Chapter 7 : Lonley World

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The scent of freshly fallen rain mix with all types of spices filled the side streets of a busy downtown street. Snack venues lined up, kids dressed up. The only night it's every this busy is Halloween. Smiling faces and joyful laughter echoed in the night as the grey clouds where slowly disappearing from the bright white full moon. The only one of few holidays where people mostly don't have to force a smile on there face and act happy for the sake of others. Halloween.   Yet in the narrow backstreets. Where the stench of dead rats and the croaked minded leer. A fight breaks out between men on a case of beer. With there minds already blurred with drunkenness. The brawl wasn't auditable to the people enjoying there night on the Main Street. As the drunks threw weak punches at each other. The feeling of being watch had never occur to them as they were to busy arguing over boozes. Sitting on a set of steps that lead into a small restaurant sat a boy with wavy black hair, his bright blue eyes stood out under the light that was bolted to the brick building. His hands placed on either side of him as he watched with a blank stare at the drunks. They where falling into everything, the dumpsters, the exterior walls of closed buildings, pot holes. Surprising enough not knocking over the lonely case of beer sitting on a concreted staircase that lead into and apartment building. The boy peered at them for a couple more seconds before standing up, brushing the concrete dust off the back of his dark denim jeans. He walked over to the men in a calm, casually way. His hands tucked into his front hoodie pocket. It took awhile for the grown men to notice the kids presence. They all looked at him with confused looks. The one man with scruffy hair slouched down to the boys level with one eye growing larger than the other one. The man only laughed before grabbing the case of beer and motioning the other men with his left hand. Nothing was said, just hand movements and grunts. The boy lifted his head up, his lips were curved into a frown as the men continued to walk. The boy walked over to the side of a dumpster and picked up a broken broom handle and slightly laughed. Playing with it like a normal kid would do, pretending like it was a sword and stuff. He didn't even bother to see where the drunks walked off too. He just wanted them to leave so he could play.

Though the sudden screaming and cursing caught the boys attention as he gripped the broom stick tighter as he move closer to the dumpster. His head swiftly looked up. The window slide open of a room three floors up as floral curtains swung. Shadowy figures kept moving back and forward in the room, a glass plate flew out the window and shattered against the building across from it. More objects kept flying out of the room and into the alleyway. The drunk men apparently didn't go to far as the stumbled back to see the action. Though only seconds pass to there arrival, a toaster got thrown out next. Though, the object only tumbled down. Awaiting for the metal toaster to collide with the blacktop. It didn't. Blood slowly trailed throw the cracks of the narrow street. The men didn't even take a second to do anything before running and yelling. The boy stood still as he watched the blood continued to leak out of the man's head. The beer case he held tightly in his hand shattered into thousands of pieces. The only words that he could hear from the only two men as they ran out of the ally way where. "there's no beer in hell." "it isn't even our fault Earl."

The boy gradually lifted his head up to see a woman only in her lingerie stand looking out of the opened window. A loud screech came from her mouth as she quickly turned around and started to yell at whoever was in the room with her. The boy wanted to move, but he couldn't, he watched the blood make a pool under the man's cracked skull. He looked up against to only witness more things. White high heels where tossed out of the window, with a clacking sound of the heels bouncing different directions off the ground. The females body laid there next to them twisted up. The boy eyes widen as two bodies laid before him. Only dying seconds apart, the man looked out the window and yelled down at the woman's corps. "at least I won't have to see your useless ass down in hell!."

Sirens rang through the night. The boy bowed his head as his grip on the wooden pole loosen. He turned around and ran out of the backstreets. He ran so fast he lost his way. Acknowledging that he had ran far from the scene. The scent of spices crosses his path. He looked up to be meet with a rustic shop, and a elderly woman. A gentle smile was on her wrinkled face as she looked down at the boy. The boy walked closer to the stand and sat on top of one of the wooden stools , both of his hands dropped onto the counter top has his head was hanging. His hands formed into fists. The woman passed over a bowl of fresh ramen. The boy slowly lifted his head up to see that the woman continued to smile. "You seem to have something on your mind. If you want to talk about it. I can stay and listen." The boy lips hesitantly parted as he spoke.
"Why are people happy after killing someone?." The boys eyes glinted under the string of lights as the old woman sighed before pulling up a old wooden chair. She cleared her throat before her eyes narrowed onto the young boy. "There's and old has been said if you kill a person. You get sent straight to a place that they've called Sinners Paradise..the so called place is and external hell. You can never die nor you live. You have to be tortured by your sins for and eternity. Some believe that this so called Paradise is real. So they sacrifice there lives as a human being to see if this tale is true."
" you believe it's real?."
"We'll my young boy..people that has actually gone through with the killing..they have never been seen again after conviction..they never make it to they just..poof..vanish..however do I believe that Sinners Paradise is isn't my place to call its existence." The boy stood up quietly from the counter and slipped the hoodies hood over his head. The corners of his lips curled up into a tiny smile on his chap lips before making his leave.

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