Dreaming of You & The Deal

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Author's Note: Thanks for all the support. Make sure you comment down below!!!!

Leati was sitting in the jewelry store looking at watches when he spots a blue crystal necklace that he knows Jordyn would love.

A Week Later...
Jordyn was at the doctors office getting her blood work and all the other test done. She waited on the patient bed and the nurse comes whisper something to the doctor. The nurse seemed to be new because Jordyn hasn't seen her before but then again she's just moving back to Charlotte herself.
After ten minutes the doctor returns alongwith a woman and man in suites and their badges read CPS.
Jordyn, "What's going on? Is everything okay?"
Dr. Tony, "There is a substantial amount of cocaine in your system."
Jordyn, "WHAT?! THAT'S CRAZY. DR. TONY YOU KNOW I DON'T DO DRUGS." Dr. Tony, "Now it's not registering as straight coccaine but in a nutshell thsts what it is. Now CPS workers---
Jordyn, "CPS?! HELL NO. NO! YOU'RE NOT TAKING MY KIDS! My children doesn't need any protection from me!!! I'm their mother! I'm all they have."
Lindsey from CPS, "We contacted the children's father and he's on the way."
Jordyn, "NO. NO. NO."
Jordyn calls Tonya, "T THEYRE TRYING TO TAKE THEM!"
Tonya, "Who?!"
Jordyn,"They're trying to take my babies?!"
Tonya, "Who?"
Jordyn, "CPS!"
Tonya, "What the fuck?! I'll be done there."
Roman, "Mommy what's going on?"
Jordyn calls Paul, no answer. She calls Ata.
Jordyn, "He did this!"
Ata, "What is it?"
Jordyn, "He called CPS!"
Ata, "This motherfucka."
Ata started cussing pissed in Samoan language.
Jordyn, "It's okay Roman."
Roman, "I don't wanna go."
Daniel from CPS, "Ma'am hand over the kids."
Jordyn, "No. Get away."
Lindsey and Daniel tries to get the children from Jordyn but it was an epic fail. She ended up stabbing Daniel. Tonya runs in jumping on Daniel's back and kneeing him in the balls making him drop to the floor. Tonya snatches Lindsey by her neck, choking her.
Tonya, "Naw bitch. Get the fuck back!"
Security rushes in grabbing everybody and separating them.
After Dr. Tony returns, "Listen Ms. Hill I know that you would never do drugs but my nurse was doing her job and had to call it in."
Leati comes walking through the door.
Leati, "I'm here. What's the problem? How you doing baby girl?"
Jordyn, "I hate you. You did this!!!" Jordyn tries attacking Joe but security holds her.
Leati, "I get a call that CPS is trying to take my kids. You're their mother and this is what you do? You do this bullshit, drugs! Drugs JORDYN!"
Tonya, "A whole ass!"
Leati, "Down bitch!"
Tonya tries to get a Joe but is held back.
Tonya, "Oh I got your bitch. Yall let me go."
Leati, "I'm about to take my kids and go. They don't deserve this. Yall two are some whole clowns of a freak show."
Leati takes the kids and security, the nurse and doctors stops Jordyn and Tonya from going after Leati.
Leati drives down the street feeling like a victor.

Jordyn can't believe what happened to her less than 24 hours ago. She laid in her bed crying about her children being gone. Her phone rings and it's Leati
Jordyn, "What?!"
Leati, "Is that a way to speak to the man, your husband? The kids wanna see you and I want you to come over."
Jordyn, "I miss them. Why would you do that? You know I would do anything for them?"
Leati, "You coming or what?"
Jordyn, "Tonya is coming too."
Leati, "I don't like that bitch but okay."

