Chapter 10 : Wild Side

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Seven shitty years has passed since I've seen that old woman. She did make some decent ramen. Though, that story of hers stuck in my mind. A world we're you live eternally. It really does sound like a paradise. No wonder over the past couple years rising serial killers have been dropping off the face of the earth. It kinda is weird though. Seeing there faces in the news for like a week or two before journalist saying that they've lost the killers existence. The streets are pretty much empty as the sun was setting, shops closing there doors for the night. Except for a particular one that is ran by a woman. Early thirties I'll say. Also to nice for the kind of area her shop is located in. Lots of burglaries and kidnappings.

A young man leaned against the stone wall of the shop as he had a folded up news paper in one hand and a popsicle in the other. A light ding sound of a bell echoed in the night as the wooden door to the shop opened and close as the owner walked out of it closing it up for the night.
"We'll your leaving earlier than usually..something special?." The male asked without even adverting his eyes away from the newspaper as he was to intrigued on a certain section about a well known male killer that murder his parents. Of course, it didn't have a reason. Those kind of things these days are optionally.
"We'll your a good observer mister regular~ my sons birthday is today." The woman spoke as the male slightly adverted his eyes to notice she was holding a small cake box and a pastel blue bag in the same hand as her purse.
"How old ?."
"He'll be seven." The woman spoke with a smile on her face. Her light brown eyes glisten under the streetlight pole as a tear trail down her cheek. Her hand slowly lift up to wipe the sudden tear away however another hand swiftly move and wipe the tear away.
"This is so embarrassing..ahh..I can't believe he's turning seven precious little boy."

The man slowly drop his hand to his side and smile at the woman as he use his other hand to stick the newspaper in his back Jean pocket. "It just shows how much you love him."
"I should be on my way..bye..see you tomorrow."

The woman walk away an headed up the sidewalk closing in on the turn on the hill top. The night was quite as a chilly breeze blew by. The smell of freshly bake bread always fills the air in the daytime. But at night, the sudden Oder of oil came into the man's senses as he breath in and out enjoying the cool air. His head turn to see headlights reflecting off the stone wall that the woman was walking up against as she was looking both ways before crossing the three way street she had reach. Tires squealed as a bright red car cut the turn sharply. A hand was hanging out firmly out of passenger side window. In only a heartbeat, the sound of bullets realising from there chamber echoed through the night. The car stormed down the street and passed the man. The man watch as the car flew passed him before disapereing. His head turned back to see the woamn was down on the ground. The man sprinted up the sidewalk to the woman's side and kneeled down next to her. His hands and body trembled as blood leak from her side. His jaw clenched as she tried to move her to find a pulse.
"Hey. Hey. Tell me your still alive."

The woman's eyes were half shut has her hand was still clutching the light blue bag as her purse was scattered out on the street. Her hand slowly risen as she sloppily grabbed a hold of the man's jacket sleeve. "Can you..take my son.."
"Hey..just hang in there okay! can't die here! I'll call for help." the man sputtered out as he frankly used his other hand to search for his cellphone in all of hood pockets. The woman's grin on his jacket sleeve tighten as she slowly shake her head. "Please..tell Jonas...that I'm sorry.."
"Hey! Listen to me your not going to die here in the street!." The man cried out as his eyes began to water up as his vision became blurry as tears trickled down his face.
"Thank you..for being a loyal customer..Dante.."

The woman's grip losen up off his jacket and fell to the ground as her eyes closed. The man sat in silences as he clutched his hands and his eyes as he gritted his teeth. The man's hands slowly lossen up as he reached over and grab a hold of the light blue bag out of the woman's hand before he slowley stood up. He found his phone his back pocket along side the knewspaper and dialed a few numbers. The phone rung and rung but nobody picked up. The voice message tone came on an the man spoke. "There's a dead woman on the end of fifth street at three way. Send and ambulance as soon as you can." The man hung the phone up and drop his hand to his side as he stare down at the woman. His face was expressionless except the pure anger and rage that shown in his eyes.
"Why do all the good people have to die so soon..and those jackass live long." The man look down at the blue bag at his side than back at the woman before a tiny smile slipped on his lips. "I don't have a single clue where you lived Miss Beth." The man's tiny smile shortly disappeared as his lips quivered as he began to cry again. The sky grew cloudy as a few rain drops began to fall from the sky. The man lean his head back and stared up at the sky only moments before the rain drizzled.
"I'm so so sorry."

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