We Celebrate

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I couldn't help but smile as many apes were telling stories around the fire. I found quite a few of apes I had befriended when I was here the last time. It was refreshing to see old faces. Many of the females pulled me in one direction towards the other females. They all were smiling, eating and laughing at some jokes. I sat there with the other females as they groomed through my hair which I learned was a way of bonding. I couldn't help but smile at the young apes holding onto their mothers. Many young females were breast feeding their young. I smiled remembering the first time I started breast feeding. It was a very strange yet comforting feeling. I picked up a couple fruits and vegetables and took my time eating. I picked up my head and looked up towards Caesar. His eyes already meeting mine from afar. I blushed looking down at my food acting like I didn't see him. A female sat down next to me on the log. "So how many children?" I swallowed hard not expecting this question so suddenly from a female I never met before. "I had three. And you?" The female put her remaining food and plate on the ground. "None. I have not found the right mate." She looked up at me her eyes were a dark green, she was a small ape but she seemed ready to be an adult. "Mine had left me not to long ago. He didn't love me." My face softened and I touched her shoulder softly and she looked up at me. "You'll find the right mate." She sighed heavily getting up with a small sneer. "No..." I sighed and looked back to where Caesar would normally eat with his most trusted friends. My smile curved up at the sight of Blue Eyes sitting and eating with his father and his brothers. Luther and Andy both sat with some other apes that seemed to be around Haze and Sky's age. I smiled at them all. It seemed that all the puzzle pieces were back together. But something was missing. I realized the connection I hade with them all had dwindled over the years. I wish could have watched them grow up together. My babies getting taller and smarter. I wish I was there for most of it. I got up from where I sat and walked up to where Caesar and the other chimps sat. All sitting on logs or the floor with plates of food in their hands. I smiled nervously as I walked the sitting chimps. Maurice and Caesar both moved to leave space for me in the middle. "Thank you." I signed turning to look at them both. I looked over to the fire and continued eating. I couldn't help but sigh as I watched the apes that sat near Caesar disappear into their huts and nearby fire puts. Caesar out his hand on my own. I looked at him through my peripheral vision. He didn't even look at me he just stared into the fire with me. I smiled and took his hand in mine. It was really peaceful just listening to silence near the fire pit. At some moments it felt as though someone was watching me. Blue Eyes would occasionally look over past the fire and stare at me. I had a small feeling he knew something that I didn't. The sensation wasn't just him either. I got an eerie feeling stare that I got from a random ape looking my way. Maybe it was Amol or Milo, maybe they had come back. I feel as if they're not coming back though, I got an eerie feeling about it. I felt small pulling on my fingers, Caesar was trying to gain my attention with the wave of his hand in front of my face. He had been squeezing my hands for some time trying his best to wake me from my thoughts. His face twisted with a small mix of emotions but worried was what had been expressed the most to me. When I turned to face him I smiled. I leaned on Caesar as Maurice and Rocket left the fire pit. I signed them a goodnight. "Where did you go?" I smiled. "I'm still here. Just a dark place in my thoughts." He frowned pulling me closer. "That is what took you away from me." He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck sweetly. He was being so gentle. But this seemed hardly the place to cuddle me. I blushed looking away from obvious eyes watching us. The female chimp from earlier just watched us with a scowl and a hunched back, all of her features were angry and disgusted. I gasped as Caesar bit my neck, a warm drip of blood slid down my neck. My cheeks redder than before. "Caesar.." I yelped quietly trying to get his attention. He removed his head from my neck to my forehead. His eyes were a dark green and had a longing look to him but they seemed gentle and patient. He missed our interactions and me whenever we were alone. I really missed it too. I pulled his hand nodding my head to our home. He nodded with a sweet smile on his face. He pulled me up by my hand and led me to our room. "Good night." I whispered to them. As soon as we passed our door he attacked my lips with hot passion. His lips were eager and impatient. He pushed me against the wall traveling his hands north of my chest. I smiled into our kiss as I wrapped myself around him, pulling him even closer. He smiled pulling away from me and leading me towards the bed. It had been so long since I've had him. He flopped me down on the bed surprising me as I let go of him completely. He stood there watching me, tall and proud as he watched my chest heave up and now and my cheeks getting brighter. He knew what he was doing to me. I took my shoes and socks off with my pants and shirt. I him while I undressed completely for him. I stood up watching him in the moonlight.  He scanned my entire body just watching me as I got closer. He seemed so tempted to touch me. He put his hands on my hips touching the long strech marks from birth and fat. He slowly went up pass the small scar on my abondom. His hands were cold and refreshing. His hand went pass a scar on my chest. My skin reacted with goosebumps and a tingling feeling. He looked at every scar and strech mark on me. "I love you Nia." He spoke, his voice clear and soft. I wrapped my arms around him snuggling into his chest. "I love you too Caesar." He pushed me towards the bed gently. He put us both down softly as I kissed him softly. He put and arm above me and grabbed my hips with his other arm. I felt him softly slide himself towards my entrance. "Caesar it's been a long time...be gentle please." He nodded as he pushed in his fully erected penis. I gasped as I gripped at the moss bed. It had been been so long, I almost forgot what he felt like. He started thrusting into me slowly as he soon started to speed up. I groaned as I pulled myself closer to him. "Harder Caesar..." I begged him. He immediately answered as he went deeper inside hitting my walls with uncontrollable thrusts. The knot in my stomach was going to burst soon. I wrapped my tighter around his shoulders.  He grunted with every hard thrust his chest was heaving heavily as mine was. He thrusted in slowly and emptied himself into me at the same time as I did. "Caesar.." I breathed out. He slid himself out and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'll kill you if you get me pregnant again." He laughed out airy laughs trying to breathe. "I love you..." He whispered as he kissed my stomach. I smiled as he snuggled himself warmly against me. Sleep was setting in as I smiled. "I love you too."

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