Chapter 4

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I let out a loud yawn while stretching my stiff muscles. I turned over to see if Michael was still on the floor, but it was shocked when I wasn't on the floor. I was in Reyes's room and Michael was nowhere to be seen. I let out a loud groan and slowly got out of bed. My feet touch the cooled floor causing me to flinch before getting up to go to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. I looked at myself in the mirror and glared at my reflection. My hair stuck out all over the place. I have dark bags under my eyes and crusties in the corner of my eyes. I don't even know how sleep beauty is still beautiful after waking up. I cup my hands and covered my mouth and breathe into my hands and smelled it.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust by the horrible smell. I turned the shower on all the way on hot. I stripped out of Reyes's pj's and hopped in. The hot water runs down my body causing it to turn red. Soon my stiff muscles relaxed as I continue to shower. I just realized that today is Christmas day, a day I would send my meal with my friends and family. Mainly, friends since my parents died when I was young and my aunt and uncle didn't want anything to do with me. Even though it wasn't a big deal to me. Last Christmas, Felicity and I spend a few nights at Amber's apartment and opened gifts with Harley and Amber. I can't believe I forgot about Christmas. I didn't realize because of the whole Reyes being "dead" thing.

I guess I could make do with the family I have now. Once I was done showering, I turned off the water and stepped out and wrapped myself in a warm fluffy towel. I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. After I was done I walked out of the bathroom and went through the dresser to find clothes.

A pair of arms snaked across my waist causing me to jump. "Sorry," He whispered against my shoulder. I closed my eyes and leaned against him. He plants a light feather kiss on my shoulder. Then, gently moves to my neck. I let out groaned in pleasure. "You look so beautiful, Teddy."

"I could just eat you for my Christmas dinner and would be satisfied." He winks at me, smiling. I threw my head back against his shoulder laughing. "Yeah? Well in your dreams." I smack his butt. I walked out of his arms to put on warm clothes. "Has Felicity been feed yet?" I look at him as I grabbed a pair of plain dark blue pants and Reyes's black shirt that reaches past my knees. Michael nodded, "She's been asking for you. Bryan took the girls home while you were still sleeping. Bryan wouldn't stop talking about that girl with the brown hair. What was her name? Amy? Amanda?" I laughed at him. "Amber?" He points at me and smiles. "Yeah, that one. He said that she wouldn't stop flirting with him." I shooked my head and chuckled. I some times wonder about that girl. I don't know if I should worry or just roll my eyes and let her do her thing. "They are ok about the whole thing that went down right?" I asked nervously. Michael cocked his head to the side and nods his head. "I think they will be alright. Don't worry about it. I think they already had forgotten about it." He nudged me and winked.

 "OK, hey, can I please wear your sweatshirt?" He raised his eyebrow at me and points at his sweatshirt. "You want my sweatshirt?" I nodded and pouted my lips. He takes off his sweatshirt and hands it to me. "Thanks."

Michael and I walk out of the room and went into the kitchen. Lillyan was making mash potatoes. The rest of the boys was drinking a bottle of beer. Zack was holding Felicity on his lap while she played on his phone. She snaps her head to me when she heard me walking in. "Mommy, mommy, wack was lettin me pwlay with his whone." She meant to say, Zack was letting her play with his phone. Her little front teeth showing on display. "That's good honey." I pat her head and picks her up. I sit her down on my hip and looked at around the house. It was covered in lights and Christmas decorations. "Wow did you do all this when I was asleep?" I asked in awe. "Yep. We felt the need too, since the kidnapping thing with Reyes and the why he treated you." Lillyan said with pity laced in her voice as she took the turkey out of the over along with baked rolls. "Oh, ok. Thanks." I didn't really know what to say to that so I kept it short.

"Hey, Lucky, do you want a beer?" Zack asked. I shook my head. "No thanks." I place Felicity down on the floor as she was starting to get heavy for me to hold her. I laid my hand down on my belly and rubbed it, gently. Zack immediately looks at where my hand is moving.

"Don't tell me-" He paused in shock. I bit my lip and looked down at the ground. "Is-is it, Reyes's?" I shook my head again. I look over to Michael, Zacks eyes followed and landed on Michael. "So you're showing me that he-" Zack pointed to Michael. "was the one that got you pregnant? What the fuck were you thinking man?!" He raised his voice. Felicity let's out a yelp and cowered behind my legs. "Zack! Don't curse!" Lillyan snapped and smacked his head.

"I'm sorry-" Michael started but was cut off by Zack. "You know what Reyes is going to do to you both and that baby right?" He stands up and got into Michaels's face causing Michael to do the same. They were nose to nose with each other. Bryan stood up and got in between them. "OK let's calm down here. Lets all talk about this in calm voices."

Zack laughed at Michael. "I get that you're into her, man but this is a whole nother level. Imagine how Reyes would feel knowing his girl and his best friend... not to mention your second to lead this gang. He will be pissed!" He said with a slight accent. Michael gripped his hair pulling at it. "I know! I didn't know that she would get pregnant! I thought she was on the pill! That's what she told me."

I swear it's like I'm not even here! I was about to say exactly what I thought but Lilly beats me to you. "Hey! You boys realized that Artemis is standing here hearing everything you say right? If you're going to fight and bicker then take it outside! You're scaring Felicity." Her voice booms throughout the house. The boys pulled apart from each other and look at me. They all muttered a 'sorry'. I don't understand why the boys are acting the way they are with Reyes being dead and all. But I guess that we are all on edge when it comes to him. The bite mark on my neck started to feel like it's on fire. Like it knows something that I don't. Maybe it's just me being paranoid 

"Let's open gifts shall we?" Lilly said with a big smile on her pretty face, trying to change the subject. She walks over to the tree that has gifts underneath it. She pulls out one gift reads off the name tag. "Zack this is yours to give to Bryan." She hands the gift to Zack. He hands the gift to Bryan. Bryan happily unwraps the gift. "Oh, hell yeah!" He pulls out a box that has a picture of the Turtle Beach Ear Force Stealth 600X Wireless Over-Ear Headset. (A/N: Which I've been dying to get!)

"Thanks, man!" Bryan said as he got a little teary-eyed. We all rolled our eyes and Lilly picks another gift. She turned to look at me with a big smile on her face. "Oh no-" I shooked my head at her. "I didn't get you guys anything," I whispered. "It's okay. Just take the gift." She hands me the gift. I opened it with ease. I pulled out a small box and opened it up. I let out a gasp. "This is so beautiful." I pulled out the real silver steel chain that had a wishbone hanging from it. And on that wishbone, it had three baby blue flowers in the middle it."Thank you," I told Lilly. "Oh, don't thank me, hun. Thank all of us. We all pitched in with this gift. It's one in a million. Specially made just for you," She smiles down at me. "Come on, girl. Stand up and let me put it on you." I nodded and stood up. I gave her that necklace and turned around. I lifted my long hair out of the way. She wraps the necklace around my neck and hooks it together. I smiled, touching the necklace.
"I love it."

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