Thomas-remember part 2

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I was sat next to Minho on this train we had handcuffs on which were stuck at the top of the train.

Then all of a sudden there was a load of commotion going on then a little while later the train came to a completely stop.

Then someone was running on top of the train carriages and then I heard someone shouting.


It was Thomas. Me and Minho looked at each other then he started shouting and shacking the chains, so I did aswell.

Thomas pov
We got the train cart back to base, we got the door open and walked in, I saw Sonya and Aris.

Aris looked bad, I didn't even want to know what they been through but I then slowly walked though all the others but they weren't there, I looked over over Newt.

"There not here"

I went to talk to Aris and Sonya they told us they think something is going to happen that's why they were moving them and they kept talking about this place called the city.

"What about y/n and Minho why weren't they on the train"

"I'm sorry Thomas, they were"

I went into the main room where everyone was so we can make a new plan to get y/n and Minho.

But as I walked into the room Logan and Laura came running up to me and Arrow came running after them.

"Did you get mummy?"

"Is mummy back"

I wish I could tell them I did, they were so happy think y/n is back. I kneeled down to there height.

I looked over to the others they all gave me a sympothetic look.

"Guys, I'm sorry. No mummy's still not back we weren't able to rescue her"

Laura then started crying so I pulled them into a hug. As I was hugging them I told them.

"I didn't rescue her this time, but I won't give up I will get her back"

Y/n pov
Me and Minho were taken to this building the WCKD headquarters. I was put into the room and I couldn't stop thinking about everything.

I was expcally worried about the twins, who is looking after them, I thought at first Aris is probably looking after them but a few days after we were taken I saw Aris and Sonya there aswell.

I'm just hoping that the others are taking care of them Jorge, Brenda, Newt, Fry and Thomas I'm hoping they weren't taken I havnt seen them but I can't be sure.

I didn't know what they were doing here or what they wanted as they havnt done anything to me, well yet anyway. They just sometimes walk pass and look in to see what I'm doing.

I see them dragging Minho about alot he looks exhausted all the time I have no idea what there doing to him.

Teresa pov
I was working in the lab and Janson walked in and walked up to one of the scientists and they give him a needle with some kind of liquid in it.

"Hey Jason, what's in the needle for?"

"This is going to help us alot, I'm going to use it on y/n"

"What does it do"

"I'm going to make her forget all about her precious Thomas"

Then he walked off.

Y/n pov
Some workers came in and took me out of the room I was in but wouldn't tell me why or where we are going. They took me into a room and me lie down on this table and strapped me down.

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