Part 5 Together

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Chapter 5

The movie date ........................................................................

That Sunday evening Patty and Avi met at 7 in the evening . They'd chosen a mall closest to Avi's apartment . Deciding without actually saying anything that they'll head back together . Both of them were wearing jeans and kurta as if they'd planned for it . People in the mall turned and stared at the two men as they walked past . Tall , smart and incredibly good looking , they were making heads turn . But their eyes were focused elsewhere . Feeling slightly self conscious , aware of the impact their presence was having around them , they headed for the restaurant .

Avi watched silently without making any comments while Patty ordered a Lobster thermidor and a starter of mini croquets with 3 different kinds of cheeses .

Avi ordered a grilled chicken salad for himself and a pepper steak .

They told each other what they did back at home , which for both of them was nothing much .

Neither spoke about the fact that the other had ruled over all topics of conversation in their respective households .

'I'll have to arrange a meeting between Donna and you soon . She's after my life . She wants to meet you . When will you be free ? We can just hang out at the pub too , that'll be less hassle . ' Patty said smiling at Avi , noting the fresh and well rested look Avi sported .

'Let's keep it for the weekend then . ' Avi responded smiling back , wondering why Patty was staring at him .

Patty nodded .

When the food arrived Patty started serving them out into two separate plates . He wanted to share his meal with Avi as they usually did .

'No , no . you eat . I'll wait for what I've ordered . ' said Avi quickly and pulled his plate out of Patty's reach .

'No , have a little bit of mine . I can't finish all this anyway . ' said Patty .

'So order less next time . I Can't eat this not won't . I'm lactose intolerant . Can't digest dairy . So you eat what you can manage and ask them to pack up the rest . ' Avi explained .

'Oh , you should have told me that when I ordered ! I could have ordered something else . Why did you keep quiet ? Lojja with me ?? ' Patty looked at Avi and shook his head , annoyed at Avi's reticence .

Avi looked at Patty's pursed lips and said , 'Why should I stop you from eating what you want ? It's totally fine . Now eat . Here's mine .'
He was feeling nonplussed at Patty's irritation .

" I'm not used to this ! Someone caring a damn about my food preference !" he thought to himself and said ,

'Anyway now you know ! You better not order dairy if you want to share stuff with me ! ' he wagged a finger at Patty and Patty grinned back .

The creases on his forehead disappeared and were replaced by the dimples on his cheeks .

'There's too much salad . Want some ? We ordered too much food .' Avi said .

'So we pack them and take them home ! No biggie .' Patty replied , his mouth full of croquets .

"Home ! He said home ! " thought Avi . " You are so mine " he thought gleefully .

He looked down trying hard to tamp down his smile with his fingertips .

Patty pretended to be busy eating , embarrassed by his faux pass .

When he looked up , Avi was smiling at him . His face had reddened and his eyes were twinkling . Patty couldn't hold back his own smile . They sat oblivious to their noisy , crowded surroundings , smiling at each other .

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