Chapter 2: We meet part 2

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Dimitrescu Castle.)

The Three Daughters have washed up Naruto and gave him clean clothes.

Cassandra and Daniela were talking with their older sister of how they found Naruto as they explained their reasoning for bringing him. After bathing him and putting on pajamas. They noticed he healed which surprised them, their mother explained to them that Jinchuriki possess great powers and that this may be one of them, healing.

They were starting to become much more impressed with the boy.

They saw him starting to stir in his sleep as he began to open his eyes a bit.

"He's awake. Go inform Mother Daniela." Bela says as she did just that to go inform their mother that Naruto is awake.

He looked around noticing that he's not in the village, he had no memory of this place. Where was he?, his eyes turned towards to the two cloaked figures who wore hoods.

The door opened revealing a tall woman in white dress and black Sunhat on her head she bent down when she entered then walked in looking down at him with Daniela behind her.

The tall woman stared at him with her yellow eyes as she held her smoke pen.

Naruto could only be shocked by her sheer size. She's very tall.

"Who are you?" He asked looking at her.

"Dear child. My name is Alcina Dimitresu. And these three women standing before you are my Daughters. Girls introduce yourselves to the young man." Dimitresu says with bela taking off her hood to show off her face

"I am Bela Dimitresu. Oldest Daughter." She introduced she had platinum blonde hair. Yellow eyes, pale skin and a tattoo on her forehead with black lip stick

"I am Cassandra Dimitresu. Middle Child of the Dimitresu Family." Cassandra says taking off her hood revealing her face. Brown hair, yellow eyes, pale skin and tattoo on her forehead like Bela.

"And I am Daniela Dimitresu. Youngest daughter of the Dimitresu family." Daniela says taking off her hood with showing the same features except her hair Color is brunette brown colored and has the same eyes as her sisters.

Naruto had to admit the three of them looked pretty and they don't seem to scare him.

"And now Child. Tell us your name." Lady Dimitresu says holding her smoke pen.

"My name... my name is Naruto Uzumaki." He answered while she raised a brow.

"Just as I thought. An Uzumaki. Except he doesn't inherit their red hair. Yet he has the hair of his father. Does the child even know his heritage?" She thought while keeping her focus on him.

"Well Young Naruto. My daughters Cassandra and Daniela has saved you from the villagers who attacked you. And brought you here to my domain." She said looking at him seeing him look around

"Where am I?" He asked

"You are in my castle. You are no longer in that cesspool of a village my daughters told me about." She said with him looking at her

"What's going to happen to me?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing will happen to you. You are now under our care. Tell me Young Naruto. Do you know why those villagers attack you?" She asked with him looking away for a bit while thinking about it.

"No... they say I'm a demon... yet I'm no demon." He answered seeing her expression turn into a frown.

"He doesn't know that he's a Jinchuriki?" She thought

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