Chapter 8

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Previously on Reyes's POV

I'm going to make my gang larger, larger than before. I'm going to become powerful, un-fucking-stoppable. The king- no a god of all gangs. My queen and my little princess will be by my side along with my men.

My thoughts were interrupted by Riker coming into the room uninvited. "What do you want, brother?" I growled at him. "Do you want to go to Texas or what?" He crossed his arms over his chest. I set up straight and looked at me. "Be ready tonight we are going on a very long trip."

I will be back, my kitten. I have something to do. 

Being stuck in a truck with a brother that I hated for years for 20 hours is not fun. I wish I can rip his fucking vocal folds out so I don't have to hear him sing Old Town Road for the next 1,593.2 miles from California to Austin, Texas. "Dude, can you please shut the hell up? Pick another fucking song or something." 

I rubbed my temples feeling a headache coming on.

"Well, aren't you just a big ball full of sunshine," He did an open mouth laugh. 

I let out a grunt in annoyance.

"I got the horses in the back
Horse tack is attached
Hat is matte black
Got the boots that's black to match
Ridin' on a horse, ha
You can whip your Porsche
I been in the valley
You ain't been up off that porch, now-"

"Riker, would you please, just shut. up," I'm going to kill him. I pulled my gun out and pointed to his big head that's full of air. "For the love of our father's death bed please shut up," I growled out as he chuckled. 

"Boy, get that damn thing off my head before I shove it up your ass." He snaps his head to look at me before looking at the road. "You and I both know that our dad's death doesn't matter to us." He's right. We are hell a lot happier knowing that he's six feet below us. His skin is probably decaying into bones by now but his soul is rotting in hell. Good for him. He belongs there. I wouldn't be surprised if he and Satan are fighting over the thrown; to see who is the best to be the king of hell. Just wait until I join... I chuckled, shaking my head at the thought. 

I will go down happy knowing that I had the country down on its knees. Lucifer and God will have nothing against me. Hell, they will be shocked that it took a man- human like me to have people begging or worshipping me. But that's when the time comes. Right now I need to focus on convincing my father's men to join me and go back home. I didn't have a name for the gang but I think I should give it a try. How about the Blood Brothers? Nah probably used already. No, wait! The Calfornia girls. I've got it! The Goddess of Artemisa. It has a nice ring to it. If you didn't know Artemis's name came from Greek. In Greek, they believed in Gods and Goddesses. Not just one God. She is the goddess of the wilderness, hunt and wild animals, and fertility. The goddess was worshipped by most Greek cities, mainly because of a fertility goddess. This goddess is very skilled in shooting her bow and arrow. But sadly, she was killed by Orion a giant hunter. Then later one of Artemis's people killed Orion since he tried to sexually assault her.

So this goddess is a badass. Just like my little kitten and that's why I decided to give that name to the gang for her. I realize that my kitten is no queen, but a beautiful goddess. I hope she realizes that she is beautiful inside out. She is shining bright, brighter than the world, but I'm greedy. I won't give her up. I won't share her. She is mine from the moment I saw her. She is a true mother. I know that her daughter- our daughter is her weakness. I know that she would take a gunshot to save our daughter. But the thing is where I come from, I live in a world of danger. You can't have any weaknesses. But, I have two, Kitten and my daughter. I can't stand to think if something were to happen to them. They are my world, my rock. I will go ballistic and murder them all. Torture first then death. A slow and painful death. 

Learning about Mythology was my favorite thing to learn about in school. I think her parents were into the same thing since they named her after the strong goddess. I remember every god and goddesses in the class. Just because I'm a criminal and in a gang. I'm not stupid. I used to be a nerd in school before my father kicked us out of school and turned us into his lapdogs, after mom had "died". In all my classes, I had A's and B's. I did have a favorite teacher; if I can remember his name is Mr. Levine. He was my Mythology and Folklore teacher. Instead of going to counselors, he was my counselor. He helped me through the bullying and my family problems. Yes, I told him everything. 

I thought everything was okay. That-that telling him about the gang and the abuse at home wouldn't hurt. It's not like Mr. Levine was able to do anything, he hated drama. I guess you can call him a pacifist. In the middle of the school year, dad had pulled us out. A few weeks before I left, Mr. Levine was killed in a car accident. The newspaper said that he was killed by a hit and run drunk 17-year-old and they couldn't find the kid, so they closed the case but I knew what happened behind closed doors. He wasn't killed by a drunk 17-year-old. He was killed by one of my father's men then lied in the newspaper. I was flabbergasted when my father told me straight to my face. I wanted to kill that man but I couldn't with my father still living. After, my fathers death. He retired out of the gang. So I went to find the retired man that killed my favorite teacher-who was more of a father then my actual father and know he's dead. I went to the man's house and killed his family in front of him before giving him a slow painful death. After, Mr. Levine's death I become numb and dark. I lost any feeling that I had before I left that school. 

I snapped out of my thoughts and pulled out a cigarette lighting it. I take in a long drag of the smoke then exhale before handing Riker one. I look out the window as something caught my eyes before we passed it. A sign written in big bolded letters, "ARIZONA" with a peach-ish colored stair that had red and yellow stripes shooting out of it from the top. Beneath the stair said, "THE GRAND CANYON STATE WELCOMES YOU" First state down two more to go. 

Suddenly, the road got really bumpy. 

"Ah, shit! Got a flat tire."

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