Chapter 10

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I could see sweat roll down his head, causing me to smirk. I press the gun harder on his head. "Get the fuck out, pig."

Riker got out of the truck and ripped Dave out of the driver's seat. Riker throws him on the ground and starts yelling at him. I went through the side of his seats and underneath. I pulled out a Glock Pistol. I snorted as I checked the magazine and notice it is full. I set the gun down and continued searching 

Then I moved my hand toward the sun visor mirror and in between the sun visors. I smirked when I found a secret compartment. I pressed my finger on it and it popped open. I sighed in disappointment when all I saw is three pairs of cheap glasses. Lame. I chucked them in the back seats. Lastly, I went to the glove compartment and pull out Registration, Insurance card, and a few receipts from Brothers Pizza and Dunkin Donuts. My stomach growls in the thought of the food. I shook my head and looked through the papers. Suddenly, something had caught my eyes. "Ah, so your real name is Josh Packers. I prefer Dave better." I chuckled to myself. I looked down at the cup holder and notice that he had a pack of cigarettes.  

I took my phone off the charger and turned it on; a noise came from the phone. Once it had fully turned on I took pictures of his important information. Then got out of the truck and faced Dave- I mean Josh and Riker. Josh's face is beaten and battered. He set on the floor quivering and scared. I looked at Riker with an eyebrow raised. He throws a wallet at me. I caught it swiftly and looked inside it. I pulled out his license and credit card. 

"I will take this." I waved the credit card in his face and placed it in my back pocket. I used my phone and took a picture of his license. "I'm going to ask you more questions and I'm going to need you to answer them correctly, you hear me?" He didn't say anything, didn't even look at me. I grabbed his jacket and threw him against the truck. "Let's do this again. I'm going to ask you the questions and you are going to answer them or I will kill your family in front of you then rip your head off."

Josh nodded quickly, raising his arms up in surrender. "Who sent you? Clearly, your undercover but how did you know that we were traveling?" 

"A man! He-he told us that you are trying to go to Texas." He stuttered, his body shaking from fear.

"What man!" I yelled in his face, not caring about the spit flying out of my mouth. 

"I don't know!" He cried out, "I don't remember."

I clenched my jaw and punched him in the gut. "Well, you better fucking remember." 

"It-it was'a man by thee name of Luke-Luke Mandle." My lips curled up in a sneer. That fucking prick! Oh, when I get my hands around his big head... I would love to hear the snap of his neck as I twist it slow and painful. 

I took my gun out and pressed it against his stomach. "You made the wrong move to take this job and now... you won't have the chance to return to your family in one piece." I shot him, killing him immediately. I threw his body on the ground and took out a pocket knife from my back pocket. I grabbed Josh's hand and took off his finger. Blood splattered everywhere and on my face. "Well, this is going to make the best the present they had gotten in the mail," I said to Riker. I ripped part of his shirt and wrapped it up. Once I was done I got into the truck as Riker followed me. 

This time I took the driver seat. I turn the key making the truck purr awake. I look at Riker as he looks at me. "Are you going to leave the body there?" I nodded and pulled the cigarettes out of the cup holder and took a stick out, then lighting it. I let the smoke fill in my lungs and exhaled out then drove off. We drove a few distance before seeing shops and restaurants. Thankfully, this dull town had a hotel. I pulled into the parking lot and found an open spot to park the truck. I turned off the truck and looked over at my brother to tell him something but took notice of him sleeping. 

"Riker, wake up," I patted his shoulder. His eyes open slightly as he lets out a groan, before falling back to sleep. I growled at him in annoyance. I slapped him hard on the chest and he jolts awake."Riker, get the fuck up!" 

"What is it now, Reyes?" He snaps at me. I glared at him and pointed at the hotel. Riker's eyes followed to where I'm pointing and lets out a sigh in relief. We both got out of the truck and walked inside. We looked around, taking in our surroundings. The smell of scented wax candles filled the air. I don't know what the scent is but it's clogging my nose and causing me to have a headache. There is a living room set in the corner of the hotel. And plants. This... place has a lot of plants. Making me want to sneeze and my eyes water. Riker is the first to start walking. He walks up to a coffee machine and pours himself and myself a cup of coffee. He hands me the cup. We both took a sip. Riker spits out the coffee. "What the hell is this?!?!" 

"Riker, it's coffee," I said in a pissed off tone. "It's not that bad." 

He looks at me in shock. "How are we even related?"

I was about to snap at him about me wishing to not wanting to even be related to him in the first damn place, but a woman's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "Can I help you?" 

Riker and I turn around to the sound of the female's voice. I become shocked when I see this woman. She had long natural black hair with red color underneath. She has a nice tan to her soft shiny skin. She is wearing a gold long necklace that has a cross around her neck. She is wearing a gray shirt that says "Nope Not Today" and black pants with brown boots. Her eyes made my knees go weak. The blue-ish green eyes and the beauty of this woman has my cock perking up. For a split second, I thought it was my kitten staring at me. An exact replica of my kitten. 

I cleared my throat as I stood there frozen. Riker was the first to speak, "We would like a room, Sweetheart." 

A flirtatious tone rolls out of his mouth. Riker's flirting didn't even make this girl look at him. She is looking at me with a smile on her face. "My name is Carrley," She sticks her hand out for me to shake. "So, one bed?" She asked after I gave her a quick and light handshake. 

Riker and I looked at each other in disgust. I shook my head, "No, two beds would do just fine." 

She nods and walks behind the counter then disappears behind the counter. Riker nudges me and smirks. "Does she look like somebody you know?" He whispers to me. I rolled my eyes at him and ignored him. "Maybe you could go and get a piece of that." I punched him on the shoulder. "Back off, dude." 

"Okay, here's your key and your room number is 101. Have a nice and welcoming stay at our finest hotel." She said to both of us but kept her eyes on me. I nodded as Riker winks at her. "See you later, kitten." Riker laughs as he mocked me. I clenched my fist getting really fed up with his shit. I walked away from him and made my way to our room. I unlocked the door and walked inside. The room is all white, not a speck of color anywhere. It makes me cringe on how white it is; I feel like I'm in a mental hospital. I fucking hate it. Two beds lay in the center of the room. A small kitchen net is on the other side of the beds and beside the small kitchen is the bathroom. I let out a boring sigh and tossed my bag on my bed. 

Riker soon comes barging in the room. "I hope they have food. I'm hungry!" I wanted to roll my eyes at my overdramatic brother but I couldn't help to feel the same. Riker throws his bag on the empty bed and walks over the cupboards. Riker slowly opens the doors before ripping them open out of excitement. "Dude! Look!" 

Riker turns around with arms full of junk food. Normally, I don't like to eat much junk food because I tried to keep my body in shape for fighting but I could feel my mouth watering and my stomach growling at me. "Hand me some." 

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