Chapter 17: Awkward Moments With The Bones Family

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"Mom! Dad!" Susan Bones shouted as she rushed to her parents with her trunk rolling over the platform behind her.

She reached her father first and he wrapped her up in a big warm hug.

"I'm so happy to see you," he said sounding choked up. Susan didn't need to look at his eyes to know that there would be tears in them. Her father simply was an emotional man.

She let go of him and turned to her mother who also gave her a hug, albeit a much shorter one.

"Glad to have you back," her mother said while stroking Susan's hair out of her face. Then she looked over Susan's shoulder. Her eyes grew hard and she pursed her lips.

Susan stepped aside to give Theodore some more space.

"Mom, Dad," she said. "This is Theodore."

"Nice to meet you," Theo said and he stuck out his hand. Her father grabbed it and shook it. Her mother didn't.

"Happy to meet the boy who stole my daughter's heart," her father said. Susan noted how red Theodore suddenly turned. Like always, he was adorable.

"Let's go, shall we?" her father said and with that they approached the wall to leave the platform.


Susan's house turned out to be in Brick Lane, which was a very busy street where Muggles also lived. It was a small red-stoned two story house. Susan's father helped them get their trunks up the small steps that led to the front door.

They entered the hallway, which was tiny with white walls that were covered entirely in photographs. Theodore looked at all the different smiling Susan's and warmth spread across his chest.

"We've already put a mattress down for you in Susan's room," Susan's father said to him.

"Thank you, sir," Theodore replied.

"Or you can use the couch in the living room," Susan's mother said. It were the first words she had said to him.

"He'll be fine in my room," Susan spoke firmly while grabbing Theodore's hand.

"Okay, we'll let you two settle in. Come to the living room when you're done unpacking," her father said.

Theodore followed Susan up the stairs and into her room. He stopped in the doorway and took in his surroundings. The walls were painted a pastel yellow. Against the right wall stood a massive wooden closet, her desk stood against the window and her bed was placed against the opposite wall with white bed curtains around it. Against the pillows rested several plushies. In the middle of the floor lay a mattress for Theodore to sleep on.

Theodore stepped into the room and then he noticed that the fourth wall had flower garlands. Between the fake flowers hung pictures of Susan with friends and several motivational quotes. Theodore spotted a few pictures of Susan and Hannah, a few with the Hufflepuff boys and even one with Hermione Granger. Some of the quotes were 'expect nothing and appreciate everything' and 'dont' forget to smile today'.

A grin appeared on his face, because this room was very different from his own at home and it screamed Susan.

Susan was already unpacking her stuff and putting clothes away in her closet. When she noticed he was studying the pictures on her wall, she came to stand next to him.

"I know it's not much, but I like it here," she said.

Theodore turned to her. "Suzy, I love this."

"You do?"

"Yes," he said while wrapping his arms around her. "Because it is one hundred percent you and I love you."

"You do?" she whispered.

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