Chapter 6

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A few weeks had passed. Everything was good, nothing bad happened. Still no sign of Reyes's body. Michael and the boys are trying really hard to keep this gang up and running. Lilly and Zack went home together and Bryan went home to his house. Michael stayed with me. I told him that I would have been fine by myself but he insisted. One night, I woke up to Michael yelling over the phone. I got out of my bed and to Felicity's room. Scratching my head, I went up to Felicity's bed and seen that she is still asleep.

I gave her a small peck on her forehead before heading downstairs. Michael was pacing back and forth pulling on his growing hair. He had dark bags under his eyes and stubbles spreading across his jaw. He had the look of stress on his face "I want his body! You son-of-a-bitches have him and I was willing to make a deal with you but you continue to lie to me! You all your going to end up with bullets in between your fucking eyes!"

I let out a small gasp, causing his head to snap toward me. He hung up the person on the other line. "Oh, sorry. Did I wake you?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and shied away. "Yeah."

Michael lets out a sigh and slowly walks up to me. He grabs my arms and uncrossed them. He pulls me in for a hug. "Sorry, Teddy. I just had been so stressed out with the whole gang thing. I just didn't have time for you and our baby."

I pulled away from him and shook my head. "No, it's fine." I let out a yawn. "Come on, Michael you need to get to bed. You're stressed out." He lets out a sigh.

"Did I wake Felicity up? I tried to be quiet but those bitches-" He clenches and unclenches his fist. His cheeks turned red from anger. "Michael, please, let it go. Try again tomorrow and no, she is still asleep." I reached out to grab his fist. "Please, Michael, let's go to bed." My hands slide up his arms to the back of his neck. I pushed his head closer to mine. Our lips... so close to touching. His hands wrap around my waist. "Ok. Teddy, lead the way." His voice had gotten deep as he breathed out. I let out a giggled. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs. I opened my door and dragged us into the room. Once we were in, I shut the door, locking it.

I tossed his body onto the bed and crawled on top of him. I put his arms over his head and leaned down to peck his lips. "We should get to bed," I mumbled against his lips. Michael lets out a sigh. "Yeah, we should. But do you think we should stay up a little longer? You know... To have a little bit of fun." He bit into my shoulder while pinching my side, causing me to giggle.

"We have all the time in the world to have a little fun," I lean my head against his. "But sadly we need all the sleep that we can get." I rolled off of him and got under the covers. "Goodnight, Mike." 

"Goodnight, Teddy."

"Well, well, well. my little whore and my best friend fucking in bed with each other. What pleasant sight to see." He stood there as both Michael and I were tied up to the bed. He walks over to the other side of the bed where I am laying. He sniffs my hair then lets out a breath of air causing it to hit my cheeks. I flinched away from him as tears ran down my face. He pulls away and started to come over to Michael's side. "Here, I come to find out that my girl has a baby inside her," He chuckles to himself. "I'm sure as hell, it's not mine. I. Wonder. Who. It. Could. Be?" He taunts tilting his head a little. Michael looks away clenching his jaw. "Awww somebody thinks he's so tough." 

"If your so tough then how about losing an eye." He quickly whips out a switchblade and puts it so close to Michael's left eye. I let out an ear pitching scream. "Reyes! Stop please!" Reyes pulls away from Michael and stomps over to me. He grabs my chin roughly, pointing the blade towards my mouth and screams in my face. "Shut the fuck up or you will lose your tongue!" I immediately snap my mouth shut. Reyes looks down at me with a smile forming on his face. As if an idea ran through his mind. I could tell it was nothing good. "If you wanted to whore around with him then you can me." 

"But Reyes-" I started but he cuts me off by shoving three fingers in my mouth, on top of my tongue. "Shhh, don't speak." He whispered as he crawls on top of me. Still with the fingers in my mouth. Slow and painful he slides his other hand down my neck and down to my breast, giving them a hard squeeze. I let out a choke in pain as more tears continue to fall down my face. Suddenly, Reyes stops. After first I thought he was done with me but he never got off. He turns his head to look at Michael. I couldn't move my head so I moved my eyes to look at him. Michael had his head turned away from us. "Hey! I want you to watch," Reyes growls out evilly. "I wanna show you want a real man would do to a whore!" 

Just like that my clothes were off along with Reyes's. Michael looks at me with pain and sadness in his eyes, but his face looked blank as a sheet of white paper. That last thing that I can remember is the single tear that ran down Michael's cheek. Every cry for help, every cry of pain was just echoing into the empty darkness as no one will never hear or help me. I was all alone in the sea of painful memories that are too deep for anyone to notice.  

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