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Author: shescollateraldamag3

Summary: You lost your jacket but it ended up making your day better rather than worse.

Words: 870

Pairings: Robin Buckley x Fem!reader, Platonic!Steve Harrington x reader

Warnings: Fluff, mentions of alcohol consumption, Steve being a third wheel, Steve being the captain of the ship, language, reader and Robin being flustered, them being a gay mess together


"You are an asshole, Steve Harrington." You say before swinging your hand to punch your friend in the face.

To your dismay, he caught it with ease, a sly grin tugging up in the corners of his lips. "Not as much of an asshole as you, L/n. Now, drop the act. What's going on?" He whispered.

You sighed, quirking a brow. "You stole my jacket, didn't you?"

"You'd have to be more specific. I stole plenty of your jackets."

At the revelation, you scoffed lightly, dragging Steve by the arm out the cafeteria and into an empty classroom. "The California one! My dad gave me that shirt before we moved. It's my favorite one. The one with the-"

"-yeah, the one with your name engraved on the back. I know. You know what I also know? I'm not stupid enough to steal that because I knew you'd immediately notice. Sorry to disappoint, but the thief isn't me." Steve was being honest, which seems like a miracle, but you are still distressed. That jacket means a lot to you. You would be damned if you lost it. Almost everyone had their own version of lucky charms. For you, it was that piece of clothing.

Maybe you had misplaced it. There's gotta be something that would give you a hint on where it is. Could you have given it to someone? No. Over your dead body. You would never -


You turned your head so fast you would have gotten whiplash. There on Robin's shoulders rested your beloved jacket. Although on normal circumstances, you would be vexed by the sight of someone who has the audacity to wear your jacket, you couldn't bring yourself to be even the slightest bit irate with her.

Steve snickered from behind you. "Now, there's the real thief."

"You have my jacket," You pointed out the obvious.

Robin began to fumble with the clothing, starting to take it off.

Putting your hand out to stop her, you smiled sheepishly, "No, it's okay. You don't have to take it off. I don't mind. Return it whenever you want."

Red tinted Robin's cheeks, out of embarrassment or by being flustered, you could not decipher. "Last night, at the party, this idiot-" she lightly shoved Steve's shoulder, to which Steve reacted with a faux shocked expression. "-spilled his drink on me. You were very intoxicated as well, though not as much as Steve. I didn't have extra clothes on me, so you gave me your jacket. I told you that I could just walk home yet I hesitated because you were tremendously persistent. I ended up taking the jacket. I'll return it later after I wash it. Sorry. I'm rambling again, aren't I? I'm really sorry. Are you mad? I'm aware that I talk a lot."

You calmed her down with a Cheshire cat smile. "I'm not angry at you and I don't mind the rambling. It's what I lo - like about you."

Steve, oblivious as ever, frowns. "When you thought it was me who stole your jacket, you were practically ready to throw hands! Why do you not care anymore now that you know Robin's the thief?"

"She simply can't resist my charms, Harrington." Robin answered for you.

"What charms? Thought you didn't have any."

"Funny coming from a guy who doesn't have girls swooning over him anymore."

"Hey, too far!"

"Stop. Both of you." You interrupted.

Robin looked away while Steve pouted.

"Idiots, I swear." You mumbled, eyes seemingly betraying your words as you looked at Robin fondly. This time, Steve noticed it, giving you an encouraging nod. "Robin, are we still on for tonight?" You asked, taking the hint.

She nods with the same look you're giving her. "Absolutely. I'll bring the pizza."

"What about you, Harrington?"

"Who? Me? Uh, no. I've got, uh... Priorities. It's just going to be you and Robin tonight." Steve was lying. He doesn't have 'priorities' nowadays but you didn't question him.

"Fine with me." Robin shrugged, swinging her arm over your shoulder, pulling you so close to her chest that you could practically smell her scent. "I'll see you later after class." She said, kissing your temple affectionately.

When Robin had already left, Steve stood up, doing a face palm. "Did you two make it official already? Because I, for one, am super enervated of watching you guys pretend you don't like each other despite the fact that you act like a couple."

"Not yet."


"I don't remember anything that ensued last night except me confessing my feelings for her. We kissed. That's it." You said, nonchalantly, but inside, you were giddy.

"I'm proud of you."

"Thanks." You put your hands in your pockets, adding, "She may not have stolen my jacket, but she's still a thief because she stole my heart."

Steve staggered forward, making gagging noises. "Ugh. Ew. No. Stop. Where's the Y/n who doesn't believe in love? I take back everything I said. I want the old Y/n back."

Laughing, you walked past him, finishing the rest of your day with a smile that no one can wipe off of your face.

𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗻 𝗕𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें