Back to Your Roots (New)

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Those two hours were the longest of Aizawa's life, but once they pulled into Hosu, everyone was on high alert. Mic led the party and split everyone off to look through the zones that Kaya had told Aizawa were problem areas. Aizawa made his way through the city back to where he first found her three months prior. He walked up and down the alleyways of the area and found no sign that anyone had been there for some time. Right when he was about to give up and move on, a noise erupted from behind a dumpster. Sneaking towards the sound, he found a narrow passageway that was hidden by the dumpster and a small boy that was rubbing his nose. The boy spotted him and scrambled away into the darkness. Aizawa nimbly jumped over the dumpster and followed him.

They went around several sharp turns and narrow ways before the boy disappeared from his view. He walked a little farther and found the alleyway opened up into a little alcove that was protected by several buildings. A couple of older looking children came out from the shadows to protect the boy, and Aizawa sunk into a defensive stance. Before anyone could make a move, a strong draft blew both sides further apart, and someone landed in the middle.

"Stop," she commanded the approaching children. Kaya turned to face Aizawa, and he felt the stress leave his shoulders. She was safe at least, but the look she gave could turn someone to stone.

"Kaya, you know him?" one of the older boys asked.

"Yes, he's the one who saved me."

"You mean he's the one who took you away from us," a younger boy accused.

"You know, I would've died without his help. He's a friend."

"He's a hero. Look at his goggles, that's part of a costume if I've ever seen one," another boy pointed out. Everyone bristled, and it seemed like any small movement would cause them to snap.

"Stand down. I'm not going to let two people I care about hurt each other." Kaya's wings started stretching out menacingly, but Aizawa realized that he could no longer see any of the hostile kids, thus rendering his quirk useless. She knew she had to protect him, but she also didn't want him causing any more unrest.

"Listen to me. Not all heroes are bad. There are people from other cities that care about others, that actually are what a hero is supposed to be. I've met a lot of them, but this man behind me is the most caring, smart, and generous person, hero, that I have come to know." Aizawa could feel the tension around him lessen, and, as Kaya lowered her wings again, all the children were relaxed, though a couple were still giving him wary looks.

"Aizawa?" she called, slowly turning around to face him.

He's going to be pissed you left.

'I know, shut up.'

"Is there a place they can go to be safe and get adopted?" she asked.

"Ectoplasm has a section of his agency for refugees during crisis situations, but it also acts as an orphanage."

"Can you call him?" Aizawa pulled out his phone and called Mic.

"I found her," he said simply.

"WHERE?!" Mic yelled. Aizawa had to move the phone from his ear to comfortably listen to the blond. He sent him their location and hung up the phone.

"Kaya, they are on their way."


"Mic, Midnight, Ectoplasm, and All Might were helping me look for you."

"Geez. Okay, I can work with this."

You're panicking. You really think that they will trust a bunch of heroes they've never met? What about the few that they did trust, but they sold them instead?

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