Jordyn and Tonya speeds to Leati's address.
Tonya, "Of course it's a mansion with his over compensating ass."
They door was answered to them and Jordyn gives her kids huge hugs.
Roman, "Can we go home?"
Jordyn, "You okay?"
Roman, "I want to go home with you."
Emmett, "Mommy why can't we go with you?"
Jordyn holds back tears, "It's just daddy's week to have you guys, okay?"
Emmett shakes his head.
Jordyn, "It's okay."
Emmett, "If so why were those people so mean?"
Jordyn, "They have to do their jobs but be mommy's big boy okay. I know it's a lot and you're so young but everything will be okay. Your dad loves you guys so much and wanted to spend some time with you guys. He have great video games and I know you great junk food."
Jordyn tickles the boys to earn smiles and laughter from them.
Tonya stared at Leati in disgust.
Tonya, "I knew you were a bastard and a queen but I had no idea your panties got this tight. She left because she needed a man, not a little ass boy trying to be a grown ass boy. She was sick of baby sitting your ass, your hurt, manipulations and abuse."
Leati, "I love my wife and kids. What's the problem?"
Tonya, "Ask D.A.N.A cause you aint the wife. And ex wife."
Leati, "You wanna ruffle me up but it's not happening. Anyone with eyes can see those babies belong to me. My genes run strong. Just like I can tell you're part wolf the way those whiskers form around your mouth. Now if you'll excuse me I have three children and counting to get back to."
Tonya, "You need a surgeon to fix that ugly crooked nose bitch!"
Leati, "And maybe that same surgeon can tighten that loose ass pussy that ain't nobody claimed since the 90s."

Jordyn spent hours with her kids, sending Tonya ahead. Jordyn hated that she had to leave as the night sky lights up. As she was walking to the door, Leati stops her.
Leati, "You don't have to leave."
Jordyn, "You did this."
Leati hands her an envelope, "We have court in three days."
Jordyn, "SERIOUSLY! Stop. Why are you doing this to me? I just wanna be free and my kids be happy."
Leati, "And they will be. My babies will have everything they ever could want and need and more. You tried to have me put away in a mental institution. Well paybacks a bitch in a brown envelope. Ms. Hill, you've been served. Have a great night ma'am." Security escorts Jordyn out.

Judge tells Jordyn she have six months until the next court case and within then she'll have to prove herself and grants Leati temporarily full custody.
Jordyn laid in bed for over two days defeated.
Jordyn, "It's only temporarily." The more she try to talk herself up, the more it stung and she cried.
Sandra calls Jordyn
J- He's never going to let me see them.
S-Maybe he will.
J-I asked over ten times. He either say no or have some excuse.
S-I know it hurts but you have to fight fire with fire. After you're done crying, you'll remember the power you are and who you are and I know you'll get your babies back. Hell you might get the man you deserved from jump.
J-I just want my babies.
S-What about your marriage?

It's been a month and Jordyn haven't see her kids. She's tried it all but Leati wasn't budging.
Jordyn has been trying to stay distracted of the hurt of her kids not being with her and her not being able to spend time with them. She felt so guilty and felt maybe she should have just stayed quiet, stayed in the marriage, that way she could be with her children right now. A knock comes at her door. She looked out her peep hole and it was Leati.
Jordyn, "Where are my kids? Please tell me you brung them. L, I need to see them."
Leati, "That's what this brown envelope is about. Can I come in?"
Jordyn hesitates but realizes she ain't got nothing to loose at this point.
Leati, "I met with my lawyer and a judge about this custody battle off the record. And I'm willing to give you some rights for visitation. Then it can lead to weekends and holidays and maybe shared custody."
Jordyn, "Oh my gosh. I would love that."
Leati, "But you have to agree to my terms."
Jordyn, "Okay. I'll pay child support and---

Leati, "Baby girl you know better

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Leati, "Baby girl you know better. I want that sweet pussy of yours starting out three days a week. Do that and you'll earn your rights back."

Jordyn, "What?! No way

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Jordyn, "What?! No way. Get the hell out! How dare you?! After all we've been through!"
Leati, "Well I guess I'll be taking that little one too when he or she is born. Tonight would have been the perfect night to start. You look all good worked up and in your lounge clothes with that thick, plumped ass sticking out through that thin fabric. I would have ate that sweet pussy of yours until you squirted and collapsed onto whatever surfaced you wanted it on. See you in six months baby girl."
Jordyn stood defeated again. Closing and urgently locking her door.

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