Chapter 2 First elimination (2nd Stunt)

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The eight couples are walking to their next stunt holding their partner's hand. They see Dawson and they are ready to see what is next.

"How is everyone feeling after being hung from a helicopter over freezing water?" asked Dawson.

All eight couples started clapping and cheering. They saw a giant tank with 8 large fishes and thought that something smelled fishy.

"Well, I hope you guys are hungry because we have some delicious fish treats to enjoy. This is what we are serving, cod egg sack, fish eyeballs, fish stomach, and sea snails" said Dawson.

The couples were shocked to learn that they will eat different parts of fish than normal people eat. They were wondering how the stunt will work.

"Here's how it works. Inside that tank are thousands of stinking mackerel and sardines along with ten thousand pounds of slimy, stinking fish scales and seaweed. On go, you will have to work together to transfer those two hundred pound tunas from one end of the tank to the other. Once you have moved all four of your tunas, you will then find one container that contains either the cod egg sack, fish eyeballs, fish stomach, or sea snails which you will have to eat. We will run this stunt in four heats like we did the first stunt. The slowest couple will be eliminated today, the couple that does this the second slowest will not get to compete in the next stunt when we give away a prize, the couple that does this the fastest will win ten thousand dollars" said Dawson.

The couples were shocked to hear that one couple is going home and started clapping.

"Alright, we are slowing and surely going to start eliminating couples. Jacob and Paige, you guys got the best time yesterday so you get to pick today's order. Which two couples are going first" asked Dawson.

"We thought a lot about this and we wanted to get rid of our biggest competition," said Paige.

"So we decided to have Steve and Nancy vs Ashley and Zac go first," said Jacob.

"Alright, the first two couples, good luck and set that bar," said Dawson.

Steve, Nancy, Ashley, and Zac get to change into their bathing suit and hopped in the tank to get the stunt completed.

"Here we go in three, two, one, GO," said Dawson, starting the race.

The first two couples started the race, Zac and Ashley had a bit of a lead over Steve and Nancy with their first tuna. They stayed close to each other with the next tuna but Zac and Ashley got their third one before the other couple did. Steve and Nancy were having a tough time through all the slop in the tank. Zac and Ashley got all four tunas to the other in less than three minutes. Zac dived under the water to find their container, he found it and opened it. Ashley emptied the contents of the container and they got the cod egg sack which they had to eat but found was hard to get down. Steve and Nancy got their fourth tuna in three and a half minutes. Steve dived under the water to find their container, he found it and opened it. Nancy emptied their container and they got sea snails while they had no problem eating. Even though Steve and Nancy were behind Zac and Ashley on transferring their tuna, they were way ahead of them on eating. Steve and Nancy have finished their food and got a time of six minutes. Zac and Ashley managed to finish as well but they finished a bit slow than Steve and Nancy. Ashley and Zac finished with a time of nine minutes and fifty-five seconds. Both couples jumped out and joined the group.

"Steve and Nancy, you guys got an amazing time of six minutes, that will be tough to beat. Ashley and Zac, not so hot with a time of nine minutes and fifty-five seconds and that is the slowest time so far" said Dawson.

The group started clapping at the two couples when Dawson saw Zac was not happy about their performance.

"You don't look happy Zac," said Dawson.

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