I've longed for You, My Dear

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When I woke up I was cold and I couldn't feel them near me. "..Girls?" I didn't get an answer. I got up and climbed out of the hole. I looked around frantically searching. "Dena! Evi! Where are you?" I brought out my bow and arrows, having them ready for any occasion. After about thirty minutes of looking for them I hear Dena. "Mommy we're right here!" I started running to where Dena's voice came from only to see her and Evi picking strawberries. God this reminded me so much of how Luther and Andy would run off just to have fun. Especially when I first met Caesar and that bear. I sighed and sat down on a near by rock. "Please don't ever do that again, next time you tell me before you girls somewhere. Got it?" Both of them nodded so I laid back on a tree until I heard rustling from up in the trees. The bushes then started snarling at us from ten feet away. I got up and walked in front of Evi and Dena. I pulled my bow up, ready to let go on the arrow. Both of them hid behind me and hid their tiny faces in my legs. Six apes jumped from the trees. Their faces were all unfamiliar to my memories. They all looked like young adults. They all had spears in their hands, ready to meet their marks. "Look this is a complete misunderstanding. We'll leave as soon as possible." I dropped my bow touched my daughter's head to comfort them. One ape stepped and signaled us to march forward. "...walk.." His voice was raspy so I motioned Evi and Dena to walk. "It's ok girls." Both of them held my hands as we continued to walk. We walked for about thirty five minutes before their feet got tired. "Mommy I'm tired." Dena whined. "Yeah mom, when are we getting there." I looked at them and smiled. "We're almost there, I can hear the waterfall." The apes continued to poke me with the sharp part of their spear. I started getting agitated so I looked back at a young ape and gave him a look. The young ape backed down so I continued to walk faster. There were slight hoots behind me, probably from laughing at the new ape. When we finally got to the gates, I got nervous and anxious. I wanted to see Caesar but I also didn't want to see him either. What if he forgot about me? What if he's not here? What if he got remated? What if he's dead? All kinds of questions flooded my mind as we walked past the gates. Apes from above looked down at us. Their homes were rebuilt, it looked more beautiful than before. Apes started to crowd us as we walked up to Caesars rock. We were forced on our knees by a gorilla. The girls were terrified and I squeezed their hands to let them know they wouldn't be harmed. We bowed our heads, my hair covering my face. Tears swelled in my eyes as I heard the voice I've longed to hear for so long. "What are you doing here?" I smiled wanting to look at Caesars face. "Your english has gotten a lot better Caesar." There was a long silence before he spoke up again. "Who are you human?" I looked up at Caesar, smiling. He's aged well, and his eyes are sad. They look as if they've been sad for a long time. Caesars eyes met mine, he was more shocked than I was. "..Nia.." He spoke softly, barely even a whisper. "I love the way you say my name." He jumped down in front of me from the big rock and stared at me. He got down to my level and laid his head on mine. "My heart has longed to see yours again." I smiled. Caesar moved his head and looked at Evi and Dena. "Who are these children?" It's not like he would know. "They're your children Caesar."

Hey guy's, well what do you think? Do you like it? What will he think of his children? Leave comments please!?!?
Also I will be randomly posting weird pictures and videos for funzies!:)

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