Chapter 15: Plans for the Chunin exams part 2

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Naruto's room)

Naruto looked at all the women and his bio weapons who are going to tell him something as he glanced at Cassandra. With Bela and Daniela besides her.

"So what's this talk about?" Naruto asks looking at all of them, as Cassandra stepped forward.

"Naruto. Ever since we found you and brought you into house of Dimitresu. We've began to have feelings for you. Me, Daniela and Bela. The three of us have fallen in love with you. We decided to share you, even your bio-weapons have feelings for you." Cassandra explains with Naruto going wide eyed behind his sunglasses as he glanced at Biollante and Frederika his first two bio weapons as the two of them came to Naruto and both of them tenderly hold his hands or sleeve and say with a whisper, but still full of love, hope, and fear(of being rejected) they say:

"Naruto-sama we want to be with you...Please, Naruto-sama." Says both Plant and Zombie as they guide his hands to their chest area above their hearts which are beating.

"Do you feel this Naruto-sama? I feel this way because of you. We both feel this way everytime we are close to you. I feel so much joy and happiness." Biollante would say as Frederika spoke.

"But we also feel so far away from you. We don't know what to do." She says as Biollante spoke up

"We want to be more to you! We want to be with you! Please, accept us!" They say in unison.

Naruto looked taken back as he looked at Haku then Monet, Israbi, Hitomi Uzaki. Could all of them love him?

"I Consider you as a precious person just like Zabuza. Naruto-kun and I even have feelings for you." Says Haku

"You have freed me from a long slumber. And for that I feel eternally grateful. Master." Says Monet.

"I am officially indebted in you Naruto. You not only saved me from that horrible scientist and you got the people of sea country to no longer hate me. I have fallen for your charm too." Says Israbi

He was silent glancing from the Sisters to all the female BioWeapons. The bio weapons caught him by surprise that they love him. Is he going to accept them?.

The females all waited for him for his response to their confession. As they noticed he was silent. Biollante and Frederika were mostly worried that he would possibly reject them.

He instantly took both of their hands and looks them in the eyes to give them their answer.

"I accept all of you." Was just answer as he glanced from Cassandra, her sisters and the BioWeapons they blinked and instantly widened their eyes replaying what he just said as they all instantly huddled to him and hugged him.

"We love you!" They all shouted hugging him with his face being smothered by Their cleavages.

Naruto even though he was smothered he smiled.

( Sound Village)

A few days later both Naruto, Haku and Zabuza were on their way to a meeting point where they will meet Orochimaru and Naruto's cousin Karin who will become their team's 3rd and final teammate for the Chunin Exams after tell Lady Dimitrescu and the others about the Chunin Exams Naruto had really thought that Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters would not be happy with him bringing in another girl to the castle but lucky they understood that the girl is a Uzumaki and is part of Naruto's family on his mother side and they understood that family is important so they let it slide for now arriving at the spot they see Orochimaru, the Sound 5 and Karin there to meet them with Karin looking eager to meet a fellow Uzumaki and when she saw Naruto she blushing at seeing how handsome her cousin was something that didn't went unnoticed by Haku but she could understand that she didn't expected her cousin to be this handsome when the first meet

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