Chapter One: We Meet.

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Konoha nightfall)

Tonight it was Naruto's birthday and he had just turned 6 years old same day as the Kyuubi festival on October 10th at this time the villagers would form into a mob and hunt the boy down and try to beat him with a inch of his life or in this case make attempts of killing him.

It was like this all the time on his birthday, even when it's not his birthday. At age 5 he had been kicked out the orphanage and was forced to live on the streets. The bodyguards of the boy were doing a piss poor job of watching him and never bothered to protect him like they were ordered too by the Sandaime Hokage who was not also paying attention to the boy. He believed they would do their job.

However fate is going to change.

In the alleyway in the dark shadows stood two figures. Who was watching this, both wore dark robes and hoods and they appeared to be female. They both watched the boy's attackers catch up to him and start attacking him.

And to as why these two are here? They are here to kidnap fresh prey for their Mother.

Their names are Cassandra and Daniela Dimitrescu.

"Why are these pathetic humans attacking a child?" Asked Cassandra turning to her sister

"I have no idea. We are supposed to be looking for fresh prey for Mother to feed on." Says Daniela

"I pity the boy. I've never seen humans act like this towards children before?" Said Cassandra frowning under her hood as they continued to watch.

"Prepare to die Demon! This is for the Yondaime!" Said a Villager holding a pitchfork.

Both sisters raised their brows at this did they hear right? Did they call the boy a demon? He looks nothing like a demon, just a ordinary boy.

"Pl-Please don't hurt me I'm not a demon!" The blonde boy says.

"Yes you are! You've killed our families and friends! Here in the village! Even killed our beloved Yondaime!" Said a Chunin with a kunai

The sisters listened more to this why the hell did these humans mistake the boy for a demon? Unless...

"Oh come on let's put him out of his misery! Before the Sandaime Hokage suspects a thing!" Said another Villager with a knife.

"What do you think about all of this do you really think that boy is a demon? If he was demons would fight back." Said Daniela

"Exactly. But something tells me he's special." Cassandra says with a small smile.

"If he is a demon as they claimed we should bring him to Mother." Added Cassandra.

"And what if she doesn't show any interest in the boy and will just devour him?" Asked her sister

"I'm sure mother would love this boy. Let's take him sister." Cassandra says turning into a swarm of bugs and flew to the mob with Daniela sighing and followed her sister in the same form.

Before the villagers could continue attacking Naruto. A swarm of bugs attacked them while they took two forms of dark robed figures and are armed with Kama Scythes. And began butchering the villagers who screamed in agony, sliced and tore apart as the sisters laughed sadistically.

The Guards who were supposed to watch Naruto saw this and jumped down and tried to stop them. Only for them to be on the receiving end of being slaughtered by the sisters.

After that the bloody attack was over.

The sisters came towards Naruto who was close to losing consciousness.

"Worry not young one. Mother will love you." Cassandra says picking the boy up

"I hope Mother doesn't get mad that we never brought her food. Instead we bring her a boy." Daniela says whirling her Kama.

"Quit your whining. Once we tell mother that this boy is a demon she just may take interest in him." Cassandra said with a small glare as they decided now it was time to leave before more of those warriors came back.

After they left, a female villager came to the scene holding late night groceries only for her to drop them and screamed seeing the mutilated bodies of Villagers and Anbu who were Naruto's body guards who were supposed to be watching him.

5 minutes The Hokage and his Anbu arrived once this was reported.

"What could have done this..?" Said Inu who was wearing a Dog mask and had gray hair as the Hokage looked slightly green at this and wondered what exactly did this.

"You think it was that De- boy Uzumaki that did this?" Said another Anbu as the Hokage glared at him.

"I don't know. Lock this village down I want Naruto Found! He was last seen here find him immediately!" The Hokage commanded as the Anbu did as told

"Hokage-sama. You don't think Naruto is capable of doing this?" Asked Inu with the Hokage shaking his head

"I am not sure. When he is found we will know

exactly what happened here." Hiruzen said.

( Somewhere very far.)

Cassandra and Daniela went home while carrying Naruto. They have arrived to Dimitrescu Castle. Home of the family of Dimitrescu.

Once they made it in they headed to their mother's bedroom. They spotted their Older Sister Bela who wore the same thing they wear. She brought their mother a live Kumo Shinobi who was already devoured by their mother.

"What took you two so long and where is Mother's food?" Bela asked with a frown

"We brought mother something much better." Answered Cassandra

"My daughters you have been so kind to me." Said a Tall woman pale skinned. Wearing a white dress, a big black sunhat and wore black gloves.

This tall woman is Lady Alcina Dimitrescu. As she turned towards her three daughters.

"Well now and what is this you have brought me Cassandra?" The tall woman asked looking at her daughter

"Mother. This boy is a Demon. Me and Daniela found him in a village being attacked by his own people we decided to bring him to you." Cassandra explained as her mother stepped forward and gave a look at the boy seeing him in a bad shape looking at his face. Baby fat on his cheeks and whiskers on his cheeks also as if he was a cat or Fox.

"A demon you say? He looks nothing like one. Though I will have first taste of his blood to find out." As she leaned towards Naruto and licked his open cut having a taste of his blood.

"Hmmm not Stale. He tastes very good Cassandra I believe you did brought me something good because tastes like that of a Uzumaki... perhaps this boy will be useful to us in our family." Dimitrescu says pulling up his shirt and saw a seal over his stomach.

"And a Jinchuriki no less! This is indeed excellent. And that's not all. He resembles a bit like a certain Namikaze I've met years ago" she says

"Who was he mother?" Asked Bela

"Albert Namikaze Wesker. I've heard a rumor that Wesker had a son named Minato and hearing his son's passing but turns out this is his son. This boy is the Grandson of Wesker. Daughters clean him up and take him to bed. He stays with us from now on." Dimitrescu says as her daughters nodded and decided to take naruto to the bath to go clean him while lady Dimitrescu smiles drinking her wine.

"Can't wait to show Mother Miranda and that fool Heisenberg." She says with a smirk.

She finally has the heir of Wesker Namikaze in her family

To be continued

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