Chapter 13

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"Finally, we made it to Austin Texas," I said, slapping my brother on the shoulder to wake him up. He lets out a groan and rubs his eyes. My eyes flicker across the beautiful city. It's such a shame that I won't stay here long enough to explore it.

"What time is it?" I glance down at my watch before looking back at the road.

"It's 12 in the afternoon. Where do you think the rest of dad's gang would be?" I which arms as I controlled the steering wheel. Riker looks down at a folded piece of paper, "Okay, so before we left I asked mom for the direction on how to get there and where they are located. I had her write it down because I would of forgot."

I gave him a quick look. "She gave you the location and shit even when she didn't want me to go?" Riker shrug his shoulders and smiled at me cheekily. "Maybe, it's because I'm the favorite son."

I scoffed at him. "You keep saying that. I don't think mom could ever get over what you did to her cake."

Riker raised his hands up. "Yeah, I remember that shit was funny. Turn right."

I chuckled at him and turned right, not even using my turn signals. "You didn't tell me that you put worms in the cake when I went to sneak a piece of it. Mom was not happy with the two of us."

"There were some good times in our childhood. Make a left and make a left again." He said then it went silent. I turned left and left again. I don't remember much about my childhood when I do there is a little good and most not so much. That was one of the best memories of my mother. It was a time where mom was making a cake for our fathers birthday. She had to go out and buy another one to make for our father. Our family wasn't perfect but it wasn't bad either. My father didn't drink and my mother didn't stick drugs in her body. Yeah, we were poor as hell but that didn't stop us from being a family.

My father had gotten into gang life and it made him into a sick monster. My mother was raped by my drunken father and I hated him for that, I hate myself for what I did to my kitten. I turned out to be just like him and I learned to accept it. But there is one thing that I will be different about my father is that I won't lay a hand on my children. Never. Doesn't mean that I won't kill any of her boyfriends because I don't give a shit.

My father left cigarette scars on my arms when I spoke out of term. He said, "If I am old enough to speak up and fight back then I deserve every pain he throws at me to make me more of a man" I could picture my mothers face as she was high off of heroin. She was shocked but due to her being high all the time she couldn't help. One time, she OD and I had to save her. I could remember her face turning blue and I had to drag her body to the hospital. The doctor told me if I haven't made it, she would of been dead less than an hour. I didn't cry, I just felt numb. I told her sleeping form that I hated her and I wish I didn't save her.

I gave up on her and everyone else around me. I used my anger to get me through the late nights and sex to add oil to the fire. I would go to underground fighting clubs to fight and blow off some steam. I would go to school with bruises from fights and from my father. I didn't trust anybody but I trust one person and that is Micheal. He stood by me when shit would go down. The thing about Michael is that his parents are rich people. He had gotten everything that he wanted if he was a good kid. Michael got bored of that life, got into drugs and graffiti words and pictures on old, even new buildings.

He got kicked out of his parent's house and got a small beaten-down apartment. I got Michael out of drugs and he helped me when I need a place to stay and study. I met Zack through Lillyan. He was stuck with parents who always fought so when he met Lillyan she took him in and changed him. That's so why he's so protective over her. Bryan was bullied like me growing up in school. He had it worse. He became suicidal but Michael and I took him under our wing and protected him until we taught him how to stand up for himself. You would be surprised of how Bryan changed. He didn't trust us. He didn't let us in but with a slow and succeeding process he opened up for us. Now he's annoying as ever.

Lastly, my precious kitten. Her parents died in a car crash with her in it. She had survived the crash out of pure luck and had to live with her shitty aunt and uncle eventually, she got kicked out and had to live on her own. She struggled to live in a house and tried to stay safe in a bad town. As much as she doesn't want to admit it but she is more like us then she thinks.

"Mom said that they are in a beaten-down bar that our father owned. Once you take another right and go straight it should be on my side." I nodded and did what he told me to do. Soon, we pulled up to the beaten-down bar that has bikes lined up in rows of three. I carefully parked the ugly minivan without hitting the bikes. I looked up to see that there are three big bulky guys already standing on the porch smoking, with gray and white beards and were wearing bandanas over their heads. They have tattoo as sleaves up and down their arms along with scattered tats over their necks and faces. These guys would make any normal person shit themselves but as I am not normal, I'm not even fazed.

I turned off the van and got out with Riker following behind me. One of the guys stood in front of me not letting me inside. I challenged him with my eyes warning not to try anything as he did the same. "I am looking for the second leader of this gang. I need to speak with him." I demanded.

"Boy, you have no business being here. We are not looking for recruits and if we did we are not looking for wanna-be gangsters who will end up pissing themselves when they see a real dead body. This shit is not for kids like you, so please do yourself a favor go home back to your mommy and daddy." The tan skin guy spits in my face. My blood started to boil, my eyes darkened from anger. I punch the guy in the face and slammed him against the wall, not caring that the other two had guns on me and Riker.

I got into his face and hummed. "So quick to judge a book by its cover. Do you want to know who I am?" I spoke to him with a deep and dangerous voice. I turned to notice that more people came out they stood to watch and didn't say anything. "This wanna-be gangster is here to take his rightful place to the throne. The throne which my very own father had passed down to me for me to take!" Everyone around me gasp in shock. I grabbed the tan guy by the throat and threw him on the ground. Riker comes up beside me.

"My name is Raizel McCoyed and my brother Riker McCoyed. The two sons of Queen Laura and King Dylan, leader of the Masters of Wars. The two princes of Masters of Wars and heir to the throne."

I looked around after I did my speech and nobody had said anything. Well, this is awkward. I leaned towards Riker and whispered, "Are you sure this is the right gang and place?"

Riker nodded and looked down at the paper and unfolds it. Something fell out of it and lands on the step of the porch. Riker bends down to pick it up. "Yeah, look." It was a picture of our father and mother with some dude. They are wearing the same cuts as the guys standing in front of us.

"I'll be damn. I can't believe... I can't believe that I'm seeing this with my old eyes."

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