Sports Festival (Edited)

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Before anyone knew it, it was the day of the Sports Festival. Class 1A was sitting in their waiting room for Present Mic to announce them. Kaya was in the back corner when Mina started to complain.

"I thought we were gonna be able to wear our costumes."

"It's definitely going to make it harder to stand out," Uraraka said.

"For sure. It's not like we have a quirk that is easily visible at all times. Or wear long sleeves." Kaya felt the glares from some of her classmates. It wasn't her fault her quirk involved her wings, or that Aizawa allowed her to wear a flame retardant suit in case He decided to make an appearance.

"Come on guys. We got this." Kirishima said, bringing attention away from the uncomfortable avian.

"You do realize once we're out there, we aren't friends anymore?" Todoroki said coldly. Midoriya tried to step in to only get a declaration of war in return. Kaya silently chuckled in the corner. She didn't need to be the best in the arena; she just had to prove to one person that she was worth adding to the team.

Present Mic was getting the crowd pumped when the class walked into the arena. He announced all the classes before the representative was allowed to say a few words. Sadly the class rep was Bakugou, who only said he was going to win. That stirred up the crowd as well as the other students. Kaya could feel the air around her grow tense, but, then, something else caused her wings to shutter.

The people around him were yelling at the student as he descended from the podium. That was until they noticed the large, imposing figure that approached from behind them. It didn't take long before the crowd around him grew eerily quiet. With his large black wings it was easy to scare those around him, but it seemed more eyes were on him than normal.

"What is he doing here?"

"Is he going to eat someone?"

"Keep an eye on your kids. You never know." Whispers could be heard as his jaw grew tight leaning on the railing. A warm hand touched his shoulder and his trance was broken by warm brown eyes.

"So that's her?" She asked, nodding to the pair of white wings.


"Dang. Anybody that's kept your eye this long must be special." He hid a slight smile from the onlookers and stood up.

"I made her a promise a long time ago. Let's see how she's grown."

Midnight stood in front of a screen that cycled through different challenges before it landed on the obstacle course. She explained that it was a race around the building and as long as they stayed within the course, anything goes. Present Mic added that there was a ceiling on the course of 150m. All the students lined up at the gate and once the starting bell sounded, stormed the small opening. Kaya stayed put as others rushed past her and bottlenecked the opening. There were others that had her idea as well but started to look anxious as the mass of students didn't dwindle. A blast of cold air and ice came from the tunnel which caused Kaya to jump into action. She jumped and quickly flew over the students frozen in the tunnel. It didn't take long for her to catch up to the main part of the group who was stopped in their tracks by giant robots. Todoroki froze the front one before taking the lead. Kaya watched as many tried to follow, but then the robot started to fall.

'Dang, Todo. That was harsh.'

Kirishima burst out from under an arm followed by a boy that had skin like steel. Students started to fight the robots while others froze in place. Kaya dodged through parts and dipped and dove between flesh and animatronics before sliding through the backside of the fight.

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