Chapter 4 : The Seeker

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The streets stunk with the rotten oder of out of date meat and homeless people. The heavy dew that stuck to everything didn't help much. The ground was still damp from the light passing rain shower that happened earlier in the morning. Untied white shoes came into view under a streetlight. Some heavy drinkers that sat in front of the now closed liquor store eyed up the person as each step she made there eyes followed.
"Hey Carl..ain't that Jude's kid.." a man yelled out as he pointed to a young girl with the hand that held a half empty Rum bottle in it. "Didn't that whore kill herself a couple a weeks ago.?" Another man ask that was sitting on a set of concrete stairs that lead to the back of a liquor shop. "No you dumbass..the news is that someone killed both her and that useless husband of hers." "William was his name right?!..Damn he was useless..could never keep a job!." "We'll whoever did it should get a out trash like them!." "Hey..aren't we trash too?." Another man spoked as he laughed so hard he nearly fell backwards of the empty beer crate he sat on. "Yeah..apparently there brats the one that had to make the money!." "Man..what was her name though..hey knew That whore right..what's the  brats name again?." A woman with a red tight leather bra less top and matching red leather skirt move the cigarette out of her mouth and look across at the young girl as she used the other hand to move back a few loose strains of her black hair. "Lynn..Lina..something like that think."

The neon blue sign that had liquor on it flickered as the passerby kept there head hung low. Even the lowlife junkies that live of well-fare money can have the right to talk shit about there fellow lowlifes.  The young girl walked pass the store and stopped under a streetlight. Her eyes drifted over to her shoe laces. She kneeled down and tied the muddy laces back together with her shaky hands as she mutter to herself before standing back up.
"Stop talking...just stop talking."
Her eyes glance back at the drunks out of human instinct before she turn her head , her feet began to move as she turn her head forward to see where she was going. The girls eyes widen as a flash of black came hustling out of a side street and pin her up against the stone wall. Her limbs tighten as she kick Ferociously at the mask wearing individual. The individual held her tight up against the wall and held his knee up between her legs. Although a mask covered his mouth and nose, his eyes told everything of what he was and what he was planning to do. With all of the moving around, the blue hood fell off the top of the girls head and strains of blonde hair flop out and went in different directions. Her eyes stare down coldly at the individual as she gritted her teeth. In the back of her mind she want to scream for help. But she knew far to well that in this world. No one was going to help her. "Ferocious little kitty aren't you. Your going to be fun to play with."

The girls eyes slowly tear up with just the many thoughts and ways of what was about to happen to her. Her small hands bawl up into fist as she gathered enough strength to swing her leg up and crack the individual in the jaw. Cursing echo through he ally way as the girl was drip onto the hard ground as the individual took a few steps back, his hand was clutch onto his jaw as he glare down at the girl as she breath heavily as her body began to tremble. "You little bitch. Fuck it, I'll just kill your ass and have fun with your corpse!." The man lunge forward at the girl as her eyes widen, looking around frankly as threw herself to the side towards a pile of bricks that were stacked up against the wall. The individual grab a hold of the girls ankle and pulled her closer to him. Her fingers were spread wide as she grab a hold of  one of the bricks with her hand.

Her stamina ran out however as the individual used his strength to yank the girl under him as he attempted to grab a hold of her wrists. The girls hand clutch onto the brick as a loud yell escape her lips as she swung her arm up and made a direct blow to the individuals skull. The man stumble a few seconds as his hands were still reaching towards the girl. Her jaw clenched as she brutal slam the red stone into the individual s skull repeatedly as tears streamed down her cheeks. The sound of rock against rock echoed through the ally way until a small thump sound echoed through the dead alleyway. The girls breath was heavy and uneven as she look down at the individual, his skull was smash into small pieces as brain matter was scattered around the lifeless body. Her angry expression faded away as her lips turn up into a smile, her eyes gleamed as her lips parted.
"Heh..hehhaaa..Hey asshole..I figured out why I can't find that bastard now.." The girls eyes fell down, peering down at the lifeless body for a few seconds before she pushed herself up away from the body and lay up against the stone wall.
"Will I go to sinners paradise now?.Will that bastard Dante be there?."

Her lips were still twisted into a craze smile as she began laughing to herself. She blink a few times rubbing her eyes with her dirty hand as her vision was blurry, wiping the tears away from her eyes and blinking a couple more times, her vision was growing worse.
"We'll damn.."

Her vision grew completely dark, her body felt as if it was floating as she felt nothing else. Though not knowing if seconds were passing, minutes, or hours. A sudden pull of gravity yank her body downward, scolding hot air blew against her bare skin as her vision slowed came back, red skies and dark black smoke covered the skies. Even while falling, her lips tilted into a smile as she fell aimlessly.

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