Five Sad Years

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The lake was still gleaming in the moonlight. Beautiful as the night I had slept with Caesar. Will he be happy to see us or will I just watch him from far away? Either way I want to see him and everyone else. I wonder how Luther and Andy are doing. Especially Sky and Haze, wonder how handsome they are now. Thing is, I didn't know I was pregnant when I left. I heard small steps behind me and I smiled while looking at the water below me. "Why are you awake so early?" I looked to my side, to see my youngest daughter. She had the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen besides Blue Eyes. Her black hair was above her shoulders. " I couldn't sleep mommy." I smiled and pulled her into my lap. "Want to hear a story?" She nodded with excitement building in her eyes. "Can I pick mommy?" I nodded smiling at her. "How about the king and the girl?" My eyes softened slightly. "Again?" She nodded as if her head was going to swing off at any time. "Well there once was a girl poorer than the rats that walked the streets and a king that was young and the bravest most smartest man you would ever meet." She snuggled into my stomach. "There would be parties held in the castle where they would eventually meet. It was love at first sight from across the ball room but they could not be together." Her small head looked at me. "Why not mommy?" I smiled sadly. "Because he was already married and he couldn't leave his queen. But later the queen got horribly sick and sadly passed away. He grieved over his dead queen but he was found love with the other girl. He only wanted one girl though, and she loved him just as much. After a long time of being together they finally had children but she was then forced to leave her home for his kingdom." She hugged me tighter. "Why did she leave mommy?" I kissed her softly on her head. "She was a danger to his kingdom and himself. His people didn't want her to danger their kingdom because she was not good for him, so she left without saying goodbye." She pouted. "Why didn't she say goodbye?" I smiled. "Well goodbyes means never seeing them ever again when you can just say 'I'll see you later'. Plus it's never truly a goodbye." She nodded understanding. "Mommy when can me and Evi meet daddy?" I stoked her soft dark hair soothingly while holding her close. "Someday honey, maybe soon. But I'm not sure when." She sighed and closed her eyes. "Mommy do you still love daddy?" She mumbled. I leaned down and whispered into her ear. "Of course I do baby girl. Now go to sleep." I picked her up and walked to our homemade tree hole. It was a big tree with basically a hole I dug myself when I was pregnant five years ago. I moved a bush and slid down under the tree with Dena. I moved the bush to it's original place and crawled over to Evi, my eldest daughter. She also had black hair but it went past her shoulders. She had green eyes just like Caesar. I pulled them both together and kissed their heads. "I love you my little angels." I smiled and fell asleep next to them on our moss bed.

Hey guy's!!! What do you think huh? Were you mind-blown by the fact that she was pregnant when she left? Well I hoped you liked it!! Love you all!!:)

Rip My Heart Out To See (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) 》》[BOOK 3] 《《Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin