Part 17 Of Friends and Their Troubles

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Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Of Friends and Their Troubles

While Avi and Patty were floating in their cloud of blissfulness....................................

Patty's best friend were having a very hard time indeed .

Meet finally discovered the whereabouts of his missing boyfriend . He was in police custody for getting into an ugly, drunken brawl with some local drunks , somewhere in a hole in the wall tavern  in Free school Street . He was completely nonchalant when they came to bail him out . He sauntered out sporting a huge ugly swelling over his brow .

As if without a care in the world , he looked at his mother's careworn face and said ,

'What are you doing here ? You didn't need to come . I was just fine . '

Salma , Tareef's mom , turned to Meet and said , ' Do you see what I have to deal with each and every day ? Please , can you tell me what's wrong with your friend ? I'm at my wits end . He doesn't want to work , he doesn't want to study , he's on his phone all the time and every night he comes home dead drunk . What does he want from me ? I have just my teacher's salary . Once I retire I'll be solely dependent on my pension . I can't take on his responsibility then . He needs to be able to stand on his own two feet before that . I'm dying of anxiety here and it makes no difference to him .' She started to cry , shoving her face into her hands .

'Please calm down aunty . Let me talk to him . ' Meet said as he patted her bony shoulder .

'Why are you two behaving as if you can't see me ? I'm right here . Ammi stop your drama . It's boring . ' Tareef said in his langorious voice sounding as if he's dying of ennui .

Meet called a cab and somehow managed to push the crying mother and the belligerent son inside . He had no idea where Tareef lived . Tareef  gave the address . It was a locality in the farthest , westernmost edge of the city . The area surprised Meet greatly . It did not match Tareef's appearance at all .

The fancy sophisticated Tareef , it turned out , lived in a tiny ground floor apartment, in a small segregated portion of a house . The house was in a bad state of disrepair . The bricks were exposed , there were green algae all over the walls . There were open drains everywhere . Fish bones , thrown out casually by the next doors' were being pecked at by some crows . There was exposed garbage piled up in a corner , a couple of mangy dogs prowled around the stinking lot .

The interior was dingy and depressing .The whole place smelled damp and moldy , as if no sunlight has ever touched the interiors of this sad place .

Tareef's awful temper didn't surprise Meet any more . No one living in this squalor could feel happy . He felt a wave of deep sympathy for Tareef . But the brat wouldn't even look at him . He went straight into his bedroom and locked himself in . His mother stood outside his door and pleaded with him to come out and eat something . She got no response .

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