Chapter 7: Enter Maria Gomez

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At the Warehouses)

Kakashi along with his dog pakkun and Yugao were currently investigating the area. Anko and her Squad is currently guarding the family and Anko is teaching team 7.

"What can you get Pakkun?" Asked Kakashi looking at his dog companion

"I smell two unusualscents. Along with a familiar one but can't put my paw on it." The dog said with Yugao looking at the tracks, big foot steps , and paw prints everywhere.

"A pack of Dogs killed these men? And what could have killed them." She says pointing towards a dead thug with a large hole in his stomach seeing that he's been impaled by something.

Kakashi frowned as he looked around this massacre. Dog bite marks on every thug that had their throats ripped out, mauled to death, then they saw a few thugs with large gash like claw marks on their bodies.

What in the hell could have done this?

Dogs are the killers, a big man with big feet is also in the mix of this, and what creature would have claws this big to kill a thug like this.

He wonders what happened to all of Gato's thugs that disappeared in the day times and at night. None of this is adding up or making any sense.

Pakkun mentioned a familiar scent, what could he mean? Could it be someone from Konoha? He began to think to the top of his head, could this be Orochimaru's handiwork knowing she has twisted experiments.

No, Orochimaru is too smart to not leave her tracks behind knowing she's crafty enough to cover her own tracks.

So who could it be?

He would have to think more about this later.

(With Naruto)

Now at the safe house. With the three sisters, while the giant Licker and Mr. X are outside standing guard.

He is currently on his laptop while the girls were feasting, well except for Cassandra.

Cassandra was currently eyeing Naruto, she didn't know why she was looking at him. She felt her heart flutter for some reason every time she looks at him.

Bela her older sister noticed this and could tell her Middle sister was somewhat developing feelings for Naruto. While she does feel grateful for Naruto for curing Their one weakness, she couldn't help but feel the same either and Daniela might even be the same way.

She wonders how their Mother would react.

Speaking of their mother, after kidnapping and capturing Gato's thugs Naruto had his Tyrant's reverse summon the thugs back to Dimitresu Castle to give to Lady Dimitresu to feast on, sending them to the dungeon where she will gladly devour their flesh.

"I'm going out for a walk. You girls stay put I'll be back." He says until they nodded.

( Elsewhere)

"You should be fully healed by the end of the week Zabuza-sama." Said Haku who was putting on her pink dress.

"Yeah, and then I can finally end Kakashi and his team along with the bridge builder. Hopefully that smug prick Gato doesn't get pissy." Zabuza says

"Zabuza-sama have you not heard any recent rumors lately?" She asked seeing him frown and shake his head.

"No, what is the problem?" He asked having a feeling that there is a problem.

"I heard from the villagers of Wave that none of Gato's thugs are hardly seen these past few days, along with a massacre at the warehouses." She said with Zabuza raising a brow at that in interest.

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