Chapter 23

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Artemis's POV

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday you, happy birthday dear, Artemis and mom. Happy birthday to you!!!" I gave everyone my most biggest smile as they sung the birthday song to me. Bryan comes up and puts a party hat on my head. Lillyan walks up with a chocolate peanut butter icing covered cake with a couple of light up candles. Lilly sits the cake in front of me."Thank you." I say to them fixing the hat in the middle of my head. Bryan smiles and walks back to the group of people.

The group of people consist of Zach, Lillyan, Micheal, Felicity is sitting on my lap. Jacoby who is being held by his father. His beautiful brown eyes wide open looking around but not having any clue on what's going on around him. And lastly Amber and Harley. "Okay Art, blow out the candle." I smile and nod. Just as I was about the blow out the candle. I hear a small cry below me and I look down and see Felicity crying. "Honey, whats wrong?"

"I wanna blow out the candles." She wimpers. I let out a small laugh and tickled her tummy. "Of course you can but it's mommy's b'day so we both can do it together. On a count of 3....




Just as everyone joined in on the second count Felicity and I blew out the candles. Everyone cheered and clapped. "OK let's cut the cake-" Lillyan was to say before someone knocked on the door.

"I will get it." Amber said as she walks out of eyes sight and goes to the door. I hear the door open and a gasp follows behind.

The rest of us walk up behind her. Bile rise in the back of my throat. I clench my stomach at the sight of my old friend who betrayed me. His face battered to hell and back. Missing a couple of teeth. His eyes red and wild. His eyes immediately land on me making me flinch back. I move Felicity behind me so she doesn't see the horror sight in front of us.

"What are you doing here, sick fuck?" Micheal growls as he hands little Jacob over to Lillyan.

"What's going on here? Why did you disappeared and stop talking to us then suddenly appear here beaten to hell back?" Amber aggressively questioned.

Don rolls his eyes at both Micheal and Amber and slurred. "We got caught into some deep shit trying to get Artmis back and whatever, you are not any better. You still keeping her here as hostage," he points at me. "And using her as an incubator to better your shitty gang." I look over to see Micheals hand clenching into fist getting ready to punch him. I take his hand into mine and for the first time since he's been here I spoke. "What are you doing here, Donovan?"

He looks at me with a small smile. "You didn't think I would forget about your b'day?" He said but I knew it was full of sarcasm. I ignored him. "You are on drugs?" I asked him. "Only coke." He shrugged, not caring.

"Why is your face fucked up?" Zack asked with arm crossed over his chest.

Don sucks on his lips and made a poping sound. "OK. Finally getting to the point here. I need Artemis and the other girls to come with me. They don't belong here. They are going to end up as sex toys or dead."

Micheal growls "not fucking happening." He draws out his gun at the same time as Don did. Amber and Harley gasp and Felicity screams and hides behind me.

"Lillyan take the girls and Jacoby and hide, go!" Zack yells when he and Bryan draws out their guns as well.

"I'm afraid I can let you do that." Don threatens.

"Oh yeah? Three against one. Your done for dumbass. So if I were you be fucking smart about this and leave right now." Bryan told Don waving his gun around like a ganster.

Lillyan comes up to me and snaps me out of a weird trance that I was in, I notice that Felicity, Jacoby, Amber and Harley weren't standing there anymore. But all of a sudden goose bumps starts to rise from the bottom to the top of my back from the evil reminder that I was his. I unconsciously, take a hold of Lilly's hand as she looks at me with concern swirling  through her eyes. I look at her dead in the eyes as if I was possessed.

"Something really bad is about to happen not only to Donovan...but to Micheal and I as well." I said with a shaky voice.

Her eyes flickers back and forth on my face to see any signs of me joking. "What are you talking about? You are scaring me."

"Months i-ive been getting nightmares or-or memories of people with no faces just dying in my- or someones hands it all played like a movie over and over again. Then I seen someone get beaten really badly at a wearhouse that I'm not familiar with but he was able to get away. And then he shows up at the door warning me and trying to get me to come to him. I think it's all coming true. " I tried to explain to Lillyan as the boys were still fighting with Don.

"That doesn't make any sense, Artemis." She snaps.

"Just watch," I walk up front to where Donovan is standing and stand before him. Micheal and the others try to protest but I wasn't having it."I'm going to ask you this again and I want a clear answer, if not I will tell one of the boys to shoot you in the fucking leg, got it?"

Don scoffs and nods. "Yeah, sure whatever."

"How did you get beat up?" I asked- well demanded.

"Not like you care." He chuckles. I turn my head at Zack and he nods lifting his gun up aiming towards Dons leg.

"Okay! I was beaten in a fucking wearhouse a few days ago, okay?" He angrily yells waving his gun around in the air not paying attention to his surroundings at all. I look over to Lillyan and she's looking at me with shock. Surprisingly, I wasn't shocked as much as she was though. All I got was deja vu and I knew it wasn't over yet. Just as I was about to walk back to the group. I was roughly pulled back into the arms of Dom causing me to let out a gasp.

"Let her go!" Micheal yells his gun up.

"No! She is ours to keep." He twisted my arm painfully back and held his gun to my head. "We will be on our way now and don't try to pull anything or she will die." He slowly backs us up as I'm trying to stop him by dragging my feet. "Ow! Your hurting me. Let me go." I growled in pain.

"Well maybe you will work with me here. You wouldn't be in much fucking pain!" He said through clench teeth.

"How much do you want?" Micheal yells causing Don to stop. "How much do you want?" He repeats again. "I have 500,000 I will give you that if you let her go."

Don thinks about it then shakes his head. "Not uh, no deal."

Just as we were to move backwards again something hits Don's shoes almost causing him to trip. We both look down and I let out a ear piercing sherik and Don is holding his mouth trying not to cry as the head is looking right up at us. "Oh my god. Oh my- he's dead. My brother is-" Don was cut of a quick jerk of his arm and his gun went off. My ear starts ringing and my head felt dizzy. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. At first I thought it started sprinkling but I realize it was not rain that landed on me when Don's grip wasnt on me anymore. I turn around to see him laying dead on the ground with a bullet wound in his forehead from his own gun and I'm covered in his blood.. I turn back around to face the group only to be meet with one person in front of me who fucks with my dreams and life.

He is as well covered in Don's blood as I am. Smirking down at me. He takes a quick inhale of his cig while holding it through bloody fingers then slowly exhales through his mouth and nose.

"Damn, Kitten, it's good to be home. You miss me?"

Right after he said those words I felt my eyes roll in the back of my head invading me with pitch black darkness as I numbly drop onto the ground.

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