The truth

1.7K 25 2

author: fleshbarbie

contains: secret relationship, angst, TW: abuse from a parent (reader's), protective!steve(?), happy ending.

word count: 3.6k.


robin loved you, she really did. over the past six months the two of you had been together she had fallen for you hard, she had never felt like this before and it both amazed and terrified her. she finally understood what steve was talking about when he spoke to her about his feelings for nancy, that ones that hadn't quite died down yet despite it being years since they had broken up.

she found herself sat around, daydreaming about your future together. where you'd be in ten years, hopefully living together, possibly even engaged or married if times had changed and people woke up to the fact that two people of the same sex being in love was not a bad thing. she imagined you two growing old together, getting a few pets, maybe even adopting a child together. yes it had only been six months since the two of you had officially gotten together, but she was head over heels for you.

there was only one problem, one she wished she could overlook or solve but unfortunately, she couldn't.

you had requested that in the beginning of your relationship that you two remain a secret, you didn't want anyone knowing about the two of you being an item which robin respected at first. she was in shock that she actually had a chance with you in the first place, usually the girls she previously crushed on were either straight, in a relationship or just didn't like her back so this was practically a miracle, she wasn't about to turn you away just because of one condition.

you had spent the last six months growing closer and closer. going on dates (most of which were in the privacy of each others rooms), sharing stolen kisses, getting to know everything about each other and the more time you spent the more hooked the teen was. but still, the nagging feeling returned in robin's chest when she thought about how you still weren't ready to go public with her.

she understood to a certain extent, of course she did. it wasn't exactly easy for people like the both of you to be out and proud in the society you lived in, she'd seen it once or twice, women and men who had came out with their sexuality only to be berated and looked down on by other members of the community. of course they weren't all like that, take steve for example, he had been nothing but to supportive towards robin when she had came out to him that night in the starcourt bathroom, after he had gotten over the initial shock of course. and she was certain that as long as you were both together, you could handle whatever was thrown your way.

but still, you weren't budging and it was beginning to upset robin.

"i just don't get it (y/n) ... why can't we just tell everyone? i mean, they'll get over it eventually right? there'll be a new drama next week that'll distract them from us." she ranted, her hands moving as she spoke.

you sighed, sitting down next to her at the edge of your bed where she had planted herself when she first entered your room.

"it's not that easy robin, you know that." you told her, fiddling with the bracelet she had gifted you last month.

"which i get, really, i do! but-" she huffed and turned her body so now her knees were touching your thigh. "wont it be worth it? when i can hold your hand in public, kiss you whenever i want? give you a hug without having to worry about being caught?"

her blue eyes stared back at you with a sadness you hated to see on her, it was even more difficult to endure when you were the reason for that negative feeling, even if the reason couldn't be helped.

"come on robin, you know i'd love nothing more than that. really ... but i can't." you closed your eyes and ran your hands through your hair, tugging at the ends slightly.

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