RMS Regina - cont.

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"Yes, of course," Robert said, concerned. When he woke to the knock on the door he wasn't expecting the ship to be on fire.


"Darling, I don't want t frighten you, but the ship's on fire. You should get dressed so you can get on a lifeboat."

"Not without you!"

"You must. I will need to wait until the women and children are loaded then I'll join you."

"Robert Crawley, I refuse to leave you! I'll wait as well."

She began dressing and he sighed. There was no time to argue. Besides he didn't want to spend what could be their last moments together in a fight over something so silly.

Once she was ready, he helped with her life vest, took her hand and they went up to the deck. People were everywhere, frightened and not paying attention to what the crew was saying. Robert turned to look at Cora only to lose his grip on her hand. "Robert!" she cried as she disappeared into the crowd. "Oh, God!"

He made his way towards the aft of the ship as most, if not all the women had been put on a boat. He ran into the Duke of Kent. it seemed odd they just shared a meal the night before. "Have you seen Lady Grantham, your Grace? We became separated."

"I'm afraid not, but I shall look after her if I do,"

"I thank you."
Robert found the last lifeboat and climbed aboard, praying Cora was safely on her own boat. Just as they towed away there was an explosion from the engine room. Everyone ducked from the heat.
"The SS Americana is here!" Someone shouted excitedly. "And there's the Statue of Liberty!" Robert was amazed by the size of the statue. Cora said it was a gift from the French for helping with their Revolution.  He got up and climbed the ladder hoping to find Cora. There was no sign of her, and he could not find anyone who knew where the women from the RMS Regina were. Perhaps he should try to learn where Harold lives. Cora would make her way there of course.


Cora stood on Ellis Island as she watched the RMS Regina explode. "Oh, Robert please be safe," she prayed, following the crowd to check in.

"Excuse me," the Duke of Kent said. "This woman is an American is there a different line she could go through?"

The woman nodded and she followed. "Thank you so much. My brother is probably worried about me."

"Are you alone?" she asked.

" I was with my husband, but I can't find him," she replied sobbing into her hands.

"Oh, my dear, I am so sorry! What's your family name?"

She took a breath. "Levinson."

"You're the daughter of Martha Levinson then?"

Cora sobbed even harder hearing her mother's name. "Did you know her?"

"We met a year after you were married. She was like a sister to me. Harold asked me to pick you up as he was taking care of funeral arrangements with your aunt. "Now, come along with me, Cora," she said, taking her hand. she did, holding her bag close to her chest. She was worried that when her daughters heard what happened, they would think both of them were dead. It would not be good so soon after both grandmother's deaths.  It was hard enough to think of not seeing Robert again. 

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