Chapter 9: Broken Compass

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The men stood around the bonfire and watch as Mellissa carry the young girl off cradling her in her arms. Some shakily turn there heads to see what Dante was going to do next. Majority ignore the scene and went back to what there where originally doing while others where gathering the courage to confront Dante. However they lose it in seconds as they saw those sadistic eyes of his as they seen some of the things he's done to the ones that deceive him. Dante is like the boss of Sinners Paradise. A man that others are afraid of. Why though. It's unsure. Although one man was about to courageously spoke up until Dante spoke as he walk up towards the boulders on the hill. He cock his head back, even with no moon or sun down in hell, Dante's eyes reddish brown eyes glow as he stare down at the man.
"You want to say something to me?."
"Uhh..we'll..that girl..-." The man began to stutter as he felt Dante's stare not letting up one bit as he suddenly cut the man off and spoke himself.
"Killers wanting to protect killers..this is such a wonderful twisted world."

An amuse laugh escape his lips as he made it to the boulders as he climb on top of the highest one and laid back and stare up at the red sky. His arms under his head as his right leg was cross over his left leg. Although his peace and quiet moment was shortly abrupt, as another man had follow him up there, the males hands tremble as he stood only a few feet away from were Dante laid at.
"Why did you do that in front of that girl..she's ju-."
"Why do you people have to be such idiots?!. She might be a kid..but she still a killer like all of us here..growing sympathy..pathetic..there was no such thing call sympathizing back in the don't start that bullshit here." Dante spoke sternly as he tilt his head to the side to glare at the man who shortly held his head low as he slowly back away and went down the hill.
"That kid was getting on my nerves.." Dante mumble as he face the sky once again.

The sound of grass crunching under shoes was yet again audibale to the man as a annoyed look on his face grew larger by the second as he push himself up as his head snap in the direction of the noise. His face soon gradually went back to normal once he saw who it was.
"It's the most action we've had in a long time done here in paradise. A girl looking for her family's killer. And the intriguing part is. She so sure it's you Dante." The old man from before spoke as he stop and look at the boy in front of him.
"And. the brat got the wrong guy. never seen her before." Dante spoke in a grumpy tone.
"Maybe's still going to be interesting though." The old man laugh a bit before walking over to a rock and sat on the edge of it. Out of the corner of his eyes he watches as Dante pulls another cigarette out from its box and stuck it between his lips.
"What are you going to do when you run out of those things?." Dante stop a moment as he held the lighter up in his hand and watch the flame before he kill it and took the cigarette out of his mouth and stuck it back into its box and shove it in the front pocket of his jeans. The pocket watch twinkle as the old man stare at it for a moment before Dante spoke.
"It's a addiction."
"I've heard over the years that smoking became so popular because the user always would say that it will ease there mind, they won't commit no crime if they have a box of cigarettes or cigars by there side." The old man spoke as he laugh to himself a bit as the expression on Dante face change. Clearly aware what the boy was going to say about that little piece of information.
"That's utter bullshit."
"Tell me never speak about your own family.everyone else here sputters about there lives like there's no tomorrow. Than there's you-."
"Don't even bother to dig that far into my life old man."
"I don't need to. Your eyes tell everything I need to know. As well as your language, body moment. And other small actions that others ignore or see as normal."
"Yeah. Whatever."
"Than again. I don't say much about my own life..I guess I'll leave you be. However I can't say much about that young girl. She's seems very tenacious on getting answers out of you." August spoke as he stood up from the rock and prepared himself to walk down the steep hill.
"We have and Eternity for that." Dante mutter as he lay back down on the rock, his eyes glue up to the sky. August only smile as he began to head down the hill.
"My family wouldn't understand old man." Dante mutter as he slowly close his eyes.

The day was passing by, the sounds of laughter slowly fill the night as men surround the bonfire an enjoy themselves. Dante still lay on top of the rocks minding his own business while old man August was sitting back down oh his log looking up at the sky. Dante's eyes slowly open as he turn his head slightly to the side, he watch the flames of the bone fire cover the sky. He stare at it for a long time before facing back up at the sky. His lips tilting slightly up as he began to laugh hysterically as tears drip down from his eyes, sliding down his cheeks, staining the grey stone beneath him.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you."

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