Chapter 6 : Psychotic Alpha

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"Hey. We arrived." Mellisa spoke as she tilt her head back to look at the girl who stood only a few meters behind her , her dull expression not changing a bit as she look around the area with her eyes. The sound of heaven boots crunching against dried leaves echoed as a man appear from behind the group of guys as he stop in his tracks as he look down on Mellissa as she head cock up a bit with a sarcastic smile lurking on her lips.
"Rowan~ you seem well."
"What business do you have here Mellissa." the man spoke sternly as his dark brown eyes glare at the woman as she only lift her hand up and point over her shoulder the girl behind her.
"I came here to see Dante..well not particularly me that wants to see him..this girl.." Mellissa spoke as she could tell by his changing expressions that he understood where Mellissa was getting at as he sigh quietly.
"So..this child has business with Dante.." The man spoke, his voice was rugged as he look back up from the ground at Mellissa as she had a nervous smile crossing her face.
"Yeah~ so I'm just point her in the right direction and I'll stay back and watch from a far."
""What is that suppose to mean?." Lina spoke suddenly as Mellisa nearly jump out of her own skin as she tilt her head back to see Lina looking up at with those same depression eyes.
"We'll..I don't want to be in between the two of you..after all.."
" where is he?." Lina spoke quietly as her eyes shift over towards the man that was still standing in front of Mellisa before her eyes scan across the area. Men were scatter out everywhere as all of there eyes were fixated on the two females.

Lina suddenly look back at Rowan as he move two of his fingers motioning the girls to follow him as he lead them through the campsite. Lina suddenly move up closer to Mellisa as prying eyes were dead sight on them as they casually walk through the crowded camp. Rowan cock his head and notice something was off with Mellisa. Her eyes were avoiding everyone's eyes as for Lina as well. "He's on the hill with all the huge rocks..he spends literally all of his time up there." Rowan spoke after he look away from the two girls and was peering through the thick Forrest. The cluster of tress were fading out as the trio were arriving at the edge of the Forrest, a huge bonfire lit up the sky as a few men were around it laughing and talking. However as Rowan approach the small group there talking die down as there eyes trail off onto Mellissa.

Rowan suddenly stop which cause for Mellissa to suddenly stop in her tracks which cause Lina to collide into ear back as she wasn't paying attention. Lina stood on her tippy toes as she looked over the woman's shoulder. The girls eyes stay dull as she move a few steps so she stood next to Melissa as the woman only cock and eye brow up as a loud sigh left her lips as she look down on the girl as she stood still quiet as ever. "We'll..he's straight ahead..sitting on the rocks up there on the hill..ahh..good luck talking tot eh guy I gutless I should say."
"Thanks for helping me get here."
"That's the most you've said anything to me since we left the camp..tell me..what is your beef with Dante anyways.."
"It's..personal.." Lina mutter as her blue eyes gazed up at the stack of rocks where a human was visible sitting on top of.

The sky seem as it gotten brighter as it highlight a figure that sat on a stack of stones perfectly, with the clear well built figure, it was easily to say it was a male, black dress shirt unbutton with small trails of smoke left his parted lips, his right hand was cover in tattoos and each finger was dress with a fancy ring as he held a cigarette with two of his fingers. "That's Dante?." Lina spoke with uneasiness in her voice as she question the woman's memory when asked about Dante, the male before her didn't resemble what she picture he would look like. This man is much more clean and gentleman like than what she saw glimpse of that day.
"Yeah..that's Dante..what..something wrong?." Mellisa ask as Lina was about to climb up the hill however had turn her head back with a questionable look on her face.
" can leave now.." Lina mutter as she look away from the woman and start to climb up the steep hill towards the stacks of rocks.

The males eyes adverted down the hill, scanning the area with his eyes until they stop half way as they cross over at the young girl that was coming closer and closer. A small grin slip onto his face as the girl was about to reach the top. His arms drap between his spread legs as the cigarette smoke blew across his face. Lina reach the top, the male sat still as he scan over the young girl, attempting to read her moves on what reason she would have coming to bother him. Although, the only thing that the male could read from her movement and facial expressions was that she had pure determination and anger dripping off of her for what ever purpose she had to be there for. They both stay silent for a while as they only look at each other, Lina's eyes glare fiery at the male while he stay lay back as he leaned back and blew out some smoke from the cigarette.
"You Kill my family.." Lina spoke quietly which surprise herself, like standing in front of his presence just destroy all the courage and strength she had in her. Her head drop as her eyes stare down at the grass below her feet as her body tremble. His gaze was cold as ice as it felt like he was looking right through her. "Hmm~ you don't look familiar..newbie to paradise?!~." The man hum as the corner of his lips tilt up into a grin.

Lina grit her teeth as she lift her head up from facing the ground and look directly at the male. Her hands tremble as they ball up into fists as she walk closer to the stacks of rocks, she place her one foot on top of one of the smaller rocks that was between the males legs. His eyes drop from where her leg was back up to her eyes. "My names Lina Collins...your the one that murder my admit that your the killer!." The male stay silent as he pull the cigarette closer to his mouth and blew out another puff of smoke. A small laugh escape his laugh before they erupt into a fit of hysterical laughter. His eyes start to tear up from laughing so hard as he try to pull himself together and look back at the small girl that stood promptly still before him. His left hand lift of the rock and brush back his black hair as he than place it on his face.
"You came all the way down here..just to ask me stupid are you kid!?."

Lina nearly lost her composer has her face twisted into a dull expression, her balled up hands fell to her sides as his words slowly got to her. "Damn..there really are some stupid people out there now a days huh~ Like seriously...but I got to admit. Your the first idiot I have ever meet that had some sort of sympathy for the dead..came all the way here just to find piece of mind huh?!..damn that's pathetic!." The man pull the cigarette closer to his mouth and puff out another cloud of smoke as he try to keep his laughter quiet but failed.
"Just stop already..tell me you killed my parents!." Lina yell as she had a single tear slipping down her cheek, her teeth still gritting as she still glare at the male. His posture didn't change much as his still were fixated on the young girl.
"Never heard of you that's a no." The male simply said.
"Dante..I now you kill my parents..I'll make you admit to way or another.."
"That's cute kid..however you must not know we're your exactly at! Your in the depths of Hell!-" Dante slowly pull himself up off the rocks a she stood tall abound the girl as he look down at her with his arms up in the air as he flick the cigarette with two of his fingers, "The wonderful place that every calls Sinners Paradise!." Dante spoke loudly as he hop down from the stack of rocks, Lina was took aback at how tall the man really was as she took a step back as he only stood a few inches from her. Her head reaching a little over his torso. Her head tilted back, but not on her own. He slip his hand under the girls chin as he lift it up to make her look into his eyes.
"Your so this world..there's no place for sympathy and grief..and nothings like learning it the hard way." Dante spoke quietly before he swiftly move his hand away from her jaw. Stopping at a tall rock that stood next to the tree and crumble the cigarette butt on it before it fell to the ground. He gazed down at the dead cigarette before heading down the hill leaving Lina frozen in place.
"I'll teach you personally the truths about this Paradise."

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