Chapter 1 : Tears of the Broken

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With her eyes still furrow. She began to embark through the valley with that same expressionless look burn on her face. With her senses feeling a bit off, she move slowly yet quickly through the valley, her head snapping in every direction in hopes she sees something that could assist her on her quest. Not a single branch on the nearby trees wiggle as not even a single puff of wind was flowing through the huge valley. A quiet yet shaky sigh left the girls glossy lips. Her hands unconsciously threading her hair back behind her ears as she continue to move forward.

Minutes pass as the girl was counting in her head yet it feels as she hasn't made any progress as nothing in the scenery has change. The skies stayed that bright red tint with a hint of grey Smokiness to it. Nothing sign what time of the day or night it was if there was either even to start with. With a pain throbbing in her head, her eyes slowly tear up. Though her fingers twitch as her face twist into and annoy look as she fought back those tears. Tilting her head to the side, she caught a glimpse of something from the corner of her left side. Sparks of red and orange dance over a cluster of trees that stood a couple yards away from her. Her lips fell back into a emotionless state as she turn the heel of her shoe and faced the direction the sparks were coming from. Her lips slowly curved up into a smile, though her eyes still dull.

Creeping through the dense woods, the strong scent of pine overwhelm her nose as her eyes widen a bit before focusing back on her target. Kindle wood in the middle of a few stones making a square shape crackle as flames sparked one after another. People. Human beings sat scatter around the fire doing different things. Talking, moving branches and rocks around. However the only thing that stood out was that they were all woman. Not a single man was in sight.

A snapping branch startle the girl as her head turn to see where the sound came from. A woman with a dark purple sweater and a denim jeans stood before her. Her short dirty brown hair and kind smile had drawn the girl into a daze as she could only think of how pretty the woman was. She look like a practice Angel with her clean skin with zero wrinkles and neat clothes. Her smile was welcoming. Like she could automatically trust this stranger.
"Your new here aren't you..your kinda young to be here."
The woman spoke in a nice way. Her voice was appealing. Reminding the girl of someone doing a part in Romeo and Juliet. A voice that kept her from not wanting to run away. A voice she want to hear more of. The girl only could nod her head in response. The woman cock her head to the side and giggle. Bringing her right hand up to her mouth before her eyes as if she was wiping something away.
"Anyway. My names don't have to tell me yours right way..however..since we're going to be here for'll help if we knew about each other..I could also introduce you to the others that take residence here..if you'll like." The girl smile for a couple seconds. Though it fade away shortly after. She was so caught off guard by the first human she's seen. She's forgot where she's at. A place that holds killers. The nice woman that seem that wouldn't even hurt a fly at first that stood before her could only be there for one reason.
"I'm not here to make friends.." The girl voice became un heaven as her words were quiet. The woman walk closer as if she was interest to know what the girl want to say.
"I'm here to find one person and one person only..A man that goes by Dante." the girl said firmly as she stood up straight and held her cold emotionless expression. The woman only nod her head. " that's your reason..Sacrifice your young life you had ahead of need condolence on someone close to you death.." The girls brows furrow. "How could you tell." The girl mutter with that emotionless expression. "It's all written in your eyes child..your determination on finding a your heart can rest at ease."

"Do you know where Dante is?." The girl spoke impatiently as it showed in her voice. "There's someone in the camp that can take you to him..though you do have to travel..however.that clearly isn't going to stop you..with all you must have done to get here in the first place."

The woman start walking into the camp sight. With the impersonation that she is meant to follow the girl trail behind the woman as they cross through the camp. Eyes off all different colors and moods fooled the girl as th woman was taking her deeper into the woods.
"Some of these faces might not cross your mine. A lot of us has been here for a very long time. Although. Mellissa here.." A tall yet well build woman lay on top of a huge rock. Short messy violet hair sprang everywhere as the person sat up as she rub her eyes with slender fingers decorate with black nail polish that were chip in a few spots.

Mellissa Harris. A name the girl actually recognize. She was a hire killer. Paid by mens ex wives or girlfriends to kill there ex boyfriends for revenge. She also had admitted that she killed her own two ex boyfriends for being not dedicated to the relationship. The woman roll her eyes she laid back down onto the boulder, her arms cross under her head as her eyes close. Her lips parted as she clearly was going to say something but was cut of by Carol that stood only a foot away from the rock.
"This one here wants to see Dante..take her to him." Carol spoke with a stern tone as the girl Mellissa peek one eye open before speaking.
"What's in it for me?."

"You have the rest of your life to lay on that rock. So do something for once." Carol spoke again as her arms cross over her flat chest. Mellissa slowly lean back up. Her eyes trail off to the girl that stood behind Carol. Her dull green eyes. Mellissa roll off the rock and start to walk away. Though she tilted her head back after slicking back her short hair with her right hand as she lift her left hand up from her side and motion her hand for the girl to follow.

"Dante huh...I already know his'm not asking any questions...fine than..follow me kid."

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