Chapter 17

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9 months later

"Ok, sweetheart. I'm going to need you to push one more time. On my count, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Here he is! Congratulations! Here is your new baby boy." As the doctor hands the new baby to a nurse to get cleaned and wrapped up in a blanket.

"Alright, little man. I'mma hand you to your mommy; I'm sure you are hungry." The nurse handed my little baby in my arms. "Your family members are allowed to come in and meet the baby but only two at a time. You are allowed to take pictures but no video photography please and thank you." Michael and I nodded at the doctor and nurse as they were already out the door. Now we were all alone.

"He's such a cutie." I adored.

"Yeah, yeah, he is." I looked up and seen Michael already smiling at our beautiful creation. I smiled and looked back down at the light blonde headed, brown eyed, new born baby, that is filling his little stomach fill.

"Ready to meet the rest of your family, Jacoby?" I asked Jacoby, who struggled to keep his eyes open.

"I will bring in two from the group." Michael said then kissed me on my sweaty forehead before heading out the door.

When I know that Michael is out of hearing range I let out a deep long sigh. "Oh, Jacoby,"

I feel an overwhelming feeling ran through my body. "This is a messed up world we live in, I'm sorry. As mother, It is my duty to protect you. I can't promise anything but I will try my hardest because I love you and your big sister. That's what gives me the strength to end this once and for all."

Jacoby didn't say anything, obviously. He looked at me with his bright chocolate eyes; waving his mini baby hands up at me.

I hear the door knob twist open, causing me to jump and pulled Jacoby off my breast. I quickly cover myself as Zack and Lillyan walked inside the room.

"Awwe!! He's so cute!" Lillyan basically ran over to the bed and gushed over at my new born baby. I held Jacoby closer to my body so she doesn't end up hurting him somehow.

"Easy babe. It's not a stuff toy. He's the real deal." Zack chuckles but he was being serious. Lilly lets out a scoff, "I know this, I'm not stupid. Sooo...? What's his name? Since you didn't want to tell any of us up until your birth." Lilly sticks her thin finger out and gentle rub Jacoby's tiny red cheeks.

Suddenly, the door opens again. Brian pops his head in with a goofy smile on his face. Lilly scowls at him. "You can't be in here. Only two at a time!" She whisper yells.

"I couldn't wait much longer. I wanted to see the little Bean." He argued back.

I let out a tired sigh, "its fine lilly, his name is Jacoby. Jacoby River Smith." They smiled at the unique name. "Jacoby was named after my dad who had died in a car crash when I was very young. As for River... Well, I wanted to go swimming that day Micheal and I was trying to come up with baby names." We all chuckled softly as Jacoby was fast asleep in my arms.

Then I had to ask them a question... A serious one. "Any signs of him yet?" I looked at them with a swirl of emotions running in my blue-ish green eyes. I need to know if he's gonna be gone for good before I'm able to move on with my life. I'm getting so tired of living in constant fear all my life because of him.

They give me a look a sympathy and shook their heads. "Sorry love, theres still no trace of him." Lilly says.

Zack looks down at his watch. "OK, times up. Micheal wants us out so that Felicity can meet her little brother."

"What? Nooo I wanna hold the Bean." Brian whines. Lillyan wips her head at him and glares. "Stop calling the baby Bean. And no, you can't hold him. You might end up dropping the poor baby."

Brian glares back at Lillyan. I looked over at Zack as he let's out a sigh and rolls his eyes. "Oh, no. 3...2...1"

"Shut up, Lillyan. You are just mad because you can't have kids and you want to hold little Bean first." Brian spats at her. My eyes went wide and looks at Lilly.

Lilly's eyes watered as she stared at the floor with a blank look. "Brian, you need to get out." Brian let's out a puff of air and walks out of the room.  "Babe." Zack went to touch her shoulder causing her to flinch away from him. "Don't touch me." She growled. Lilly turns and made her way out the door slamming it shut behind her, causing me to jump along with Jacoby in my arms; waking him up.

Jacoby let's out a loud cry. I hummed softly to him like I always did with Felicity when she was this small but it was different with him, he didn't stop crying to the sound of my voice. I let out another tired sigh and looked up at Zack who was looking at the door where Lillyan had walked out. Zack must have known that I was staring at him so he looks at me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know... " I looked at him with sadness swirling in my eyes.

He let's out a sad sigh and looks at the floor and back up to me, "Yeah, Lillyan and I has been trying for the past year. She's been to every doctor and done to many test and they haven't been giving us hope."

"Brainless head Brian, uses that as an advantage to get under her skin when she is nagging him about shit." He shakes his head. "Well, I better go and make my girlfriend happy. I'm sure Felicity is dying to meet her little baby brother." I nodded my head at Zack. He makes his way out the door giving me a few more minutes to be with Jacoby.

Jacoby's cry is slightly calming down but he still let's out a small moan and tears ran down his cheeks. "Mommy!"

My head snaps up as my eyes went wide. I calm down when I see my daughter run up to me. "Hi, pretty." I smiled down at her as her little body tries to climb up on the hospital bed. Michael comes up behind her to lift her up correctly on the bed.

She let's out a huge gasp and stared at her little brother in awe. "He's so small." Her eyes huge and so full of light. I looked at her softly and smiled. "This is your little bother, Felicity. Meet Jacoby."

"Coby." Was all she said and starts to hum to him, making him come to a complete stop on his crying and falls asleep in my arms.

I looked up at Michael. "You will be released tomorrow since it's pretty late. I will have Uncle Zack and Auntie Lilly watch Felicity for the night and I will stay here with you and the baby." I nodded at Michael.

I let out a huge yawn signaling that I was tired from nature taking it course and that I needed to rest. "Ok, baby, mommy needs some rest. You will be okay at your Aunts and Uncles?" Felicity gives me a toothless smile as she is now getting older and losing her baby teeth and nods her head.
(Felicity is a lot older now)

I give my daughter a kiss on her forehead and let Michael take her out to Zack and Lillyan. The doctor comes in and takes Jacoby out of my hand and puts in a little baby bed looking thing. I asked the doctor to turn off the lights and to give me an extra blanket and two waters with ice for the night.

After, the doctor did everything that I had asked for, Michael comes in and kisses me on the lips and walks over to the uncomfortable couch. "Goodnight, Teddy. I love you."

"I love you, too." I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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