Chapter 12: Meeting with a Snake

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Naruto's Lab)

Been three days since he has been down here operating his resources and what not currently on his computer. Thinking of a possible military for his corporation. Maria is already in progress of recruiting the best researchers and mercenaries including military operatives this world has to offer in joining Whirlpool Corporation.

Umbrella corporation may have had the best mercenaries and operatives. And there was only three umbrella operatives who were the very best.

Carlos Olivera.

Nicholai the silver wolf.

And best of all. Hunk, aka "The Shinigami" or "Grim Reaper"

It's unknown what happened to the first two but Hunk was not someone to go down so easily. He had thought of making more soldiers like Hunk. Cloning... him maybe if possible once He finds Hunk and Ada he will try to convince Hunk to clone him a legion of Hunks like him. Hunk would be the perfect clone template for his paramilitary for Whirlpool Corp. the original Hunk can train them all his skills and talents as a soldier.

He would have to provide lots of weapons for his future army. He will have to see the Duke when that time comes.

And since he is going to become 5th lord he will have to find a land and territory of his own.

He will seek out his mother's home when he becomes 5th lord.

He looks over to his document labeled as: "The Frederika Army"

The Frederika Army consists a group and team of special Zombies.

Frederika being the commander and leader of the group. With her team members: Mr. X, Nemesis, Thanatos and a fourth spot that's empty which means the army is still in progress until he finds a 4th team member.

Then turned to the second document: "The Biollante Army"

Biollante army consists of a team of bio weapons and special life forms.

Biollante is the leader. Her team members would be: Riptor, Dingodile, King and Armor King, Monet , Israbi and Hitomi. 4 empty slots for meaning he will have to find four final members for this army. Still in progress

Frederika Army Known as the Special Zombies and Biollante Army Special life forms Team.

Now he needs a third army and he would have Maria be in charge of the third army. But until he finds potential members to join her then the Maria Army will be created which will be a commando unit.

Maria told him a about the greatness of cybernetics that could prove useful for the corporation and its empire. Having Deadly machines to be apart of their future military. He looked forward to having a machine.

Having finished typing he turned and noticed his bio weapons were looking at him. The ones he recently released after gifting them the K-virus.

"G'day Naruto." Says Dingodile in a Australian accent who is wearing pants and a vest while on his back was a fuel tank and a flamethrower he held. He liked making "Toast" with a flamethrower and he was pretty dangerous with the said weapon when Naruto tested him for combat simulation.

"What's up Naruto-sama." Says Hitomi who is dressed in a school girl attire and not in her honey badger form. She looked awfully cute in her outfit as she stood by Dingodile.

King and Armor King lowly growl waving at Naruto seeing their new boss who released them from their sleep.

Monet was besides the two were-Jaguars who wore a green cropped tank top with "HAPPY" written in dark green on the chest and yellow cut-off pants with orange stripes she wasn't in her harpy appearance as she gave her new master a smile.

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