Chapter 1

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I laid on the church floor cover in my blood. I had been shot on my side. Thankfully, the bullet went straight through. I think that Luke wanted me to stay alive so I can bleed out. It's his way of torture. A slow and painful death. I couldn't help to think about Artemis. Did she make it out? Had she been shot? Did those sick bastards touch- "Well at least you're married." My thoughts were cut off by a familiar voice. "What are you doing here?" I grumbled. "I didn't want to miss my little brother's big day," He then chuckled, "I'm really glad that I didn't miss this. It's too funny to watch." I coughed and spit out blood.

My half-closed eyes look at him. He has a well-cut beard, he wore a black t-shirt. He had cowboy boots with stained jeans neatly tucked inside them. "Yeah, I don't dress up to special events. You know this." We both laugh a little. "Here, let me give you a hand. The cops will be coming soon." He picks me up and drags me to his truck. "Ok, big boy, up you go." He lifts me up and sits me down in the passenger seat. He runs over to the driver's side and gets in. He starts the truck and drives away from the church. I slowly can feel my eyes dropping. I feel a hard slap on my shoulder. "Open your eyes little brother. You're not dying on me...Yet." I chuckled then hissed in pain.

Out of nowhere, he starts laughing. "I can't believe it," He shook his head. I was confused about what he was saying but I let him continue. "Man, if she really loved you, she would have come back. If your so-called ''friends" had your back they wouldn't have left you behind. Look, man, all I'm saying is...You're better than this. Better than your dumb friends. You can get any girl you want but you choose a fucking-" I reached over and grabbed his neck. He slams on his breaks. "I wouldn't finish that if I were you," I growled in his ear, he raised his hands in surrender. I pulled away and groaned. He cleared his throat and started driving again. "I just don't get it, man." He switched his left hand to his right on the wheel. I said nothing as we sat in silence. I don't have to explain shit to him. He's not my brother, not anymore. I turn to look out the window.

Soon we were pulling in a driveway. A driveway that I recognized. "Why does this look familiar? Is this the cabin that we used to live in?" I asked. I looked at him as he parked and turned off the car. He ignored my question and got out. I opened my door and groaned in pain. Riker makes his way over to me and hooks an arm around my waist. My arm wraps around his neck for more balance. "You still didn't answer my question," I grunted. He sighs, "Can we just get inside?" He drags me inside the door and walks over to the couch. He basically throws me on the couch.

"Fuck man!" I growled out clenching my jaw in pain. "I will be back with supplies." Riker walks away. I looked around the living room and nothing has changed. It's really weird since Ricker isn't the neatest. The only person that I know that keeps this house clean is- "Reyes is that you?" A small female voice said. My eyes snap towards the woman that stands before me. She looked the same from the last time I saw her and that was a long time ago. The only difference is that she aged a little. Her brown eyes shined bright in the light.

Her long brown wavy lengthed hair flowed down her back. She was wearing black pants and a loose gray t-shirt. She still had her tree of life necklace. She had tears that ran down her beautiful face with a big smile. "Mom." I was shocked. I can't believe that she is really alive. I thought that the bastard of a husband of hers killed her. I tried to get up to hug her but Riker comes in, "Whoa, whoa, what are you doing? You need to lay back down so I can stop your bleeding." I was still in shock but laid down anyways and he went to work on the wound.

She walks over to the rocking chair and sits down. "Sorry, I couldn't be at the wedding. Sorry, I wasn't there for you boys-" I held up my hand to silence her. That's what our father did when she would talk when she wasn't allowed. She immediately snaps her mouth shut. "Mom, I don't care about that anymore. All I care about is now. Your home and that's all it matters."

I groaned when I felt the needle poke my skin. "You baby. Here drink this, by the way, your wife is safe." Riker hands me a big bottle of what it looks like vodka. I could feel the stress being lifted off my shoulders. I nodded as I opened the bottle and took a huge swig then hissed. "Who knows they might be dead." Suddenly, the bottle was ripped out of my hand. "Hey!" I looked at my mom that was holding the bottle. "I want some." She said and took a swig out of the bottle. She then hands it back to me. Once a drinker always a drinker. "So where were you this whole time?" I asked. As he finished up with the stitching and cleans up. He takes a seat next to me.

She takes a deep breath, "I was in Texas."

I looked at her confused, "What were you doing at your home town." I continued to ask questions. "I was visiting my parents. I haven't seen my parents forever since I married your father. He wouldn't let me see them. He kept me in isolation for a long time. He wouldn't let me go to the store by myself, he wouldn't let me talk to any of my friends. I was so alone. Later I found out that I was pregnant-" She looked at Riker who was already looking back at her. "I was so happy to know that I was finally having a baby. We tried and tried to have a child for so long I just wasn't able to have a child.

Then Riker came into this word... things just went downhill. Your father started to get aggressive towards both Riker and me. He was saying that he wanted to train Riker. I didn't know what he had meant by that so I did a little digging and found out that he was in some high top gang - the gang that you had taken over. The only difference is that your gang isn't a full gang. From what I heard you only have your cousin, three other guys, and a wife am I right?" I nodded.

"I immediately told him no. He didn't like that, it was like he had snapped. He used me... all because he wanted his kids to be raised as monsters. People heard about you but they could never find you on the radar. No wonder why the rest of your father's gang members can't find you." She said to herself. "Wait... hold up? So you're saying that our father's men are still looking for Reyes?" Riker asked just as confused as I am.

They are looking for me? 

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