Two Gods

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The sky was black outside, and I was certain there was a code orange, I didn't need to have a look at the mute television that was in front of me to know that a storm was coming, and even in the safe confinements of the hospital, it was going to hit me, not the storm outside, but the storm inside.

Dominic was glaring at both me and Luke, as we chatted freely. Okay, that's a lie. There was no chatting, curtesy of my damaged throat. Damn my throat to get damaged the first time I am having an actual conversation with a hot guy.

Well, my damaged throat was partially the reason we were having this conversation but still, it could've been my hands, legs, or anything else! But there I was, just staring at him as he stared at me.

I took occasional glances at the television, trying to find out as much as I could about the outside world. The news were pretty boring but I thought it would be rude to change the channel in the presence of Luke. So, I settled on news, while two gods, enemy gods I must add, sat across each other, glaring at each other. Was it not a sight!

But I was stuck in the middle, hoping neither of them would explode. I knew Dominic was doing everything he could to control his anger, and I was grateful towards him for that, knowing he was doing it for my sake.

Eventually, when it started raining, I realized that Luke and Dominic would've to go home. So, I grabbed the pen and paper that were on my bedside table for my communication purposes, I scribbled down as fast as I could,

You two should leave before the thunderstorm starts.

I handed it to Luke and Dominic. Luke's head whipped to the side of the window, and he noticed that it was raining heavily. He nodded, and scrambled to his feet, while Dominic remained seated.

Luke was about to leave when Dominic spoke, 'Luke,'

Oh no, I thought dreadfully, as Dominic got up and faced Luke. This can't be good.

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