Chapter 19 : Greed Or Human

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The next day arrive and the citizens of Sinners Paradise awake and grew lively as they began there daily routines. On top of a hill. Dante laid with his arms cross under his head as his eyes gleam while looking up at the red sky. Foot traffic could be heard from were he laid. Loud talking also arouse as well. Dante laid with a tiny smile on his lips as he close his eyes. Just with only minutes passing by. A particular sound grew louder and louder as Dante only wince as he knew who that light stumping sound belong too. "I would have sworn after August telling you what we figure out. You would leave me the hell alone. I guest August was wrong about the part when he said you would leave me be." Dante spoke loudly as he didn't bother to open his eyes.
"I've decided to leave the camp." Dante crack open one eye as he saw Lina with her hands over one another in front of her like in a apologetic way. Her head also hung low as she bit her lower lip avoiding to look at the man before her.
"I've already cause everyone here enough troubles...all because of my self greed.. I should go where I can't be a bothersome anymore-." Lina's body jolt as Dante sat up immediately with his torso turn as he lean all his upper body weight on one hand as he stare at the girl with tired eyes. His other hand rub his face before sliding up his face, slicking back his dark locks. "You really are an idiot kid. Has it ever cross your mind that the people down here don't see you as a bothersome? You were just doing what a normal person would do. That's not call greed. It's human instinct." Dante bluntly spoke with a hint of irritation in his voice. His eyes widen up a bit as he furrowed his eyebrows as he watch the girl raise her head up more as she had a confuse expression on it.
"So..what are you implying Dante?." Lina ask quietly as her lips parted. Dante drop his head as he sigh loudly.
Is this girl for serious?. Dante raise his head and reposition himself so he sat in a more comfortable way as he rub the bride of his nose with two fingers. "Personally..I don't care what you do. Your annoying. Period...but it doesn't hurt to see what everyone else has to say. Especially that Melissa girl. It's pretty obvious she's taking a liken to you." Dante eye up the girl as she twiddle her thumbs in front of her body as her eyes were looking everywhere except his face. Her eyes finally meet Dante's as they stare at one another. Lina shortly drop her eyes to her hands as she quietly spoke.
"Im..sorry.." Her corner of her lips twitch as she bit her lower lip again. Dante sigh loudly as he slick his hair back as he gaze at the girl.
"There's n-."
"Yes there is! If I wasn't so naive and dumb. I wouldn't have cause you so much trouble!." Lina burst out as her head snap up, the corner of her lips quirked as her eyes grew watery. Dante averted his eyes the other way. Oddly enough, a weird feeling grew in his chest as that split image of Lina remind him how his little sister would act. A tiny smile slip on his lips for a few seconds before it disappear.
"Your a kid. The damn world never taught you much except pain. You were just searching for the truth. Nothing is your fault. Nothing needs to be apologize for. It's the worlds fault for everything that exists." Dante spoke with a gently voice, it wasn't as sarcastic and husky like always, his eyes all hint a bit of sadness as he look straight into Linas as she couldn't look away from them.
"Now go and pester someone else. I still need my sleep." Dante spoke suddenly as he turn his body, laying back down on the rocks. Lina only smile a bit as she turn and stumble down the hill in the direction Melissa was at. Her arms out and ready to grab a hold of Lina shoulders to clearly talk some sense into the girl.

Dante flip his body around so he laid on his side, facing the direction that everyone's foot traffic was at from the bottom of the hill to the top. He faint could see the flames of a Bonfire as he heard the faint sounds of singing and laughter. A smile faintly appear on his lips as he sigh quietly as he gaze up at he red swirling sky above him.
"What would have happen if you never came here. Would it be this lively. Not one bit." Dante laid back on his back with his hands once again under his head. His eyes glue up to the cloudless sky as he close his eyes but left his lips parted.
"You and Mia would probably been good friends if you ever meted ."

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