that looks like that he belongs in a biker gang. The typical girl that wants to be a bad ass falling in love with a bad boy scenario. Yet the room was in complete silence. The only sounds came from the rain clacking off of the single window that was also the only source of light for the dim room and the one inch heel black boot that kept taping against the wooden floor. The boot sound kept a steady rhythm as shortly a humming sound flowed behind it. The young girl prompt her head up on a flat pillow as her eyes traveled off up at the ceiling.
"The only good thing about this place is we're on the fifth floor..poor people on the sixth might be getting a little wet with these degrading ceilings.." "Was I not good enough for you Liam..I dropped my whole future for you and look what it got me.." The girls voice quoted as her eyes traveled away from the ceiling down to the floor as the boy laid there in silence.
"Picking a hooker over me..guess you do like older woman..I'm so naive.." The girl muttered as she prompt her body so she laid on her side, her hand drop to the floor as she traced circles around with her finger tip on the boards. Her eyes focus on the silent boy as bruises were visible on his neck, his hands spread out on the floor as his eyes were rolled in the back of his head. " I still here.."

Melissa eyes drop down from the sky and over to the girl that trail behind her. Her lips part as she spoke quietly.

"What did you do to come here..Lina."

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