Chapter 18: To the Exams part 2

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Zabuza and Orochimaru under the alias of Yuna walked into the Leaf Village with their teams they look at them and Zabuza says

"Well go do some sightseeing both me and Yuna are going to register you for the Chunin Exams." He picked up his sword and walked off with Orochimaru stopping and talking

"Well do be on your best behavior the Leaf's good name and reputation are not looking good for them right now we are not going to lower ourselves to their level and if anyone does anything stupid or Zabuza here is going to make sure to drill you into the ground and Memma is in charge of you all." Orochimaru would say with caution in her voice Memma, Haku, Karin, Kin, Dosu and Zaku nodded at that and they say in unison

"We will."

As they split up Memma begins to talk

"Stay close if Kabuto's information is correct is that the Sasuke Uchiha is going to try and pick fights just to show that he is superior to others and no doubt that both the elders and the Civilian Council are going to make sure he isn't punished for it and will try to put the blame on us." Menma would say to all of them. Haku, Karin, Kin, Dosu and Zaku nodded at that as it was true even Orochimaru was not pleased or happy to hear that the Uchiha was being spoiled and pampered by both the Elders and the Civilian Council and Kin looks at Menma and asks.

"So how does it feel to be back in the Leaf again after all these years?." Since she heard that he used to live here from Orochimaru

"Just that this place hasn't changed much in the least 6 years." He answered with a sigh as Memma was lost in his thoughts of all the pain he went through in this village 6 years ago that he felt someone bump into him and saw it was Hinata who was faling backwards and she also dropped a small bag and with a speed that nobody could track he caught both Hinata and the small bag Haku, Karin, Kin, Dosu, Zaku, Hinata, Kiba, Akamaru, Shino and Kurenai were shocked how fast he moved.

after helping Hinata back on her feet Hinata says

"Sorry about that I wasn't looking where I was going." and she was blushing at feeling his muscles when he caught her

Haku Karin and Kin thought "And another one he is so lucky that he maybe the last male Uzumaki left in the world and that he is qualified for the CRA (Clan Restoration Act) and have multiple wives to help restore his clan and lucky for us that he is not a womanizer or a pervert."

Kiba who was angry that this masked up stranger was getting to close to his girl for years now Kiba had been trying to get Hinata to fall for him but it never happened now she was falling for this masked guy that wouldn't do and that Hinata was apologizing to him when he in his mind made his girl almost fall but before he could say anything Memma spoke up

"I also need to apologize as well I was a little lost in my thoughts that I wasn't focused in where I was going I am Memma and these are my comrades Haku, Karin, Kin, Dosu and Zaku we are from the Sound Village." Menma says with each of them raising eyebrows at this. As Hinata greeted.

"Hello I am Hinata and these are my teammates, Kiba, Akamaru and Shino and my sensei Kurenai."

"A pleasure to meet you all." Menma says in a polite voice

"Why are all you losers here this isn't the Sound Village?. " Kiba would say in a rude tone with Akamaru shacking his head at his partners behavior when Hinata is around

"Kiba Don't be rude I am sorry about my student he doesn't speak for all of us." Kurenai apologized

Memma had held up his hand to stop Haku, Karin, Kin, Dosu and Zaku from beating up Kiba and says

Uzumaki Dimitresu Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora