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When Dr Jones had told me I would be discharged by the next Monday, she'd forgotten to mention a significant fact, the fact that I would be in a wheelchair for another week.

Now, before you ask the same that I did, I'll save you the trouble. Even though my leg injuries weren't severe, the fact that I had broken my vertebral column was very serious, and neglecting that would not turn out to be good. So, because of that stupid injury, I was stuck in a damn wheelchair.

Life just sucked.

The good thing about me going to the hospital was that I gain about five pounds because of all those IVs.

But don't let me get started with all the bad things.

Alex walked me through the halls of the school, pushing my wheelchair. I had told him I could walk myself just fine, but he wanted to be there just to make sure no one would bully me about coming in a wheelchair.

My eyes searched the halls, hoping to land on Anthony, my sweet boyfriend, but they never did. I chocked down the disappointment as my friends came over to me with some confetti.

The next half an hour was a blur. I sat helplessly as the showered me with golden glitter and confetti and someone tied a pink balloon to the arm of my wheelchair. And after that, as they all took my timetable, I realized why Alex had brought me to school early. They matched their timetables to see who had which class nearest to mine so they could walk me. There was no 'leaving me alone' till I was on a wheelchair.

I kind of felt happy for having so great friends but I also felt like I hadn't done enough for them in return.

Conner walked me to my first class since he had a class right beside where I had a class. He helped me sit on the bench before leaving for his class. Everyone around me was kind of whispering and talking in hushed voices. It wasn't the first time I had rumors spreading about me. I had been hospitalised a lot so, now people were very curious about what was the deal with me.

'-it's so sus, do you think she is seriously injured or...' I rolled my eyes at that. What curious imagination kids of high school have.

'Maybe she's just faking it for attention, you know,' her friend Martha spoke.

'Do you guys think maybe she has cancer or something?' asked their friend. Her guess was really close.

'I don't think cancer patients were allowed to swim! I am pretty sure she's just seeking attention. Maybe she wants those guys she hangs out with. Didn't you see how they're acting like her servents? She just wants them to pity date her!"

'Guys, I think she's seriously ill. I mean that girl could be dying for all we know! We shouldn't talk about her like that!' Their friend defended me again. I was starting to like this girl, even though I didn't know her name.

I chose that moment to ignore them. I won't lie and say their words didn't affect me, but I decided to block them out and focus on the class that was about to start.

After the class, Connor escorted me to my locker where Vanessa was waiting for me. We both had Honours English. She sat right beside me, and glared at anyone who dared look at me. I smiled gratefully at her and she just responded with a smile.

But I realized that it was a smile full of pity. I turned away from her sadly as I realized that people were actually only taking care of me because they pitied me.

The day went by in a blur. Alex drove me home, and I played a slow sad song in the car. It didn't cross my mind that I was making it a little obvious.

'What's wrong, Elianna?'

'Nothing, everything.'

'What happened? Did someone say something to my babygirl? Who should I kill?' he asked playfully to lighten my mood.

'A lot of someones!'

'What happened, babydoll?' he asked sincerely this time.

'Are you guys only helping me out of pity?'

'Don't ever think that! We are helping you because you're our friend and we care for you, and I don't know about other but I am helping you because I love you, Elianna Edwards. To the moon and back.' 

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