Chapter 14 : The Unforgiven

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Year . 2054

At night. The streets are bustling with young people as they dance around laughing and enjoying every second they were spending with the people they called friends. On the corner of the street we're a hotspot strip club called the Spicy Angels was located at. A young man stood leaning up against it. His brown eyes would trail over to a group of girls once in awhile as they stood chatting in front of the clubs double glass doorway. The doors swung open as another group of people were leaving the club. A young woman trailed behind the group as she stop at the edge of the side walk and look frankly around until her eyes meet with the young man's. A smile slip onto the man's face as he lift his hand up and waved towards the girl. A huge smile creep up on the girls face as she darted down the sidewalk towards the man as his face suddenly change into a shock and scared expression as he held his arms out ready to catch her if she fell and trip in her black high heels she was wearing. "Stella! Don't run. If you fall your going to break something!." The girl leap into the man's arms as she wrap her arms around his neck as he raise her up by her waist, with her dark brown eyes gazing down into his, she place her hand behind his head and pull him in closer as she placed her lips onto his. She slowly broke the kiss as the man place her gently on the ground as there eyes never broke contact with one another.
"Hehe~ I can always count on you August to catch me if I ever fall~." With the music from the club playing in the background. The young lovers stood in place as there eyes still were focus on only one another.
"Oh Stella..."
"So~ what kind of surprise do you have for me tonight?."
"It starts off with a stroll down the sidewalk and through the park." August spoke shyly as he didn't know how Stella was going to react to this simple plan of his that took him hours to mentally put together.
"Than let's go." Stella's spoke cheerfully as her hand reach for August's as she held onto it tightly as they walk down the sidewalk side by side as the park was located across the street from the Clubs location. The crossing sign turnt white the exact moment the two reached the crossing zone. They both smiled brightly as they crossed the street along with a few other people. The night couldn't be more perfect. The night sky was clear from any speck of cloud as stars cover the sky like a beautiful unrealistic panting. "The sky is so pretty tonight August~."
"Your prettier than the sky."
"That's so cheesy~."
"Aww~ but I thought you like cheesy stuff like that?." August whined as a cheeky smile form on his lips as he look down at Stella as she held her spare hand over her mouth trying to control her laughter but failed.
"Only because you say sounds much more romantic coming from you." She spoke with a smile on her face. The couple reached the other side as they headed off towards in the direction of the parks entrance gate. Stella's head was tilted back as her eyes stared up at the gorgeous starry sky above them. August suddenly stop which made her to jerk her head down as her eyes stop at his face. Her eyes shortly follow to were his was glued on. "What are you doing here mother?." August ask as his voice grew low.
"You've been sneaking out of the house at a late hour quit a lot lately August..I was wondering were my dear son been going out doing..I see now that you have a..girlfriend." The woman's voice was rough. As of a smokers. Her hands were crossed over one another as they hung low in front of her. Her long straight black hair with strips of light grey was visible due to the bright night sky. "A stripper I presume..that skimpy outfit that reveals so much skin..although kids these days were stuff like that..your kind on the other hand are easier to pick out from the bunch."
"Mother! Don't be so-."
"I though I raised you better than this August..what kind of mother am I to let my son be with a hooker." The woman stood afar. Her voice grew quieter as she turned her body as if she was about to leave.
"I'm a grown man mother. There is no need for me to have you tell me who I should or shouldn't be with!. I love Stella! And no one is going to tear us apart!." August nearly shouted as he watch as the woman turned her head around and stared at the boy. Her eyes closed for a moment before turning her head back and walked away.
"Oh August..I love you too." Stella spoke as she leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Stella...I promise I'll never leave your side." August spoke with a tiny smile as he grip the girls hand tighter and walked through the park and reached the others side where the other entrance way to the park was located.

