Chapter 9

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Reyes's POV

"Are you fucking kidding me, dude!" 

Riker pulls over to the side and puts the truck in park. I let out a groan and hit my head against the seat. Riker gets out of the truck, slamming the door shut in anger. "Fuck me, man!" He pulls his hair and kicks the flat tire. Then looks around him as I did the same while getting out. We were surrounded by woods that echos by the sound of our voices. It is quiet...a little too quiet. Riker lets out a sigh then looks at me. "I'm pretty sure that there's a hotel a few miles from here. Do you think you can walk?" 

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "You act like I have broken legs. Yes, you stupid idjit I can walk," I shook my head at him from being dumb. I went to the truck, opening the passenger door. I mine and Riker's backpack, my phone, wallet, and gun. Can never be too careful. He looks at me weirdly as I turned to look at him. "What's an idjit?" I let out a sigh. Oh, I forgot Riker dropped out of school. "Don't worry about it. Let's just start walking." We've been walking for about an hour and nothing came up. No gas station, no hotels, not even a single store insight. 

I clenched and unclenched my fist; ready to strike at my air-headed brother as he sings-no! He screeches to Hell's Bell's by AC/DC. I let out a random noise that was supposed to be a groan. "Dude, we've been walking for at least an hour. Our phones are completely drained and haven't found a single place. Can you please stop singing!" I growled out. But he chooses to ignore me and sings louder. So I swung on him. My fist hitting him square on his jaw. His face was in shock but turns dark. "You fucking hit me!"

Before I knew it, he started punching me repeatedly.  

"Is this how you repay me after I saved your ass?" He yells causing some spit to fly on my face. I blocked my face and head as he continues to punch me. I started to get fed up and wrapped my legs around his waist and flipped him over and yelled. 

"Enough!" My chest pumping in and out from breathing heavily. I could feel the blood running down my head and nose from the punches. Riker clenches his jaw and looks away. "Get off me." 

I rolled off him, standing up. I let out a tired sigh and look down at my brother. "Ok. Look. I know we are mad and tired but we need to get walking. So if you want to sit there and pout then fine but if you want to come with me that would be great."

Riker wipes the blood off his lips and stands up and walks beside me. He glares at me then looks away and starts walking. I rolled my eyes and follows behind him. A few minutes of walking, we heard a humming sound coming close to us from the distance. Riker and I stop to turn around to see a black shining truck speeding towards us. 

"Hey!" Riker waves his arms out trying to get the drivers attention. I grabbed Riker's arms and held them down. "What are you doing?" I hissed as he looks at me. 

"What now, Reyes? It's our only ride." He gave me a look like I've grown two heads. "Do you realize that I'm a prisoner- an escaped fugitive! If they recognized my face they would have the cops on my ass and I'm not about to get arrested again." 

"Reyes, the longer we wait out here, the longer we get to Texas. We will die out here. If something goes to shit... We will handle it. Okay?" I let out a weird noise from the back of my throat. 

"Fine," I grumbled out. Riker waves his hands in the air and hollers. I kicked the small pebble on the ground trying to distract the hunger in my stomach. I have a bad feeling about this but like Riker said "If something goes to shit...We will handle it." The gun that I carry, in my back pocket, felt heavy as I start to take notice of it. Soon, the truck pulled over to where we stand and rolled their window down. A man may be about the age of mid-thirties. He had red hair that's cut into a buzz and a crazy long goatee. He look like he had served a few years in the military. He had seen some shit, shit that fuck a man's mind up for life. I know that feeling. 

"Y'all gona stand ther'e," His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. It was a southern accent which is unusual in this part of the state. "Or ya goin to git in?" Riker and I looked at each other before opening the back doors of the truck. We hope in shutting the doors. He looks at us in the rearview mirror. "So before I move. I'd gona need those names." 

Riker is the first to speak up. "I'm Max and this is my brother Bobby." I glared at him as he continued to talk. "We are trying to get to Texas to see some family, but you see we had a flat. So thank you, sir, for picking us up." Riker said to prevent a thousand questions. The man started to drive then nodded in understanding. But for some reason, I think this guy didn't believe us. I slowly reach for my gun as he did a double-take in the mirror as he looked at me. It's the way he looked and a cop. Maybe I'm just paranoid or something. 


"Dave." He cuts me off. 

I cleared my throat. "Oh, can you please plug in my charger. My phone is dead. Thanks," He took my phone after handing it to him. I was pleased to know that he had the right charger as he plugged in my phone. "what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I'm moved her'e ah few months ah go."  I nodded my head and hummed. "Do you have a family, Dave?" I asked trying to sound normal. He shook his head and spoke up. "I'mma goin to drop y'all off her'e up at the closes hotel. Is that okay?" He said quickly as he makes a left. He tried to change the conversation. I looked at him closely and realize that he lying. I hate liers. I just fucking hate them to the point of shooting them in the head. I smirked and leaned back in my seat. Time for a little fun. "Hey, Dave. What do you do for a job?" Riker snaps his head to look at me as he was looking out the window the whole time. We looked at each other and Riker nods his head like he got what I was thinking. 

"I'mma Firefighter." I almost laughed at the way he said it. It was a statement, but to a person who is not stupid and knows how to read people- it sounded like a question than a statement. 

So me being fed up with this stupid game when he knows, that I know about his real job. I quickly whipped out my gun and puts it against his head causing him to slam on the brakes stopping the truck on a dime. 

"I know what you really do, I know a pig when I see one. I can smell you motherfuckers from a mile away."

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