Who's the Real Monster? - Male!Beast!Setsuna x Reader (Request)

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A/N: So, this one's quite a doozy!  Worked extra hard on this, so I hope you all like it!  Also, I'll be adding the new three Nijigasaki girls in this, so the male names are as follows:

Mia - Max
Lan Zhu - Li Zhu
Shioriko - Shoichiro


  All your life, you've been told to never step within the woods outside the village.  Tales of dragons, demons, and dark creatures haunted the forest's realm, and the people of your village trembled at the mere thought of testing whether the tales were true or not.  From birth, children had been scared to sleep with these stories, in hopes that they too would understand the dire consequences of tempting fate.  You were no exception to this odd tradition. 

  Every night before you drifted to sleep, your eldest sister would take over the role of storyteller.  You'd be sweating and shaking by the end of every single one.  Witches that boiled children alive before feasting upon them.  Ogres with crooked teeth and bloodthirsty eyes.  Goblins that stole your gold and your soul.  Anything that you could think of really.  While all of the stories managed to keep you sufficiently awake in your bed, there had only been one story that truly struck terror into your very soul.  The story of the beast.

  The beast was supposedly the most vile creature that ever roamed the forest.  He was as tall as the tallest tree in the woods, only able to stay hidden when hunched on all four of his blood-stained claws.  His teeth were as sharp as knives, and his eyes were a sickly yellow that painted the back of dark blown pupils.  His roar was said to be so significant that mountains shook and earthquakes cracked the surface of the Earth.  The beast was to the forest as a lion was to the jungle.  The king.

  And yet, knowing all this, you still chose to do what you had.  You still chose to walk into the woods.  To see everything for yourself.  No matter if you were foolish and would die a stupid girl's death.  At least you'd know the answers to your many questions.  Dying by risk was better than dying by curiosity, in your very unpopular opinion.  It had been dusk by the time you reached far enough into the woods to understand that all the tales that were spread in your village were indeed false.  There were no witches.  There were not ogres.  There were no goblins.  Not a single world had been true. 

  Well, you gasped as you stumbled into a clearing of the forest, most of them weren't anyway.


  Tall, cold, and somber.  The castle-like structure in front of you looks tall, cold, and somber.  Your breath stops for a moment as you register your surroundings.  Overgrown hedges line the cobblestone walkway to the tall brown entrance doors, lit only by candlelight that barely provides light for any sort of comfort.  How...How could a place like this exist, and no one had known about it?  Who could possibly live here?  Surely the top of this huge structure could be seen over the trees of the forest, even from the village.

  Your thoughts are caught off by a growl in the near distance.  Whipping your head to the growl's direction, you barely manage to choke down a screech of terror.  Wolves.  A whole pack of them, snarling and inching their way towards you.  You realize just then that in your effort to seek out the mythical dark creatures of the forest, you fail to remember that non-mythical creatures live in the woods as well.  And they are just as unforgiving as any witch or ogre would be. 

  You somehow manage to fall away when a wolf jumps at you, its saliva floating in the air behind it.  You struggle to hold in a gasp, your body trying its best to shuffle away from the wolves that seem to multiply by the second.  You shut your eyes.  This is it.  The stupid girl's death that is awaiting you.  And just right when you find a castle too.  Perhaps curiosity would have been a better way to be consumed.  Nevertheless, you hear a final snarl followed by a shuffle of the ground beneath.  Your eyes shut tighter and pray that what comes next does not cause you too much pain.  Alas, the bloody death that you expect to follow never comes.  Your eyes shoot open.  Something is covering you with its shadow.  You look up to see a back of thick brown fur, heaving and groaning in a guttural manner that has you shaking in your boots.

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