The midnight stroll was quite as neither said a word. They only kept there hands in one another's as she just enjoyed each others company. They reached the edge of the park and stood under the entrance ways arch that was only two feet away from the edge of the road. August look down at Stella to see her only gazing up at him. His cheeks slowly felt as if they were burning as he turn his head the opposite direction. "Your so cute when you get shy." Stella hummed as she leaned in closer to the male. A smile grew on his lips as he lean down closer to her. "Kiss me". Stella's smile grew bigger as she leaned up closer to his lips.

The night was quite. Only a few stranglers occupied the streets as no cars except one or two taxied were still driving around. The streetlights has just turnt red. A cars engine hummed in the distances as tires squealed. The engine grew louder and louder as tires squealed even louder as a dark car made a sharp turn on the red light. Stella's lips touched August's as he brought her up closer to him with his on her waist. Deepening the kiss. August ears twitch as a cold breeze blew past him. He slowly pulled back and glanced over top Stella's head. A shiny metallic black car was charging towards them as the front wheels made a clunking sound as the car rolled over top the curb. August's eyes widen as he recognized the car. He gripped onto Stella's wait, however the car was coming in to fast. The car collided into the entrance ways arch. Steamed rolled out from under the hood causing a complete curtain of steam around the area.

August laid on his back feeling pain run through ever inch of his body. With his teeth gritted together. He pulled himself up from the ground and looked around for Stella as he held his cut up arm on the back of his head.
"Stella..Stella!." With his eyes shaking as he looked frantically around. His eyes stop as they laid upon her arm as she was sprawled out under the car. August forced himself to drag himself over to her as he used every once of his energy and pulled the girl out from under the car and into his lap. Her body was covered from head to toe with deep cuts and blood as he rest his hand her her head as her eyes were half open. "August..what..happen?." Her voice was quite as the the corner of her eyes brimmed with tears.
"Stella..hang in there'll be fine.."
"Am I still...still beautiful?." Stella asked as a tiny smile slowly made it to her lips as she slowly raised herself up and laid against August chest as his arm was crossed over her body as he held her against him.
"Of corse your beautiful Stella!."
"It's still a common cockroach." A rough voice rang through he night as a car door creaked up as a woman pulled herself out of it as she stumbled over towards the two that sat on the ground. "What they hell are you doing mother!."
"It's clearly obvious August."
"August..everything hurts so much.." Stella muttered has her hand clutched onto Augusts dress shirt.
"How could you love something that greedy and pathetic."
" want to know why..It isn't that she's just beautiful.. that isn't why I love  Stella. kind and funny..and..she's chosen a guy like me..." August spoke as he held Stella even closer to him in his arms. As his eyes closed for a moment as a few tears twinkled down his cheeks. Stella's hand reached up to his cheek. His eyes shot wide up as he placed his hand over top of hers. A smile was still on her face as she spoke. " really are a sweet guy...different from everyone have a heart..I love you August.."
"Stella..please don't leave me.." Stella's hand fell from his cheek onto her stomach as her eyes slowly closed. August eyes grew larger as his head drop as his voice cracked while mumbling her name. His mouth grew wider as he slowly began to sob as he pulled her body closer to him as he held his head on her shoulder. "No matter what the state of the world is in. Your are still my son. And a mothers job is to protect there child and set them on the right path. Even if we must get our hands dirty to do so."

August stayed silent as he slowly whipped always his tears, but didn't held up. His head slowly risen up as his eyes flared at the woman that stood only a few feet away from him. His teeth gritted as he spoke. "No..if you were really my mother. You would have supported us!."
"She was a common slut August. You were so blind to see that."
"No..she wasn't like those other girls she worked with..she didn't want that kind of work-."
"I though I raised you better than this August..seems like I need to work harder to raise you to be a better man." August slowly laid Stella's head on his leg as he took of his dress shirt and wrapped the girl in it gently. He laid a long kiss on her forehead as he slowly stood up and stood face to face with his mother.
"You won't get away with this..I'll make sure of it..if it's the last thing I do."

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