𝗠𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘆? 𝗦𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆!

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Author: pinkchubbiebunnie

Pairings: Robin Buckley x fem!thick!reader

warnings: not proofread, Mommy kink (duh from the title), Robin is a gay mess, mentions of horror movie gore, sensual but no outright smut, sexual fantasies, idk???


Robin was flying solo.

At least for the next fifteen minutes.

Steve was on his break - he had to go and bring Dustin some textbook that had gotten left in the back of his car, it was urgent apparently, so Robin was twiddling her thumbs and trying not to feel terribly lost without her work buddy. Well, her emotional support straight man. They did pretty much everything together now, from clothes shopping to cooking dinner to helping each other get ready for dates - which were plentiful for Steve and pretty much non-existent for Robin.

Steve often joked that they should just move in together, and even though she knew it was a joke, she knew how desperately he wanted to get away from his parents so she had been keeping an eye for apartment vacancies in the paper that would fit their budget.

Which was entirely aside from the current point.

That point being: she was lonely. And she felt like she had lost her left hand without Steve there. She twiddled her thumbs and watched the clock and when she heard the bell above the door ding, she was almost expecting it to be him, but her jaw almost dropped when she saw someone else entirely.

One of the most gorgeous women she had ever seen in her entire life. She shouldn’t be staring, no - that was rude. And it would be more likely to give away her gay little secret - but she just couldn’t take her eyes off you.

You were pure curves - a real woman. Not like any of the dainty little girls in magazines, or even the ones in porn. You were thick. Your body was a voluptuous power show, shown off well in a tight, body-hugging dress, and Robin found drool collecting in her mouth as her eyes scanned over every inch of you. From your breasts, to your ass, even the soft swell of your stomach in between, the wideness of your hips and your gorgeous thick thighs. You were a real life pin-up doll.

You walked over to the new releases, and your eyes scanned the shelf for a moment before you wandered to the horror section. Robin quickly lost sight of you between the shelves, and though she knew it wasn’t at all subtle, she stepped out from behind the counter and bee-lined over toward you.

“Um, hello miss?” She caught your attention, and you looked up at her. She sucked back more drool as it gathered in her mouth so that she could properly speak again. “Is there anything I can help you find today?”

She put her hands behind her back, trying to look innocent and unassuming, biting her lip forcefully to keep anymore words from spilling out. She hoped the look on her face didn’t betray her, didn’t give away the fact that she was imagining having you bent over the counter with her face buried in your pussy, feeling the plushness of your thighs and ass against her face and getting to feel the full thickness of you under her hands.

You turned to her, and you almost thought you were mistaken when you saw the way her eyes raked up and down your body hungrily, when you saw a deep, lustful heat lingering in her eyes when she finally came back to your face.

“Um, yeah.” You smiled at her. “I was wondering if you could recommend something that’s kind of scary, but won’t totally scar a fifteen year old?” You laughed, bright and airy, and Robin fell in love a little more. You knew horror movies, you knew them well. You had seen pretty much all of the ones that were on the shelves. You didn’t need help finding something, but it was an excuse to strike up a conversation with a pretty girl who was clearly interested in you. “I promised my cousin that I’d bring him a horror movie, but I don’t want his mom to kill me if he ends up having nightmares or something.”

Well that would explain why she had never seen you before. You were probably in town visiting family.

“Well, uh, that...” Robin motioned to the VHS you had in your hand - she could see from the distinct cover that it was The Slumber Party Massacre. “That one is like... full of nudity. Tits and gore every five seconds. I wouldn’t really recommend that as a starter horror flick.”

You looked down at it, then back at her. It was a film you had seen before. And one you enjoyed because of the tits and gore, and its unique feminist lens, something you were considering picking up for after your cousin went to bed.

“Oh.” You laughed again. Robin felt warmth spreading through her. You pretended to be surprised by what she had said. “I guess that sounds fun. Maybe I’ll get this for myself. I love tits.” You looked at her pointedly when you said this, taking a distinctive pause. “And gore.”

Robin bit her lip so hard it almost bled.

Her eyes flickered down to your cleavage, almost entirely against her will, and she could have sworn you were pressing your breasts together on purpose, tempting her with the roundness, with the softness of your fat and the gorgeous wavy stretchmarks that zagged down into the top of your dress that make her want to trace her tongue along your skin.


The word came out before she could help it.

Damn her loose tongue, damn it.

“Sorry!” She tried to recover, but when she looked back up and saw your eyes dancing with dangerous heat that bit at her belly, made her stomach twist, saw a smirk dancing across your lips, her tongue became even more numb and loose. “Mommy!” It happened again, a pathetic whine. “Sorry! I’m sorry. I-”

You reached over and cupped her cheek with a warm hand, choking off her voice inside her throat. As you stared her down with those heated eyes, you ran your thumb along her bottom lip, just barely threatening the digit inside her wet mouth. Robin whimpered.

“Don’t apologize.” You told her, voice entirely sultry. “You can call me whatever you want, gorgeous.”

Just then, the bell above the door dinged, and Robin jumped away from your touch upon instinct. She wanted to smack him when she looked over and saw Steve.

The one time she didn’t want him to come back. 

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